Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? October 18, 2011 Mid-Morning Edition

IS IT TRUE? October 18, 2011 Mid-Morning Edition


IS IT TRUE? October 18, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it is now only 3 days until the campaign contribution disclosure reports are due for public evaluation?…that we are very curious to learn the top contributors to each Mayoral campaign and that we are sure that both candidates for Mayor will be very interested in the cash supply sources of their opponent?…that based on the activities of the candidates for Evansville City Council we expect that the disclosure reports from these candidates to be shallow and narrow?…that we do not remember there ever being such an apparent shortage of cash for the down ballot positions?…that even though he was functionally unopposed in the 2007 Mayoral election that Team Weinzapfel always seemed to be in the costly advertising venues?…that a war chest at the top of the ticket works wonders?…that people are very interested in exactly what the over $700,000 that is reported to be in the “Weinzapfel for Mayor” campaign fund will eventually be spent on?…that we would bet that it is not being spent on any “Davis for Mayor” advertisements?

IS IT TRUE that we are a bit confused by the recent “Winnecke for Mayor” TV commercial that is a pretty drive on an autumn lane and seems like a “Davis for Mayor” commercial until that bug eyed astonished lady pops up right at the end of the commercial?…that the commercial is all negative and started the day after Mr. Winnecke scolded Rick Davis for negative campaigning?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has decided to travel to Indianapolis to report on the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission meeting with Vectren regarding the proposed fee increase?…that if the IURC will not come to Evansville then it is time for Evansville, its elected officials, and its media to go to the IURC?…that we are expecting that some elected officials and other media may respond by going to the IURC meeting as well?

IS IT TRUE that this Thursday is the last meeting of Smokefree Indiana before this year’s City of Evansville elections and that the agenda for the 3:30 meeting at the library is to give the candidates for office one last opportunity to state their position with respect to strengthening Evansville’s smoking ordinance next year?…that this issue has sort of taken a back seat to the whole “jobs, meth, and gangs” issues as it well should?…that making a city that is plagued by unemployment, drugs, and violence smokefree just doesn’t seem to be as lifestyle enhancing as making a great place without rampant problems smokefree does?…that the next administration will have its hands full from day one but that if an opportunity to strengthen the smoking ordinance presents itself it will improve the quality of life?

IS IT TRUE that northern Indiana’s Democratic Party along with the national Democratic Party are coming under some fire for faking signatures?…that we wonder if they were partaking of any pronto pups before the signatures were allegedly forged?…that the place to watch for shenanigans is not just on petitions?…that if one really wants to prevent SNEILLEGAL (Sneaky and illegal) tricks the place to watch would be absentee ballots?


  1. I agree with the editor that the new Winnecke ad was a bit confusing at first viewing, but I had the volume turned down and only took in the video portion. Then I saw it again about 15 minutes later, still with the audio turned down. The second time I saw it, the message hit me squarely in the face. The message is that the Davis campaign has led you down a road that appears at first glance to be a pleasant ride, yet when you look just behind the pretty fall foliage, you realize a Davis administration would leave you with a terrible taste in your mouth.

    It’s not just Davis’s endless and bizarre conspiracy theories about his fellow Democrats, or his negativity about Evansville in general. And it’s not just about his latest scheme to create a new local tax to pay for an inability or unwillingness to trim fat and balance the city budget. No, you also have to also look at his latest antics at the Fall Festival, the potential abuse of power and obvious misdirection of public safety resources, targeting a repeat minor traffic offender as part of a petty political squabble, and dragging professional police officers into the fray. Yuck, that just leaves a really really bad taste in my mouth.

    • You know Clovis…I really like you, but I wonder could you tell us how you really feel about Mr Winnecke? we get the point you don’t like Davis and time is gettin’ close for nut cuttin’ so we better get out all the really bad emotions so we can all think clearly. Go ahead have another glass of that Kool-Aid and tells us all about the conspiracies that Mr Winnecke isn’t a party to.


  2. How can you be confused by Winnecke running a negative ad while scolding Davis for what he calls neagative campaigning? This is just another case of “it’s ok for me to do it, but not you.” Look at Winnecke’s history.
    He has told the voters that Davis WILL raise taxes. It’s even in the latest commercial. Davis has said he would raise taxes to make sure public safety needs are met. IE, keeping fire stations open. That would only be done as a last resort. During the last debate, Davis pointed out that Winnecke had raised taxes, himself. Winnecke responded that it was done to build a new jail. That is PUBLIC SAFETY and is no different than what Davis said he would do if all other options had been exhausted. Again, he hounds Davis for doing the same things he is doing or has done.
    Next he will be carrying on about how Davis voted to give himself raises in the amount of 24% while on the taxpayers dime. Oh wait, only WINNECKE did that.

    • Come on, Evansville. We deserve a guy who’s going to fight for us, as he has already proven he will.

      Rick Davis will make a fine mayor.

  3. If you watch the commercial, the narrator says Rick has been called several things. He never says who said those things, but you are lead to believe they are some type of fact.
    The “No vision for the city” comment was on Winnecke’s opening statement during the most recent debate. The ad list the CourierPress on 04-27-11 as the source of that statement, but I could not find that article. By the way, Davis won the primary just a few days later by 18% over his opponant.
    Davis is a political insider. Who said it? What backs that up? Davis is going to raise taxes. He will raise taxes only for the exact same reason Winnecke has done in the past.
    Other than the nice scenary, this ad was very weak. Some paid narrator reading Winnecke’s own words about Davis does not impress me.

    • You are exactly correct with that observation. The only place that the “no vision” thing was ever said was by Winnecke in the debate. He is quoting himself as though a third party said that. That sneak put the words into the Courier himself and then quoted the Courier as the source. As the CCO says, Winnecke is snegal. That really is an underhanded trick.

      • The CCO coined the term Snegal and has used it to describe that which is “sneaky but legal”. We have never called Mr. Winnecke that.

  4. “But neither Davis nor Tornatta is a perfect choice for the Democratic nomination. In interviewing them, our editorial board found each to be lacking in details. With both, we noted no strong vision for the city’s future.”

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