Dr. Bucshon to Host Evansville Job Fair




220px-Larry_Bucshon,_official_portrait,_112th_Congress(Evansville, IN) – Representative Larry Bucshon will host a Job Fair in Evansville in conjunction with WorkOne Southwest Indiana, the City of Evansville, and the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana on Thursday, February 20.  The event, which will be held at the CK Newsome Center, will provide job seekers the opportunity to meet with employers that are hiring in Evansville and the surrounding area and is open to the public.




The first hour of the event (1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. CST) will be reserved for veterans of the U.S. Armed Services who wish to interact with employers.  The general public may attend the job fair beginning at 2:00 P.M. CST.




Dr. Bucshon and Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke are expected to offer remarks at 2:00 P.M. CST.




WHO:                   Representative Larry Bucshon (IN-8)


                                Mayor Lloyd Winnecke (Evansville)
WHAT:                Evansville Job Fair




WHEN:                 Thursday, February 20th, 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. CST




WHERE:             CK Newsome Center – 100 Walnut Street Evansville, IN 47713





As of today, 28 employers are participating offering over 487 jobs here in Southwest Indiana.




Employers who wish to participate in the event can register by calling Erin Pugh at 812-232-0523 or by filling out the employer registration form athttp://bucshon.house.gov/job-fair-registration.




More information on the Evansville Job Fair can be found at http://bucshon.house.gov/event/evansville-job-fair.





  1. I wonder if he is going to speak with the vets interactively (whom he votes against in Congress) or will he cower in the back til 2?

  2. What an insult to the intelligence of his constituency! He doesn’t need to do this, he doesn’t have a serious opponent. It’s awful that Tom Spangler is running as a Democrat. He could have given Buschon a run in a Republican primary, but he voted in the last Democrat primary, I believe. That eliminates him from being able to run in the Republican primary.
    Come to think of it, Spangler should draw a lot of Republican votes this fall. Stay tuned, folks. This could be fun.

    • You’re right. He doesn’t need to do this. In my experiences, when someone does something good with no direct benefit for them it’s a good thing. Are we so disenfranchised that a poltician can’t make an appearance at a community event because he cares about his constituents. Being a successful heart surgeon shows that he has an internal desire to help others.

  3. Jobs Jobs Jobs

    I’ll never forget your one and only jobs initiative Larry and here it is:

    ‘BRIDGE TO NOWHERE’: Voting 181 for and 246 against, the House on March 2 defeated a Democratic bid to strip HR 662 (above) of funds for building the Gravina Island Bridge linking Ketchikan, Alaska, with an airport on sparsely populated Gravina Island. This is the “bridge to nowhere” lampooned in recent years as an example of wasteful congressional earmarks. While notoriety has cost the Gravina Island project much of its anticipated federal funding since 2005, HR 662 contains $183 million in fiscal 2011 spending for it and the Knik Arm Crossing Bridge, another controversial project in Alaska. This motion sought to remove the $183 million.

    A yes vote was to defund the “bridge to nowhere.”


    Voting no: Bucshon, Young


    • Good post.

      Jobs, jobs, jobs, became and assualt on women’s rights, voter ID laws, and votes to repeal the ACA, putting the actor’s name on post offices and more tax cuts for the ultrarich.

      ♫ Same as it ever was
      Same as it ever was ♪

  4. DR. Bucshon thanks for promoting job fairs…….as is typical from the liberal deadbeats they would only be happy with a wel fair……………

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