Home Community News Ivy Tech is now offering a free Citizenship Preparation Class

Ivy Tech is now offering a free Citizenship Preparation Class


What: Ivy Tech’s First Citizenship Prep Class

When: Monday, Jan. 13, 5:45 p.m.

Where:  Ivy Tech Evansville Main Campus
3501 N. First Avenue Room 120

Ivy Tech is now offering a free Citizenship Preparation Class.

The 12-week program meets at Ivy Tech, at 3501 N. First Avenue on Mondays, from 6-7 p.m.

The program is open to legal permanent residents who are ready to pursue citizenship. The course will cover U.S. civics, reading and writing portions of the citizenship test and practice interviews. The program will be offered through Sagrario’s Joy, a local network of volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of immigrants from all nations.

The class is made possible through a donation by Circle of Ivy, a female philanthropy for Ivy Tech. It is offered through the non-credit programming of Ivy+ Career Link. To learn more or to sign up for this free preparation class go to link.ivytech.edu/EVcareerlink or call 812-492-0163.