IS IT TRUE that the Mayor and his big political buddies, Mosby and Weaver attended a police roll call session yesterday?  …the rank and file police officers understand that the Mayor, Mosby and Weaver unexpectedly dropping by police roll call session and saying nice things about our men and women in blue is consider a nice political gesture?  …we wonder why the Mayor and his political buddies didn’t invite newly elected President Of City Council Dr. Dan Adams to attend this seemly politically motivated  event?

IS IT TRUE  we can’t wait to see if the Mayors political buddies Mosby and Weaver will attend State Representative Gail Riecken Mayoral announcement event today?  …we have been told that Dr. Dan Adams,  John Friend, CPA,  Al Lindsey , Stephanie Brinkerhoff -Riley, Conner O’Daniel have pledged to support Gail Riecken for Mayor campaign?  …we have been told by Connie Robinson she will make an official statement concerning her support for Gail Riecken after she talks with her constituents?  …the CCO shall also press Mosby and Weaver to make a public statement if they are going to support Gail Riecken for Mayor?
IS IT TRUE we are informed that the Mayor and first lady Carol McClintock recently sent out “Happy New Years” cards to many Democratic ward leaders and workers?  …we wonder why the Mayor finally decided to send out “New Years ” greeting cards after his third year in office?  …could this be consider yet another re-election public relations move?
IS IT TRUE we hear that the City of Evansville Uniformed Crime Report (UCR) for 2014 sent to the FBI has some classifications that has major increases in crimes?  …we can’t wait for Police Chief Bolin release this report to the public and how the Mayor will try to put a positive spin on it?
IS IT TRUE we hear that many rank and file members of the fire and police departments are going to start to closely monitored the political activities of Police Chief Bolin and Fire Chief Connelly during this upcoming city election? …we hear that certain individuals from Fire and Police Departments are starting to jockey for positions in a new Mayor Riecken administration?
IS IT TRUE we have heard many positive comments concerning the way City Council Attorney Scott Danks put the Mayors Chief of Staff in his place at the last Council meeting?  …we hope that City Attorney Danks will continue to put the Mayors Chief of Staff in his proper place because its obvious that he has become a rude, know it all and over bearing person?
IS IT TRUE we wonder why the main stream media wasn’t informed that Police Officer Ryan Winters had another accident this week on South Highway 41 after being disciplined for numerous past accidents involving patrol cars? 
Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.
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  1. I can see them leaving Dan out but how did the lone republican, Mr McGinn, get left out?

    • I saw Jonathon, but didn’t see Missy. It would be easy to miss some people in a crowd that large, but I expect that if Missy had been there, she’d have made herself known.

      • Ohhhh she was there alright,

        She needs to decide which trench she is going to fire from, because only dead people inhabit “No man’s land”

        • I expect they won’t let her in the Demo trench, because Steve Davis is a better shot.

          • Missy Mosby was there wearing her Elect Missy Mosby button and taking her selfie (well she did include Weaver in the picture so it wasn’t really a selfie I guess) while simultaneously Steve Davis was there supporting Gail. There is a definite difference in class between those two. Missy was out the door within 5 minutes of it ending. Perhaps she needed to discuss the announcement with her constituency?

        • That stupid blond to the roots bag can’t sport or support a popcorn fart, and even that vaporous stuff has some thermodynamic value to mankind. Can’t see any thing positive from hissy or the meeeeeeever.

          Please, leave the references to those who really stood the line, or stand the lines out of those twos rants. Period.

          That craps straight BS and its disgusting outta them.

          The police and firefighters , if your budget could afford to pay them all for the extra hours duty involved, well that’s only the socially acceptable, isn’t it missy? The tan blazer, or not? That call would also include that really Creepy guy weaver that fears Real Women so much.
          Someone sport the twin blacked eyes demo-republico raccoon’ed
          look he wore last year, we saw that, it was ugly, what he did to receive it was, as well.
          To bad the little jackass didn’t learn anything. ” It is what it is”……. You all should start maken’em live with it. Today forward.

          The rant, That’s out of pure respect for those who do stand those lines, I know them well, blood is always thicker than watered down Evansville machine bullshit.
          Always has Been, always will be.

          You can’t touch that! And if your are near something called smart, don’t ever try.

          • V is like the third grader on the playground who learned some naughty words. He wants to say them for his friends so they can all giggle.

          • Haha v just got super defensive….their hypocritical comments are finally starting to get to them.

          • I like this “V” Better than the old one Short… direct… and right on the money. Can’t get any better than that. And he nailed you two bozo’s.

        • first to scamper out the door, to go report to the Dark Master,you know, Carol. Weasel saw Connie and ran, squealing, to the bathroom to call in his police escort.

    • Of course….if Missy wants to keep those checks coming…she better…Weaver on the other hand…just a fool..

  2. Someone posted about the roll call visit in the comment section yesterday. Is it a coincidence that this roll call surprise visit came after a group of officers asked Steve Davis to meet with them. Is it coincidence that it came a few days after he met with them to discuss concerns they have?

  3. The rank anf file police and firefighters had best start stomping their boots over the city raiding their pension or there won’t be one by the end of Wienie/lloyd book keeping adventure.

  4. I’d rather they didn’t show, but they will. I could find a little respect for openness on their part, but it will be the same old “phony baloney” they love to serve up.

  5. IS IT TRUE that Evansville is just one Joseph W. Folk away from being a decent place to live?

  6. The Chief of Staff needs to learn this small lesson, never, ever talk to a lawyer unless you are a paying client. He had no obligation to talk to or answer questions by Danks. Another small lesson for the Chief of Staff, know thy enemies, hell man, Danks is a lifelong democrat and a major player in the party. His job as the lawyer for the council is to make you look criminal and stupid, mission accomplished. The question was, why was only 4 million paid for naming rights to the Fraud Center and 14 million paid for naming rights to the Centre? Right answer, Winnecke was the better negotiator. I wouldn’t write Winnecke off, this is all early hype, There’s no guarantee that Gail will get the African American vote or the union vote which is critical to a win. Republicans simple vote as individuals to honor this great country and to keep it great, democrats have to do major get out the vote campaigns with voters being paid, you know, your choice baggie or bottle. If no one works democrats to get out the vote, which may happen, Winnecke will win.

    • Do believe Wienie’s S.S. should have just ignored the counsil’s lawyer? His attitude that with a few “tweeks” the counsil’s approval of the 20 million grant would not be required. When the masses find the backdoor financing account juggling Wienie’s done, may not even survive the primary.

      • Absolutely. He should have been guarded when he walked into the room and saw Danks. Always be wary when you are talking to a lawyer, hyper alert and on guard if that lawyer is a democrat.

    • Your attempt to define the Democrat STINKS. Just like you! There are more independent who vote democratic that republican.

      But you are right that the Mayor’s Right hand man doesn’t have to speak to the City Council Attorney but you forget that he represents the citizens of Evansville, IN an the Mayor needs those citizen’s vote for Steve to keep his job. So your advice to him better be to get smart and not only talk to Dank’s but to kiss his ass when necessary. IE when the TV cameras are rolling. Better yet the Mayor may want to rethink his sending in the light weights in his place when he is called before the city council. Those who control the money control the city and that’s the city council members.

      • An independent is someone who is ashamed to admit he’s a democrat. Those who claim to be independents always caucus with democrats.

      • Well in primaries there are more democrats that vote republican. Also dead people and cartoon characters do not count as independents voting democrat. 🙂

    • You’re still in denial. The crowd I saw at CK Newsome this morning is a small fraction of the people who will be out working to get out the vote. I saw no signs of disunity, but I did see a “pumped” crowd and a candidate with a great message for regular citizens.
      If I remember correctly, you were predicting that Gail wouldn’t run, likely because it frightened you too much to even face the possibility that is now reality.

      • LKB
        Gail called everyone she knew while in Illinois hiding, and asked them to please show up and be “pumped” or at least act like it. She said nothing new, and there is no news here. Small fraction ? My ass … givemeabreak – oh, it is a cute ass too 🙂

        • The unfunny Illinois jokes are worn out and pathetic. They’re the hallmark of Winnie’s Wigglers who are scared to death because he appears to be a goner and they haven’t totally cleaned out the city’s coffers yet.

        • Yes, indeed. It is his job to act in the interests of the City Council and he did it well. I have not been a fan of Mr. Danks, but he did the right thing this time. I hope he makes a habit of it.

        • Mr Danks job is to be of legal advice to the council. His job is not to respond to people speaking unless the council asks him to.

          • Cowboy hit it on the nail. He is supposed to give legal advice. Nothing more, nothing less. Danks was literally discussing public policy amongst the other council members. Which he was not elected or appointed to do.

    • That part of town is mostly democrats, don’t go there. A couple of weeks ago my wife called and ask me to pick up a few things at the store. I was leaving Warrick County via covert and thought I would stop at the store behind that Taco Bell, pulled into the parking lot, thought the area looked unsafe and left. If you have a reasonably developed sense of fear it will tell you what to avoid. I think it would be as easy to stop sex as to stop these shootings. Exactly what would you expect the police to do, the democrats have tied their hands. The jail the democrats built is too small to hold all the criminals we have in this area. The aclu wants prisoners to live in a 5 star hotel. They also want criminals to be allowed to beat on our police officers. Remember Zimbawre is a liberal country. This is the Great Society the democrats are so proud of, be careful what you wish for.

        • It’s ugly when you see a real reflection of yourself, You need to get involved in the social service industry for a couple of years, if you ever yourself in a position to work for such low pay or maybe social services would be a step up in pay for you.. I admit I used to be a lunatic, I voted for Clinton the first time he ran. If it wasn’t for democrats we could almost shut our jails down. The people filling our jails and prisons are the spawn of old line democrats. It’s a shame Oral Roberts is no longer around, he could touch your head and heal you. Have you done the research yet and found that $15 an hour is easily within the realm of a welfare family. There’s 2 things that I know that really change a liberal to a conservative, getting mugged and working in the social services industry.

          • POV…really…exactly what kind of a person are you…obviously one elitist bastard…let me see probably live in a so-called upper class neighborhood drive a Mercedes or something in that line…kids go to private schools and you voted for Bush…while you eat caviar like this bozo Winnecke and the rest of us eat cake…

      • “… thought I would stop at the store behind that Taco Bell, pulled into the parking lot, thought the area looked unsafe and left. If you have a reasonably developed sense of fear it will tell you what to avoid”


        ‘…reasonably developed sense of being a fearful, scared white male…’ is what you should have wrote.

      • You liberals are just mean people. POV shares his views from his experience and you three attack his character.

        • He called the situation from his viewpoint, so did I. (and I do happen to live close to the Taco Bell in question)

    • Well they tried with ShotSpotters…but the insane City Council got rid of that.

      FUN FACT: The Winnecke administration spent $5 million less than originally budgeted in 2014. Check the records. The rumors of him being a crazy spender is just a campaign tactic that the Democrats are clinging to.

  7. ‘ … many positive comments concerning the way City Council Attorney Scott Danks put the Mayors Chief of Staff in his place … ‘

    It took someone like Scott Danks to stand up to Winnecke’s front man. Folks are tired of his bullying on behalf of our failed mayor. You can put something like Schaeffer in a different place but you can’t legally put him ‘in his place’. Danks put him in a different place, publicly as he deserved, and it looks like he took it out on the Evansville Transparency site. What a piece. Some of The Poop’s bad appointments will now come back to bite him while he attempts to keep his job.

    • We wonder from afar what these complete idiots would do or accomplish to actually earn a living in the real actual business competitive private sector. What a load of light weights they wouldn’t last a single quarter. Out with the deletions………….in with the productivity.

      Good grief, what a load a losers.

    • Let’s not get carried away, Danks, wrote a long FB page post telling us all how great the Mayor Whiney was, and what a great job he did with the city’s books and how he handled the audit.

  8. Is IT TRUE this makes the seventh Police Car wreck that Officer Winters has been responsible for
    … lately? …

      • Hired by a chief of police under democrat control….There, didn’t take much to do that.

        • In POV’s world the republicans must have all the answers, right? So, why hasn’t the republican appointed Chief not correcting the situation???

        • And as usually he shows up like a blister…. after the work is all done. POV=loser.

    • Maybe Bolin should make Winters an Assistant Chief, so he can drive a desk instead of a car. He’d be less likely to squeeze off a few rounds if they keep him in the office, too.

    • Police Officers that are aggressive in the pursuit of criminal will have more incidents. Maybe officer Winters is an aggressive crime fighter. Exactly what we need here in Evansville. If I was a police officer in this area with so many democrats I may hold back as a self preservation technique.

  9. IS IT TRUE? that ONB has not paid one cent to date for the naming rights for THE CENTRE but the C&P, the CCO and several others have yet to call their hand on their (premature) use of the name.

  10. Would like to see John Friend NOT run for reelection in the 5th; and serve as City Controller under Mrs. Riecken.

    John has made some major mistakes as a Councilman, but he is 10X the accountant that Rusty Lloyd pretends to be.

  11. As Gomer Pyle would say, surprise, surprise, surprise. Connie Robinson won’t announce she is supporting Gayle. It appears she’s waiting to play the Winnecke support against Riecken’s support for purposes of Robinson’s own political gain. The Riecken camp should not bow to Robinson’s withheld support. Surround yourself with only the loyal. Not the disloyal Democrats that divided the party last election and now continue to divide the Democrat party by withholding their support.

    • Connie Robinson is more for the regular citizen than Gail will ever be. Gail is part of the old liberal belief that the elitist should rule the commoners.

      • POV, I call BS. Rick Davis was for the regular citizen. Robinson opposed him and supported Winnecke. Gail did not betray the Democrat party candidate. Robinson did and may do it again.

      • Just checked…the full moon was three days ago…so what the hell are you on…No liberal ever, ever, ever is endorsed by the NFIB…do you even wonder why Winneck did not attend the last town hall meeting held by Gov Pence nor did his sidekick Sinister Schaefer the last time Pence was in town…Pence can’t stand him…against Pence’s Marriage Amendment…against Pence’s elimination of property taxes and you wait and see that he will support the Self Certification bill that essentially puts the final nail in the coffin of labor by eliminating the prevailing wage requirements on state funded projects…if he does not support..the final nail will be in Winnecke’s political coffin at the state level…RIP dear Winnie

    • Connie will announce support for Gail within the next several days. She is simply showing real deference to her constituents, like Missy is falsely claiming to do.

  12. Maybe the greatest thing about a new mayor would be the demotion of that rat billy bolin. Put him on graveyard shift on the south side. Winters at it again? Can somebody tell me what real job you can screw up so much and keep that job? Our police department is out of control much like police are in general nationwide. Their is rampant belief among our men and women in uniform that they’re above the law, period.

    • Please explain how our police department is out of control?

      And also explain how they believe they are above the law.

      • Well…we should start with the raid on the grandmother and her granddaughter…who in the hell throws a compression grenade in a home with an elder grandmother and her grandchild…then the cops handcuff the youngster…she will probably need counseling…and we wonder why so many African-Americans fear and despise the police…Bolin answer to the African-American incident involving the bicyclist, the guy that was slammed to the ground and cuffed, diversity, instead of roll playing, ol Billie has the cops sit in front of a computer monitor to enrich their minds on how to defuse tense situations….pathetic….

          • Did I miss a story in the news? What cop drove drunk? I did read about an officer having a wreck and apparently it’s one of many. Is there something else to that???

          • They are implying that cops don’t give other cops DUI’s. That’s all that means
            I never saw a cop or anyone else driving drunk when I had my eye’s closed.

        • Cops really dropped the ball on the investigation that resulted in the swat team being ordered to forcibly enter the house with the grandma. Poor investigative work and poor supervision. That was 2012.

          The fireman admitted that he lied about all the inflammatory reports he made regarding his stop after he ran a stop sign on his bike.

          What else do you have?

          FYI. I’m not a cop lover. I have many relatives that have been in jail, some recently, and a cousin in prison for a long time. They screwed up. Got caught. Are dealing with it. Lived in several cities where the cops were untrained idiots and worthless. Not the case here, in my opinion.

          800 shots fired reports, dozens of uncooperative shooting victims and a lot of public figures who appear to have an agenda against the police make me wonder how this city can even hire new cops. You couldn’t pay me double to do their job! I’d say two or three complaints against the cops a year is pretty damn good.

  13. There instead of their, was that a typo or you didn’t know the difference? I agree with you about Winters, so why hasn’t he been fired? Maybe Danks is his lawyer, in which case he will be with the EPD forever. Al Lindsey should have been fired forthwith, drinking on duty, lying about it, then fessing up. Danks takes care of his fellow democrats. Billy Bolin is smart enough not to get in a fight with Danks, Danks knows judges, knows where the bodies are buried, which in turn allows him to get away and get his way.

  14. Look….POV is a dick. A real dickhead. Nothing more than a bomb-thrower. I don’t expect analysis, logic or a prepared argument from POV. He isn’t trying trying to make his case. Ever.

    But I really, really enjoy reading his comments. It’s just entertaining as can be. I mean it too. Good job POV.

    • Mission accomplished. The truth will set you free unless you’re a democrat and then it’ll piss you off. Just made my case. I do believe that democrats are domestic enemies of the constitution and have some unrealistic utopian view that we can all live in harmony. I would comeback with some sort of evil reply but feel/think/know it would be unbecoming of an eagle to attack a butterfly.

      • A good friend of mind told me how to handle the likes of POV. Just belittle and make fun of these type of cronies. Never try to reason with these jerks. One is smart not to argue with a moron or a brick wall.

      • Boy…what was Richard Nixon…Democrat?? So, if someone is a democrat they have an agenda, corrupt, deceitful…all those sort of things….Now, what is having four groundbreaking ceremonies called…will let’s start with dishonesty….second, incompetence….third, allegedly corrupt???

  15. De jour vu… all over again…Russ Lloyd, Jr’s attempt to build a downtown Baseball stadium failed after IN-BED-Ed allegedly received one million dollars…now we have HCW receiving one million dollars and NO HOTEL….Lloyd was incompetent and Winnecke has followed in his republican predecessor, incompetency!!!!

    • Meter Maid – What do you mean “day light”? Did you mean déjà vu (already seen)? Il est très difficile de parler anglais , oubliez français

  16. Can’t believe the griping and carping here.

    Not enough experience, too much experience(career politician hmmmm do you hire career plumbers and accountants or first year greenhorns?)

    No business experience as if managing in the private sector is the same as the public sector.
    Her plan is the same, her plan is not the same.

    Gail’s speech was awesome!! Her leadership is badly needed in this town.

    That is all.

    • Most of all, she will bring back honesty and just good public policy to our local government…We can expect balance budgets and prioritizing needs vs wants…Winnie’s printing press will be shipped to Tucson with him and our home values will be protected…

    • We wouldn’t be in this mess if the democrats had supported Rick Davis as they should have. He was a man of integrity, honesty and a genuine commitment to improving Evansville for all citizens. Gail supported Rick when others worked against him. She is the only democrat worthy of running for mayor, and I believe will bring integrity and transparency back into the office. I hope ALL the local democrats can unite behind her.

      • Will she, Gail Riecken that is, openly pursue that minor matter involving your cities audits and the 29 million that somehow vaporized when nobody was being very transparent there. You could fix allot of archaic worn out infrastructure with 29 million as a starting point.

        That might outline some “genuine commitment” for sure.

        • V, well said. This long running sewer fiasco reminds me of people trying to redecorate the Titanic after it hits the iceberg.

          • “Sewer fiasco”—–> Some recent CCO comments kind’a busts the hell outta the “redecoration ” of the sinking boat, ESS downtown Evansville as well. That little bit of sunshine ought to get the DOJ looking in some hidey holes. Good grief what a mess.

            Liquored Up
            Jan 9, 2015 at 8:39 pm

            My Dear Bubba….

            Ms Cheryl is a very talented individual and would be considered right of the Tea Party, although those folks are good people but this town will NOT elect an individual that far to the right….the only reason why Winnie was elected in the first place was the division in the Democrat Party…so, review the record of Republican Mayors in Evansville…after Lloyd Sr, the financial situation was so bad that Mike Vandeveer furloughed 360 police, firefights and other city employees plus turned off one half of the street lights…then came his son, with nearly 50 million in reserves went old Russ took office but when he was removed, Weinzapfel had to borrow mega funds from the Utility to make ends meet in the General Fund…according to reliable sources, the General Fund is overdraft by nearly 17 million at the end of October and the city stopped paying its billings in order to keep the General Fund from going negative at December 31, 2014…FIVE MORE YEARS OF THIS CRAP AND OUR CITY WILL BE IN DEEP %&($$&,,,,,


            Brains Benton
            Jan 9, 2015 at 8:56 pm

            Let me rephrase that just so everyone here knows and understands.

            Your sources say that the city was over drafted by $17M as of October 31st 2014, repeat 2014, and the same sources say that the city has stopped paying a lot of its bills!???

            If true this is a HUGE STORY. This can’t be kept secret for long. Are you sure about all this?

            One would have to agree with brains, but for those being stretched by the mismanagement and back doorsmanship accounting lordy it’ll take more than four or five sand flipping’s to cover that smell.


      • Wonder-D, sure looks like Robinson is holding out to see which way the wind blows and will support who she thinks will win.

    • BB

      givemeabreak, all she (Illinois Gail) did was repeat crap that is said on IIT, yes that is all.

  17. One can clearly see that some here have just changed them, or are completely off of, their meds !

  18. Winters, like father like son. He and his dad have been terrorizing this town for over 30 years.

  19. Fiscal management of the city or lack thereof will be a major election issue in 2015.

    It has been reported the city has been running a monthly deficit of over $600,000 per month. The various cash balances have been reduced from $17,000,000 to $3,000,000. The city has wasted $2,000,000 on the hotel to nowhere while IU is ranking their investment in the Evansville medial school as dead last. The city has borrowed money from the police and fire pensions to make payroll. The city’s checking account was not reconciled on a monthly basis for two years and the City Controller plugged $23,000,000 into a yearend budget to cover the mystery of where the money went exactly.

    The Mayor’s strategy of stating the city’s finances are strong is a losing strategy. Figures don’t lie but liars figure. The City Controller has been cooking the books both literally and figuratively.

    • @Dark Light:

      The plug to the numbers was $ 29 Million, not just $ 23 Million (per SBOA Audit, 2012).

      To clarify, this is CASH that: we don’t know where it went ! And the City offers no explanation as to why $ 29 Million has been plugged, while stipulating that the bank accounts are reconciled !

  20. Rumor has it that Weaver and Schaefer can now double date with Weaver also on the divorce trail. It just goes to show if these 2 can find a woman that can stand to be around someone more feminine than they are there is someone out there for everyone. When will the restraining orders start appearing? Will Weavers soon to be ex-wife spill the beans on Weavers true political affiliation? Her Facebook is pasted with Winnecke posters and political announcements. When will the state Democrat Party leadership move to remove Faulkner from office and to call out Weaver and Mosby for the Rebublicans that they are? Steve Davis will mop up the floor with Mosby and Weaver’s political career is almost over. Weaver is just one restraining order from being run out of town and back to where he came from and you can tell by the way he acts that it sure isn’t Evansville, Indiana.

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