FEBRUARY 26, 2024

“Kentucky Dom” redefines fusion: Country music artist, model, entrepreneur, and patriot. He attributes this eclectic mixture to the many dimensions of his early life. Hailing from both rural and inner-city “Kentucky, Dom’s” chill personality evoked a unique gravity to those around him – forging an inner circle that comprised cowboys, punks, athletes, scholars, and friends from the hood. For this reason, he never fit into any one group. Rather, he ran in all groups. This social diversity exposed Dom to both country and urban dialects, philosophies, and almost every genre of music. As such, even he could not have predicted the effect this would have downstream in his professional life.

Country Music Artist. Nothing can replace the authenticity of the experience. Kentucky Dom’s upbringing has empowered him to lace the deep beats of Hip Hop with a country soul, simultaneously layering a rich Bluegrass flavor across a singular, collective sound – best sampled in his single “Born and Raised.” In his own words, “All I want to do is use my platform and make music that inspires, puts smiles on faces, and allows folks to have a good time. There are so many fascinating, untold stories in Kentucky. I want to be a voice for the people.”

Model. Although metropolitan by nature, the fashion world seemed foreign to this urban cowboy. It was only when Wrangler Clothing and Montana Silversmiths reached out, was he compelled to step before the lens. Now, he is a feature on the website of both companies. Recognized for his positive style and impact on sales, “Kentucky Dom” has evolved his portfolio with regular modeling opportunities.  He specializes in a rugged, rural look with deep-south urbanity.

Serial Entrepreneur. Dom has a passion for the mixed market which grounds the economy of our great nation. He owns Trinity Tech Solutions and is a managing partner of Ark ND Entertainment and the sole owner of Tennis Bandits.

Patriot. “Kentucky Dom” is deeply reverent to our active military, veterans, and first responders. “Having family who served in the Army, Marines, and the Police Department, I have unwavering respect for any man or woman who is willing to lay down their lives to protect our communities, our nation, and importantly, the freedoms we hold sacred.” To capture this profound respect for service and sacrifice, Dom curated his latest single, “We All American.” Available now at [apple] and [spotify]. QR Code is a link to all platforms.

POSTED BELOW IS THE QR Code FOR Kentucky Dom’s Social Media and Music Platforms.