

  1. They are just hurting themselves. Rove has floated the idea she might be mentally ill, suffering brain damage in that fall she took a while back. Turdblossom is apparently serious about it. He is a fool, showing the depths of the Republican fear of Hillary. Ho ho ho.

    The Teabagger with the haircut, Trey Gowdy, has been tapped to gin up the Benghazi story again to gain financial support for marginal candidates from the rubes. He appears to have lost a battle with the press at Pearl Cleaners that irons my shirts.

  2. If we could get cooperation in the investigation, that would be great. The problem is that die-hards are too busy circling the wagons and playing ”rally round the leader” to get to the bottom of the matter.

    It doesn’t matter how many cutsie cartoons are doodled to ridicule our goal, it doesn’t matter how many times people point out that it ‘happened a couple years ago’, the fact remains that Americans were murdered, and no one did ANYTHING. Not during the assault, nor after.

    We were promised that those responsible would be brought to justice, and no one, not ONE has been to date.

    Americans want answers, we want justice, and we want our elected officials to do their darned jobs without being FORCED or SHAMED into it…..

    The truth will come out, and since our “leaders” didn’t punish the attackers, we will make sure those who lied are held responsible. Once when we get a DOJ that is focused on Justice, that is….

    • Were you this riled up about the numerous intelligence failures during the Bush admin? Just asking…. or were there too many happening to really focus in on one?

      • Oh, I’m sorry, dear Ghost. I must have missed the murder of an ambassador during the Bush years, the videos of him being dragged trough the streets being beaten, and of course Bush promising justice and not delivering it.

        Would you mind providing me the links?

        • So it’s better for the president to ignore it then? Or even better start wars with countries that weren’t even involved? That’s better?

    • It is great how Bush took out Gaddafi and Bin Laden. The only people who would question the President’s patriotism are sick, dangerous, racists, if he would just do something like that.

      • They are as you described. I’ve never in my lifetime seen such an immediate, un-American and filthy reaction to a president being elected. And re-elected, ho ho ho.

        If that was a white Harvard Law graduate/professor with the cute family (ok, Michelle is suspect), who killed bin Laden, wound down the gratuitous Bush wars that killed so many innocents and broke America, has the stock market at record highs from near depression levels and got some kind of universal health care enacted where so many had failed he’d be chipped into Mt. Rushmore by now. Right where some of the nutsos would like to put Early Onset Reagan.

        The half wits now get to chime ‘Race Card’, it’s one of their favorite things to say, although it really makes about as much sense as they generally do. About the weakest defense of racism ever concocted but it’s short and they can remember it. Some can even spell it.

        • One of the most virulent TPers I know is a woman in her early sixties, who appears to be in her late seventies. She resides in one of the meth factories known as “residential motels” along Fares Avenue. She is “down on her luck” and of course, “disabled.” She will tell you how hard she worked as a self-employed hairdresser, but her “check” is small, because she under-reported her income for years. Of course, she wasn’t a tax cheat, she just didn’t trust the government with her money. They take money from working people and give it to “the blacks”, you know.
          Of course, being sick is not her fault. Her nearly daily use of cocaine for years (so she says) had nothing to do with the heart disease she suffers. Some people get cardiomyopathy from cocaine use, but she just used to “keep going” and work hard. The diabetes she has isn’t under any sort of control, because her food stamps just won’t cover the cost of a balanced diet. Besides, ice cream sundaes and chocolate cake are the only joy she has left in life.
          Things are looking up for her, though. Her older son is about to be released from prison, where he has spent all but about two years of his adult life. It isn’t his fault, you know. Addiction is an illness and it was a “n—-r” who introduced him to drug use, not her. Besides, it’s hard to be a single mother. She hurries to remind me that at least “I married my kids’ dads”, though. Sometimes she had to “get help” taking care of them, as the fathers didn’t pay support. Afterall, she was entitled to the help. Her family had never been on welfare for very long at a time, and she was a responsible parent. She saw to it that her kids didn’t see her use drugs. The younger son can’t seem to get “his check” from Social Security, even though he claims to have brain damage from drug use. She’s certain that he’d get it if he was just darker-skinned.
          She proudly talks about her younger days, when she president of Young Republicans, drove a Mercedes, and “ran around” with influential people. These days, she putters around in the motorized “chair” Medicaid got her, looks forward to regular trips to the doctor in the “Medicaid cab”, enjoys Fox news, and knows that her Tea Party is going to make the world a better place for the grandchildren she seldom sees. She hates that they go to school with “all kinds”, and fears they will learn about drug use from “them.” She opines that the races just should “stay away from eachother”. Although she ISN’T A RACIST, she knows God made “them” a different color for a reason. For her, it’s a matter of faith.
          She does her best to get me to turn from my un-American liberal ways while I am transporting her to food pantries and to send “commissary money” to the incarcerated son.
          Before you ask, I do it because she needs someone to, and she is related to a friend of mine who is unable to take her to do those things. I’m an old “Lefty”, you know!

          • Thanks for sharing. I also know some people who are 100% dependent on the government who HATE Obama who supposedly is doing too much for them deadbeats. The common theme is always that they themselves are deserving but everyone else is just lazy and give those who truly need the help, them, a bad image. I’d be for phasing in some self sufficiency measures if those were matched with sex ed and birth control investments. Also raising the minimum wage much like COLA increases to social security.

          • ” abortion, guns and gay marriage, which he labels “the three biggies.”

            “the three biggies”

            FOOD, health care and cooking oil are my “biggies.”

            Maybe I’m missing something……………

          • “It’s unfortunate, when the checks come out, there’s a festival atmosphere in Jackson,” said Mike Bryant, chairman of the Breathitt County chapter of the Republican Party.

            I can almost understand their glee. They get to eat.

          • @ Joe:

            I would guess that the fishing remains a part of the culture in Jackson, and the hunting as well, if anyone can afford ammo. I have my doubts that there are many folks there who can pay someone else to do odd jobs, though.
            Urban dwellers don’t have the option to stretch SNAP dollars by hunting and fishing, though. In that way Jackson residents may hold a bit of an advantage over their cousins in the city.

          • @ Bandana:
            The idea of getting to eat probably is a reason to feel a little “festive”, but I’d bet a lot of that “glee” is coming from the merchants who will immediately be the biggest beneficiaries of the benefits.

          • @ Ghost:

            I am all for building incentives into social programs that will encourage responsible behavior. I would love to see participants in the programs have the opportunity to earn “bonuses” for the things you cite and any activities that will improve their employment prospects, and/or their children’s lives.

        • “Never in my lifetime”
          Is that just a plain statement, or did you say it to avoid having to acknowledge the 1860’s?

  3. Listin up you racist garbage lower than pond scum lowlife.

    Everything you’ve spouted is a GD lie.


    Yes indeed why should the president cooperate with a nest of scrawny hateful vipers?

    Calling you and your ilk poop is an insult to poop as poop has redeeming value as fertilizer. Your ilk is nothing but pure poison, of no use to anyone. I am quite confident you TP jackasses would burn this country to the ground to spite the black quasi liberal president you hate so much.

    No crawl back under the poisonous rock from which crawled out from under.

  4. Dear Joad…..where to begin?

    I do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Nor do I knee-jerk to defend Bush. He has brought America several problems that we will be trying to fix for years to come.

    Allow me to ask you a question. Why do you rally round your leader? He lied about ending the wars. He lied about closing gitmo. He even lied about getting federal funding doubled for Cancer research.

    Now, when we want to know why he did NOTHING leading up to, during or after this attack, you point at Bush as if all Obama’s broken promises will magically become fulfilled.

    You are upset about these past offenses by Bush…why not those under Obama?

    • He’s not perfect, but he’s also in a difficult political position. You know what’s not a difficult political position? Running the country right after 9/11. You’ve got carte blanche to do anything and congress can’t say no because they will get ousted at the next election after they’re labeled unpatriotic or weak.

      • So your take on the Benghazi attacks, and subsequent lies and coverup attempts would be that Obama is in a tough political position?

        That holding on to political office is more important than finding out the truth?

        Please, Joad, I am sincerely curious…..

        • That was in reponse to the closing gitmo, etc. The benghazi thing was just a horrible tragedy but I could really care less about the motivation. A bunch of Muslims pissed off about a video or pissed off about any number of things, like Hillary said, what the hell difference does it make? Find whoever was responsible, hang them, move on. Would you prefer they were pissed about our invasions of Iraq? Our support of Israel? Do tell.

          • It is not just ‘the Benghazi thing’ that we are upset about, but it’s mishandling, and then the lies about it.

            I stand by our support of Israel, however, I think we should allow them to settle their own affairs…too often we are meddling with so-called ‘peace plans’, and this does nothing but infringe on Israeli sovereignty.

  5. Sometimes the dumbest farmers grow the biggest potatoes but this latest attempt to revive another non-scandal is making a laughing stock of those who sign on to it. They’ve got less than a week to bail or their hair starts looking like the Teabagger Trey Gowdy. He so wanted to be a Quad.

    More millions wasted on House ‘investigations’ because a feral, ignorant pack of ‘baggers’ took temporary control of the House in a weak moment in our nation’s history. Using the deaths at our diplomatic mission in Benghazi to fill their political coffers with money the rubes can ill afford to send. Disgraceful. Their legacy will be managing to shut the government down for a while. They’ll be but a footnote in Wikipedia, all suited up in the garb of 2 centuries ago. Brilliant.

          • Yep! Actually way back, had an relative from there that gave me some Evansville Fulton avenue [Ohio river water] brewed Sterling beer once.
            45 minutes later my digestive tract converted it thermodynamically. You see, liquid and vapor mixable enough, if a screen door was in the way of the crapper, I’d’a not hit a wire…….

          • A truer reply has never been written.

            I’ve often wondered how many toilet paper companies went bankrupt right after Sterling Brewery went out of business.

            “Let it be said, let it be written.”

          • Regulator: While working on the Evansville political comments section we have innovated a CCO watchdog/overhead and underfoot drone “innovative blending”. Runs on local grains and farm production waste, as well as, being completely, Green conceptual as the exhaust is recyclable. as well.

            We need a moniker for’em taking a poll, I suppose….stealthy lil stinker….just don’t know what to name’um.


          • Years ago I was playing cards with a guy in a bar on the west side. He drank Sterling and when I commented on it he said, ‘it’ll sure give you a physic’. I waited ’til he went to piss and had a buddy explain to me what that meant.

  6. Joe Wallace

    May 13, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    Pertaining to your comment, I thought you would find this interesting. I lived in Jackson for 8 months back in 1975. It has changed very little since then with one exception. The folks who sit around waiting for SNAP cards to show up now did odd jobs back then and hunted or fished for food. I wonder if they even remember how.



    Tougher regulations are somewhat responsible but less expensive and more efficient natural gas and cheaper Wyoming coal are mostly to blame.


    Of course McTurtle and Curly Top will blame Obama and the regulations and not tell those poor people the whole story.

    I wonder who the politicians will protect first? The rich ocean front property owners threatened by global warming from buring coal or Eastern KY coal miners?


    • The gas and low sulpher coal explain the last few years. They do not apply so much to the period from 1968 – 2010.

  7. F__K Trey Gowdy

    Got my prayers out of the way.

    Nite tommi.

    watch that right hand son……………………………….

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