IS IT TRUE? January 4, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 4, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is encouraged and impressed with stands that have been taken by the Winnecke Administration during its first few days?…that yesterday Mayor Winnecke stood beside the officers of local law enforcement to express support to make pseudoephedrine (the active ingredient in meth) a prescription based substance at the state level and to demand that local governments be allowed to be made stricter than state laws with respect to pseudoephedrine?…that this was not Mayor Winnecke’s position early in his campaign and that his opponent Rick Davis stated support for this measure right from the get go?…that a mark of a real concerned leader is to always learn and to change positions when that change is merited and that the CCO is pleased to see this position from our elected leadership?

IS IT TRUE that as citizens who value freedom and who basically subscribe to the premise that less government is better that it pains us to support restriction of substances?…that in the case of pseudoephedrine and the damage that it has wreaked into the City of Evansville that unfortunately the element that abuses this substance has grown so large that the rest of us are faced with supporting restricting the source materials for making meth until such time that meth is no longer such a problem?

Revisionist Editorial Writer
IS IT TRUE that there are those among us that are writing letters to editors that seem to be written with the purpose of minimizing some of the problems that are confronting the new administration?…that today there is a community comment that among some other informed solutions being offered seeks to minimize the problems of lack of maintenance and lawlessness in our city parks?…that an orchestrated series of revisionist letters to editors seeking to minimize the tasks at hand are the sort of thing that got our parks into trouble in the first place?…that problems are solved in sustainable ways by first promoting the awareness of the problem, and the acknowledging that solutions are required, and finally by allocation of resources and execution?…that the time is now the take the collective heads of would be revisionists out of the sand and confront the problems of Evansville head on?…that the Pollyannaish ways of the past have only exacerbated Evansville’s shortcomings?

IS IT TRUE that going forward the CCO would like to put forth the motto “EVANSVILLE, WHERE JUST BEING OKAY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR US ANYMORE” as a slogan for the clean-up of our city including the parks?

IS IT TRUE that one individual attending the City County Observer Annual Award luncheon at Casino Aztar yesterday offer to purchase one of the CCO “Moles” for the sum of $500?..that his generous offer was rejected because the CCO has deemed its “Awards Mole” to be priceless?

IS IT TRUE that the next time the CCO shall award the “CCO MOLE” to an individual for “Distinguished Public Service” award shall be presented at the end of January-2012?…that the CCO shall award the coveted “Mole for Distinguished Public Service” award every month in 2012″


  1. Is it true that we have had to listen to Vectren Corporation tell us how they only charged us for the transmission of natural gas from the supplier to our homes, and the actual cost from the supplier was not raised in the process.

    What Vectren failed to say, most of the time, was that the “supplier” of the natural gas was a wholly owned subsidiary, Vectren Source. So Vectren Corporation did in fact have influence over the price of the natural gas going into the pipeline.

    In today’s news, Vectren Corporation has, rather belatedly in my opinion, sold Vectren Source to Direct Energy.

    At this point I have not researched Direct energy to see what, if any, ties it might have had with Vectren Corporation before the sale.


    • Direct Energy is a North American retailer of energy and energy services.

      The company was founded in 1986. With over six million customer relationships in Canada and the United States, it is the largest energy and home services retailer in North America.

      The current President and Chief Executive Officer of the company is Chris Weston. Direct Energy is a subsidiary of UK-based Centrica plc, an integrated energy company.


  2. The CCO continues to be a Positive Force in Evansville. One thing about CCO “Moles” they have an uncanny ability to put a Smile on my face. The CCO and it’s “Moles”, encourage Evansville to be “Better”. 🙂

  3. Now that they have taken care of Ohio, what is Vectren going to do for SW Indiana? They still own half of ProLiance, their gas supplier for our region.

    • vectren didn’t take care of Ohio, they will still be making the profit off the pipeline they own. Vectren would like to get to where all they do is deliver a product someone else sells you, charging a fixed cost wether you use the product or not. This is the reason they asked to have electric rates decoupled in their last rate case. Gas has been decoupled for years

      • Can we consumers then pick the lowest cost natural gas provider as our “provider of choice” for our account?


    • Sorry I do not have more up to date financial information, but this gives a picture of the relationship.

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Vectren’s share of ProLiance’s earnings, after income taxes, allocated interest expense, and other income was $22.9 million, $18.3 million, and $31.1 million for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006, and 2005, respectively.

      Transactions with ProLiance

      Purchases from ProLiance for resale and for injections into storage for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006, and 2005, totaled $792.4 million, $777.0 million, and $1,049.3 million, respectively. Amounts owed to ProLiance at December 31, 2007, and 2006, for those purchases were $81.5 million and $84.8 million, respectively, and are included in Accounts payable to affiliated companies in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Amounts charged by ProLiance for gas supply services are established by supply agreements with each utility.

      Vectren received regulatory approval on April 25, 2006, from the IURC for ProLiance to provide natural gas supply services to the Company’s Indiana utilities through March 2011. ProLiance has not provided gas supply/portfolio administration services to VEDO since October 31, 2005.

      Regulatory Matter

      ProLiance self reported to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or the Commission) in October 2007 possible non-compliance with the Commission’s capacity release policies. ProLiance has taken corrective actions to assure that current and future transactions are compliant. ProLiance is committed to full regulatory compliance and is cooperating fully with the FERC regarding these issues. ProLiance is unable to predict the outcome of any FERC action.

      ProLiance Lawsuit Settlement

      On November 22, 2006, ProLiance settled a 2002 civil lawsuit between the City of Huntsville, Alabama and ProLiance. The $21.6 million settlement related to a dispute over a contractual relationship with Huntsville Utilities during 2000-2002.

      During 2006, ProLiance recorded an $18.3 million charge recognizing the settlement. During 2004, ProLiance recorded $3.9 million as a reserve for loss contingency recognizing the initial unfavorable judgment and the uncertainties related to ultimate outcome. During 2006 and 2005, $0.1 million and $0.5 million of legal fees were charged against the reserve.

      As an equity investor in ProLiance, Vectren recorded its share of these charges which totaled $6.6 million after tax in 2006 and $1.4 million after tax in 2004.


      • Has Mayor Winnecke requested the resignations of the ERC members for their bungling of the McCurdy and Executive Inn projects? If not, he should.

        • He shouldn’t have to, he should have resignations on his desk from ALL Weinzapel appointees and just have to decide which to accept

          • Barney, agreed that is what should happen and all resignations be accepted. But, it appears the ERC members believe they have performed wonderful service and they are victims of forces beyond their control. Otherwise, they would have taken the honorable action and resigned.

          • No kidding. Never has there been a more incompetent and clueless group than the ERC. Four years, $1.5 million spent and zero, none, zippo, nada progress with the McCurdy project. In fact, they aren’t sharp enough to close all the windows to the McCurdy hotel building.

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