IS IT TRUE? December 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mole #11 tells us that none other than Mayor Weinzapfel’s Chief of Staff Rose Young stepped up and did what it took to get Linda Durham’s Chief of Staff Tonda Pauley back onto the public payroll with a new job at the City of Evansville Garage?…that it was a big surprise when the CCO called the City Garage and the phone was answered by Ms. Pauley herself?…that as today is a day to discuss vetting we once again ask just what was the vetting criteria for this particular hire?

IS IT TRUE that all but one of the candidates in the 2011 City of Evansville election who chose to advertise with the City County Observer have paid their invoice?…that we have sent two notices and will have to decide how to proceed to collect for what we delivered in the very near future?

IS IT TRUE that a traditional way to make sure that one has the cash coming in to cover the electric bill has been to buy stock in your local public utility?…that as the stock of Vectren (VVC, NYSE) has an attractive dividend of $1.40 per share per year this would be a good strategy for the people who have the means to do so?…that the question of interest is just how much would it cost to purchase enough shares to do that?…that if you live in Henderson and your monthly electricity consumption is 1,000 kWh that you would have to purchase 450 shares of Vectren stock at a price of $13,050 to cover your bills at today’s prices?…that if you are from Evansville and have the same consumption that you would have to purchase 1,350 shares at a total cost of $39,150 to cover your electric bills from dividends?…that all other things considered equal that the difference in those amounts of $26,100 is the amount of pure wealth that is consumed due to the rate difference?…that if that number is multiplied by the 141,000 ratepayers that the wealth required to cover all of the electricity cost on this side of the river is $680 Million?…that puts the rate differences in a different perspective to an outsider who is looking in?

IS IT TRUE that today there are only 25 days remaining in the Weinzapfel Administration?…that it is also the first day in which the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has an opportunity to rescind the agreement that they have with City Centre Properties LLC with respect to turning the McCurdy Hotel into 90 luxury apartments?…that it is time for the ERC to fish or cut bait on this project?…that even in the simplest of games using a stick and a ball after three strikes you are out and this is the 4th Strike for both City Centre Properties LLC and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission in its present embodiment?…that we are all out here in taxpayer land wondering if a 5th extension will be granted or if this lingering deal will finally be unwound so the Winnecke Administration can start with a clean slate?…that the TAXES ON THE PROPERTY THAT WERE DUE ON NOVEMBER 10TH ARE STILL NOT PAID?…that we would hope there would be some discussion about this situation at today’s ERC meeting?

IS IT TRUE that all eyes and ears will be focused on the resolution that is being considered with respect to the downtown Convention Hotel?…that the eyes of Klenck Construction that has thus far been on the receiving end of some shoddy treatment by the City of Evansville will certainly be on this resolution and on any decision that may come from the ERC about proceeding?…that the last minute spending that is being presented to the ERC and to the Evansville City Council is just getting oppressive?…that every time in December that either body meets it is all about spending everything that can possibly be spent?…that we are counting on City Councilman John Friend, CPA to provide the financial oversight and guidance so that no shenanigans are pulled in the last days of the reign of Mayor Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE that above all things the CCO hopes that any actions taken by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission with respect to these projects reflect the same kinds of actions that the members of the ERC would make in their real jobs in banking, architecture, accounting, and pawn shop operation?…that in the particular case of pawn shop operation paying too much for something or doing business with financially incapable people is of utmost importance for success?…that the mantra for tomorrow’s meeting needs to be “IF YOU WOULD NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR MONEY, PLEASE DO NOT DO IT WITH OURS”?


  1. The administration and their hand-picked ERC has done incalculable damage to our fine City by their bungling of the McCurdy project for 4+ years and their bungling of the Executive Inn replacement. This will be the legacy of the departing administration. Please do no more damage and let Mayor Winnecke and his appointees fix these messes.

  2. It is time to go to the ATM for one last big cash withdraw!!!!! Weinzapfel and the gang of cronies continue to shine bright to the very end!

  3. these local yocals are a bunch of crooked schisters (not all but the biggest % are)

  4. hubris, stupidity, incompetence and greed are a bad combination for the little corporal…

  5. How can Rose Young really be that stupid? Is she trying to get not qualified people in office before the new mayor takes over? Tonda Pauley should NEVER be able to work for the city, county, etc. EVER!

    • I’m thinking it is someone who was on a banner ad at the bottom of the pages, I tried not to visit the bottom of the pages too often it was a painful experience. 😉


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