“IS IT TRUE” APRIL 20 2024

We hope today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address rationally and responsibly.
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We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language and/or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.


IS IT TRUE that over the years people living in the JIMTOWN area of Evansville say when there is a change of the political guard at the Civic Center the “Names Have Changed but The Political Games Remind the Same”?… this phenomenon is not exclusive to Evansville and was memorialized by Cinderella in their song the more things change, the more they stay the same. the Mole Nation asked the question, Why would salt of the earth working people believe positive change will ever happen when shenanigans like this are commonplace

IS IT TRUE that a few elected officials in Vanderburgh County to avoid putting out a “REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL” sign a “SERVICE AGREEMENT” so they don’t have to put contracts out for bids so their friends will be awarded the contracts without submitting a formal bid?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council passed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy back in 2022 by a vote tally of 9 to 0 without it drawing much attention?…this sort of thing happens regularly these days in local politics since the pillars of mainstream media have been financially challenged to the point that they can’t provide adequate coverage of what is going on of importance at the Civic Center?…this should have been on the front page of the flagship newspaper in Evansville, and it may have been more realistic to take such a game-changing decision to a vote of the people?…every time an elected body ignores the will of the people it comes back to bite them on the backside?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that in large progressive cities on the coasts, DEI has become a discriminatory set of programs that are already being canceled due to the realization that it is removing merit from the hiring process, resulting in unqualified people being placed in jobs due to appease the vocal proponents of DEI, and further dividing people while fanning the flames of entitlement?

IS IT TRUE that many people feel if Republican Mayoral candidate Natalie Rasher was allowed to personally talk on her Television and Radio commercials about her vision for Evansville, she would have generated many more additional votes?….perhaps if she had done so, she would be Mayor today

IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a locally elected official didn’t attend an official meeting because of health concerns but he did attend a political fundraising event on his behalf that evening?

IS IT TRUE that last year several elected city officials took advantage of taxpayers by not attending meetings and still receiving full pay?


Please take time and read our feature articles entitled “OBITUARIES, BIRTHDAYS, AND HOT JOBS” posted in today’s City-County Observer.
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