Its been brought to my attention by concerned citizens of the 3rd Ward that there is possible environmental safety hazard issue located at Diamond & Kentucky. Ave.  This area  has an over abundant supply of used tires and has a caused a sanitation problems in the alleyway.

If elected as your 3rd Ward City Council person, it will be my responsibility to not only monitor the fiscal aspect of the City of Evansville, but also serve the safety needs and concerns of the people of the 3rd Ward.

If elected I will also encourage the Neighborhood Associations of the 3rd Ward to implement a “Safety Committee” so they can properly dispose of these tires and coordinate with the “Keep Evansville Clean Organization” so they can also help get of rid of the current environmental safety hazard and sanitation problems in the 3rd Ward.


A. Melcher

People Serving People for City Council 3rd Ward! “Voice Your Concerns” at 812-430-4858 or email:


  1. Looking more and more like Winnecke is going to be reelected and have unquestioned control of the council. How many years before we go under?

  2. The biggest safety and sanitation problem is the Zombie houses. Some are just large piles of trash waiting for someone to create a bond fire. I have communicated with Mrs. Melcher and She understand the problem and is working not only removing the garbage but to also prevent it. Her opponent of the young millennium crowd has not responded to me and is focused on what millennium kids focus on – entertaining themselves, no matter the cost.

    • Geez, Mr. Lumley.

      “Her opponent of the young millennium crowd has not responded to me and is focused on what millennium kids focus on – entertaining themselves, no matter the cost.”

      Kids getting on your lawn and bothering you? That’s the broadest brush I’ve seen on the CCO for awhile. If you’re truly concerned about the future of Evansville, you might want to drop the “Kids these days with their long hair and rock and roll music!!” fist shaking and try to enlist their support. Or at least not intentionally offend them with such ridiculous stereotypes.

      • I was getting ready to post something to that effect. She’s been tainted by Winnie’s promises of money and power. To simply rule her out because she’s young is the problem with YOUR generation, Mr. Lumley. Boomers raised the millenials after all. Whose fault is it?

        • I am set in my ways. I still don’t like the kids and their motorcycles even though most of them are in there fifty’s and sixties now. I am also bad at intentional putting a false spin (downright dirty lie) on things for shock effect. We all have our faults.

        • Bob, Lum for short would be fine, no formality needed here. I did raise one of those millennials that wanted to live in the hart of the city where the action was. She had an apartment as close to her big shot job and the Louisville Pavilion as she could get. Then went to D.C. and paid five times as much for downtown rent of a cracker box apartment than I ever paid for a house payment. When she joined the jet set ranks she moved close to her Alma Mater, Purdue, in downtown Lafayette. But now that she is considering children, her and her husband bought a house in a subdivision. She is 26. The millennials do not stay in the inner-city as they mature, they move out where their kids schools are successful, not failing as most in the intercity and start caring about other things besides themselves..

      • You might want to check the mayor and his opponent’s coverage of the meeting they had with this group of Millennials. They painted their own broad brush. I have children that were a part of the group, They grew out of it, Most grow out of this when they think about having kid and caring for elderly parents. You should read about the new maturity age concept. Kids until after 30 for some.

      • I am set in my ways. I still don’t like the kids and their motorcycles even though most of them are in there fifty’s and sixties now. I am also bad at intentional putting a false spin (downright dirty lie) on things for shock effect. We all have our faults.

    • @George: a ‘bond’ fire ?? A Freudian slip, you believe the City is taking out more in bonded indebtedness than it can afford. Good idea, if we just burn the bond instrument, our liability is -poof-gone !

    • “Bond fire”? An appropriate term perhaps, but I’m pretty sure you meant “bonfire”.

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