IS IT TRUE? October 14, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we have at this point been advised by every single member of the Evansville City Council that they were not aware at their meeting Monday night 6 hours later the public notice of a prehearing at the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission for a fee increase for Vectren’s installation of dense pack technology would be published?…that it merits repeating that NO MEMBER of the EVANSVILLE CITY COUNCIL whether they met privately with Vectren or not was aware of the forthcoming publication?…that for any members of the City Council who did meet with Vectren to be without such information really raises a red flag?…that the date of an upcoming official hearing regarding a fee increase would most certainly be material information to any elected official?…that we wonder if Vectren’s October 24th date with the City Council would have been delayed if it was known that a fee increase hearing was already scheduled for the 25th?

IS IT TRUE that a barrage of emails and a phone call just answered the last question?…that if the members of the Evansville City Council had known last Monday night that there would be an announcement of a fee increase hearing for October 25th that the October 24th date at the City Council for Vectren WOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT HAVE BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION?…that we were encouraged to hear that public policy would have trumped perceived political opportunism?…that the Evansville City Council got rolled, bambozzled, tricked, or whatever else one wishes to call it?…that this issue may just come up again next Monday?

IS IT TRUE that we also would like to correct a piece of incorrect information that we published from a historically reliable source?…that Councilman Curt John did not meet behind closed doors with Vectren but he will be signing Councilman John Friend’s petition?…that is three whacks for our incorrect Mole?

IS IT TRUE that the week has been filled with free political entertainment that is just priceless?…that when the City County Observer christened the last days of the campaign as 40 Days of Hell that we had no idea just how much hell would be raised or from where it would be coming?…that there are only 25 Days of Hell left and we can hardly wait to see what can top “Floatgate”?…that we are completely in tune to the two candidates for Mayor of Evansville accusing each other of being cogs in “The Machine”?…that yesterday a most appropriate and timely manuscript from a local author J. C. Kerlin called “It Seems to Me” that was written in 1973 when Watergate was just rocking the country was made available to the City County Observer?…that the text of this manuscript make it very clear just when “The Machine” in Evansville came to power and how?…that the tactics described in this manuscript are still being used and the powers enjoyed by the latest inheritors of “The Machine”?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville has had a Machine in charge of local politics since before most everyone here now was born?…that the Machine is so much a part of life that most people either do not recognize it for what it is or are so comfortable with it that they accept the burdens that “The Machine” places on the back of the community?…that we hope that all of our readers will consume the contents of this manuscript, elevate their awareness of how things are done in Evansville, and will resolve to destroy “The Machine” over the course of the next decade?…that this is a treasure to read so take your time?


  1. It’s just like Winnecke’s decision to trust Weinzapfel in that homestead tax exemption meeting…dumb, dumb, dumb!

    We need our elected officials to be smarter and tougher than that. The City Council should have KNOWN that Vectren would pull the wool over their eyes. In the scramble to be “gentlemanly” and “collaborative,” they end up giving away the taxpayer’s money.

    Totally irresponsible and infuriating. They ought to make a trip to Indy as a council and testify at the IURC rate hearing. That’s the only way to make up for their incompetence at this point.

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