Artist News
AC members are on the move! Check out these stories about what they’ve been up to.
Keep Evansville Beautiful and the Evansville Airport Gateway narrows Gateway Sculpture to two finalists, including AC member, Bob Zasadny!
The Evansville Airport Gateway began with a focus on the Evansville Regional Airport grounds and will continue with a welcome monument, tailored Indiana-native landscaping and an eye-catching sculpture at the airport entry/exit. It establishes a sense of arrival to our visitors and that Evansville is open-for-business. Read More…
Artist, Nikki Pritchett, graces the cover of Jan/Feb issue of Evansville Living!
If you haven’t read the Jan/Feb issue of Evansville Living, you’re missing out! The issue features some of the best spots in the city and how better to portray that than an artist rendering from 2014’s Best Artist, Nikki Pritchett? However, Nikki isn’t the only AC member in the issue. Check out the feature on AC member, Lisa Heichelbech on page 134! Read more…
While the Paint Dries:
EVPL monthly recommendations
Each month the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library will be recommending art-related books, films, and other materials specifically for the Arts Council newsletter. So while the paint is drying, pick up one of these recommendations at your local library branch and learn new techniques (or maybe some old ones), innovative concepts, or watch an informative documentary. If you have any questions, please contact the EVPL at (812) 428-8200.
Graffiti World: Street Art from Five Continents/ Nicholas Ganz
Are you sick of corporations plastering their billboards across the American landscape, at the expense of public space? Why not try a more colorful road trip? Ganz’s book takes the reader through five continents where self-expression replaces corporate gold. With artists like Read more…
Wabi-Sabi Art Workshop/ Serena Barton
With Wabi-Sabi Art Workshop, you’ll learn to use your appreciation for the simple things in life–the ordinary, the aged, the humble–as your inspiration for making expressive, intuitive art. You will come to embrace imperfection and recognize that, yes, in fact, there is such a thing as Read more…
The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse/ Eric Carle
Every child has an artist inside them, and this vibrant picture book from Eric Carle will help let it out. The artist in this book paints the world as he sees it, just like a child. There’s a red crocodile, an orange elephant, a purple fox and a polka-dotted donkey. More than anything, there’s imagination. Filled with Read more…
January Brown Bag Performance Schedule
1/8/14 @ 12pm |
Angelus |
1/15/14 @ 12pm |
Harlaxton Quintet |
1/22/14 @ 12pm |
University of Evansville Opera |
1/29/14 @12pm |
Summer Bennett & Kristi Miller |
AC Gallery Hours:
Monday: By appointment only
Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday: By appointment only
Promote the Arts:
If you have an arts-related event that you’d like to see in our newsletter, please email
January 23, 2014
November 16 – January 26
Opening Reception: Nov. 23, 4-7pm
“Many Paths: Drawings and Woodcuts” by Susan Moffett
Women’s Institute and Gallery
Contact: (812)682-3799
November 16-January 31
Anita Powell: Ceramic Sculptures
Oaklyn Branch Library
Contact: (812) 428-8234
November 16-January 31
Michael Pittman: Abstract Art
North Park Branch Library
Contact:(812) 428-8237
November 16-January 31
East Branch Library Art Class work on display
Central Library
Contact:Â (812) 428-8200
December 15 – March 2
East/West/North: A Collaboration
January 3-31
Elzbieta Bittner Tapestry
Krempp Gallery
Jasper Arts Commission
January 2 – February 7
Mary Ann Michna, “Towns”
Michael Dunn Gallery
Oakland City University
(812) 749-1426
January 7 – February 28
Jan. 7, 6-7:30pm Reception
Let Freedom Resound: The African-American Fight for Freedom from Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement
Pen and Ink Drawings of William F. Brown
January 21 – March 9
Warhol Legacy Exhibit
January 21 – March 16
Department of Art Faculty Exhibition
January 23, 6-7pm
Express You!
January 24, 5-7pm
Art Noir Opening Reception
January 24, 7pm
January 24, 10pm
January 25, 2pm
Missoula Children’s Theatre Presents: The Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
January 25, 3:30pm
January 25, 7:30pm
University of Evansville Opera Gala “Stars of Tomorrow”
January 25, 10pm
January 25
Grand Reopening of Let’s Sew
January 26, 1-3pm
Kids Drawing with Jim List
Graphite/Colored Pencil
Ages (7-15)
Studio 4905
Call (270) 869-4469 to register
January 27
Arts Day 2014 at the Statehouse
January 27, 1-3pm
Mixed Media Crown and Tiara Construction
January 27, 11-1:30pm
Glaze Vase with Lisa Heichelbech
Studio 4905
Call (270) 869-4469 to register
January 28, 6-8pm
Evansville Design Group
Evansville’s Design Past, Present and Future
*Creative Burnout will be rescheduled
January 28, 7:30pm
Faculty Recital
January 28, 9pm
January 29, 12pm
Brown Bag: Summer Bennett and Kristi Miller
January 29, 9-11am
Decorative Painting with Sherry Wilkerson
Studio 4905
Call (270) 869-4469 to register
January 29, 1-3pm
Oil Painting with Shirley Davis
Studio 4905
Call (270) 869-4469 to register
January 29, 9pm
January 31, 11-1:30pm
Glaze Pottery with Lisa Heichelbech
Studio 4905
Call (270) 869-4469 to register
January 31, 10pm
February 1, 7pm & 2, 2pm
Gospel Night
Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra
February 4, 7:30pm
Mahler Songs
February 5 – 28
Judi Krew Pastels & Sculpture
February 5, 9am & 12pm
Junie B. Jones
February 6, 4pm
Coffee Hour
Melvin Peterson Literary Hour
February 7, 2pm
Evansville Museum Public Opening
February 7, 5pm
Poetry Reading with Matthew Graham and Marcus Wicker
February 7, 7-11pm
I Heart Art
Go Red
RSVP only
February 7 DEADLINE
Individual Artist Program Grant
February 8
Evansville Museum’s Opening Gala
February 8, 7:30pm
Two Brothers
February 8, 7:30pm
The Official Blues Brothers Revue
February 8, 7pm
Mardi Bras
February 8, 7pm
The Really Big Show
Evansville ARC
February 9, 7pm
Bring It On: A Musical
February 9, 1-7pm
Be Your Valentine & Open House
S.K. Rhoades
Call (812) 204-7901 to register
February 11, 7:30pm
Faculty Recital
February 11-12, 7pm
Blue Man Group
February 12, 7pm
Swing Dance Fundraiser
February 13, 5:30-6:30pm
Master’s in the Making
February 15, 7pm
Romeo & Juliet
February 16, 7:30pm
Guest Artist: James Dunham & Michael Kannen
February 18, 7:30pm
Faculty Recital
February 20-23
The Mercy Seat
February 21-23
The Mountaintop
February 21-28, T-S: 7:30pm, Sunday: 2pm
By Robinson Jeffers freely adapted from Euripides; Directed by Elliot Wasserman
February 21- March 2
Compleat Female Stage Beauty
February 21, 6pm
Ballroom Dance Event
February 22, 1-4pm
Letters for Literacy Scrabble Tournament
February 22, 3:30pm
Charlotte’s Web
February 23, 2-3:30pm
Mardi Gras Concert
February 23, 4pm
Jazz Guest Artist Series
February 23, 3pm
Lightwire Theater: The Ugly Duckling and The Tortoise & The Hare
February 25 – March 17
Symphony of Color Art Contest Exhibition
February 25, 7:30pm
Wind Ensemble
February 27
Winter Soiree
@ Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science
February 27, 12-1:30pm
Salad, Soup and Style
February 27-28
Forever Plaid