5 Steps Hoosiers Can Take To Improve Online Safety During National Cyber Security Awareness Month


5 Steps Hoosiers Can Take To Improve Online Safety During National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Protect sensitive information stored on your phone, computer and other mobile devices this month by taking some steps toward increasing online safety. The Office of the Indiana Attorney General warns consumers to minimize the risk of identity theft by practicing smart behaviors in your daily life to reduce the odds of falling prey to online scams.

Attorney General Greg Zoeller Recommends The Following Tips:

  1. Lock your screens- Lock and password protect the screens to your phone, computer, tablets, and other mobile devices by setting up a password, making it more difficult for outsiders attempting to access your personal information.

  2. Monitor financial and sensitive accounts- Regularly check the balances of your bank accounts and make sure there aren’t any suspicious transactions. Monitor any other accounts holding information such as your Social Security number, address, and birthdate.

  3. Switch to using a credit card- Credit card purchases may have a benefit over using debit cards should there be a suspicious activity. Debit cards provide access to your entire banking account and place you more at risk for identity theft if there is a breach.

  4. Freeze your credit- Placing a credit freeze on your credit reports can block an identity thief from opening a new account or obtaining credit in your name. A credit freeze keeps new creditors from accessing your credit report without your permission.

  5. Use unique passwords- Intricate passwords are harder to hack online. Creating different passwords for each of your online accounts can also deter hackers from accessing sensitive information.

For questions about identity theft, contact the Attorney General’s Office at 800-382-5516 or file a complaint online at www.IndianaConsumer.com

More information and tips on guarding against identity theft and other cybercrimes can be found here.