Vanderburgh County Democrat Party: Report of Receipts and Expenditures


The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party’s 2011 year to date Report of Receipts and Expenditures of October 21, 2011 shows the following:

Cash on Hand: $2,152.16

Contributions: $77,275.61

Expenditures: $75,123.00

Largest Contributions Reported:

Jonathan Weinzapfel for Mayor: $25,000

Local 104 PAC: $2,750

Robert Thomas Owen: $2,020

Elect John Friend: $1,868

R-Men Varsity Club: $1,750

Largest Expenses:

Matt Larsen (political consultant): $11,625.00

Justin Alex Jarvis (salary): $11,491.72 (includes some expense reimbursements)

Walker Building Development LLC: $6,332.50

Largest Political Donation:

Committee to Elect Troy Tornatta: $3,500

The file is over 2MB so we are working on compressing it. If anyone would like a direct email of the file please let us know the email to forward it to.


Link to PDF File


  1. Lots of money to Mr. Jarvis, any of that mileage reimbursement? Any payments to Bauerhaus? Any contributions to their primary winning candidate for Mayor?

  2. LOL! Just read this report. No donations to their primary winning candidate for Mayor. But, they gave $500 to the Mainstream Democrats PAC on 10/1/11. They paid Bauerhaus $5,500 from 7-9/11 and still owe them $3,500 per the lawsuit filed against the Democratic party. That must have been a whopper of a bar bill!

  3. That was nice of Weinzapfel to let the rest of the party in on his money. He only has around $700,000 in his campaign war chest and is not running for office. Nothing like getting crumbs from the king.
    I noticed the amount they still owe Bauerhouse is the amount they gave to Tornatta. That’s a heck of a coincidence.
    The $3,500 donation to Tornatta is reason enough for me to see why Davis did not want to give any money to Owen and crew.

  4. They sure have a lot of expenses listed as “office supplies.” I guess buying all those shredders costs a lot more than I realized.

  5. Whose signature is that on the financial report as THE treasurer of the Vand co democratic party??? Any guesses???

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