“IS IT TRUE” APRIL 23, 2020


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE one of our supporters sent us the following “IS IT TRUE” in order to generate a discussion between the CCO readers? …that the United States Senate has passed a bill that will increase the PPP loans available for small businesses to keep their staff on a paycheck and off of unemployment?…there is one situation that is not conducive to keeping people on a payroll and that is the odd fact that due to a strange thing in the original stimulus package, it pays more to be on unemployment than it does to keep a job?…people who are furloughed or laid off are eligible to get an extra $600 per week on top of the roughly $400 per week that unemployment pays?…that is correct folks, if your job paid $40,000 and your unemployment would normally be $400 per week, now it will be $1,000?…this is a deterrent to returning to work until the $600 premium ends on July 31, 2020?…something like this can only happen in America because Senators running for re-election can obstruct the bill under consideration to play Santa Claus by using other people’s money to try and buy votes?

IS IT TRUE that our medical and first responders heroes who are laboring on the front line of health care crisis risking their lives every day to save yours and do not get a dime of extra money? …that it’s time for this type of treatment stop and the powers that be give our medical and first responders heroes the appropriate financial compensation for a job well done?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County and Warrick County are both closing in on 100 confirmed infections of COVID19 and growing more each coming day?…while these numbers are not on par with New York City that leads the country in infections and deaths, these numbers are nothing to dismiss?…it is amazing in hindsight that there were some people here in Evansville were telling people that COVID19 would not be coming to River City?

IS IT TRUE that pandemics have a way of separating thinkers from emotional people and convincing oneself that a pandemic will not come to any place is from the gut and not the mind?…the City-County Observer encourages the people of Evansville and their leaders to listen to science before prematurely open things up?…some things will be ready to open soon but this is going to be incremental and measured?…we hope all of our readers think and stay the course?

IS IT TRUE for several weeks Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has been sending the message to the masses to wash your hands and don’t panic? …many people are very disappointed that the Mayor didn’t use his political influences to find a way to begin a mass testing campaign in Evansville before he begins to look for creative ways to re-open area businesses?

IS IT TRUE that many people feel that the most feasible thing the Mayor to do was to used his political connections to organize a mass COVID-19 testing campaign?  …to the chagrin of his many supporters, he opted to appoint a “REOPEN EVANSVILLE TASK FORCE” to look for ways to reopen local businesses before he did mass testing for the COVID-19 virus in our community?  …in fact, many of his supporters feel if he opens local businesses prematurely and the COVID-19 virus has an unexpected resurgent and people die in the process it will be the end of his political career?

IS IT TRUE that Banks raked in $10 billion in fees for handing out US-backed loans to shore up small businesses battered by the coronavirus despite taking on little to no risk on the deals?

IS IT TRUE the Feds paid banks for serving as intermediaries for the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program, which allowed any federally insured bank or credit union to field applications for rescue loans and pass them on to the US Small Business Administration for approval?

IS IT TRUE that only 1.3% of the U. S. population has been tested for the COVID -19 virus so far?  …the population of the United States is around 328 million people?

IS IT TRUE as of yesterday that Detroit Michigan is offering COVID -19 to all essential workers?  …this is the way to run a railroad?

IS IT TRUE that Small Businesses represent one half of the workforce in the United States?

IS IT TRUE that 75 companies that received government stimulus money had a market value of over $100 million dollars each?

IS IT TRUE recently a CCO poster made the following comment and also asked us the following question?...here’s what “Another Voice” posted: “that talking of loans to businesses that really don’t deserve it, I have heard that many newspapers have received Government stimulus loans. They don’t deserve it!!  Did the CCO get part of these stimulus loans?  …here’s our response to “Another Voice” question?  …we posted that “The City-County Observer is in excellent financial shape.  The CCO hasn’t and will not apply for a Government stimulus loan. We want this money to be allocated to a deserving home owned and homegrown small businesses.  We are extremely puzzled why a multi-million dollar publishing conglomerate needs to receive a government bailout”?

IS IT TRUE Gannett, the nation’s largest newspaper chain, traded at $12 a share last summer. It dropped to about $6 in January before coronavirus and is trading at 90 cents a share?

IS IT TRUE that the President of Deaconness Hospital Dr. James Porter, recently told the Courier and Press  “that Deaconess is testing people which also including people the State Health Department probably wouldn’t test because indicators weren’t strong enough”? …Dr. Porter also said “but we have not received any of those results back yet, so those are all out at reference labs (typically private, commercial facilities) awaiting results?  …he further added that “and of course, we don’t have a lot of visibility into what’s happening there”? …we do know that the lab that we most often primarily use is actually shipping specimens once they get them to another reference lab — because their capacity is overwhelmed.”?  …we give five (5) cheers to Dr. James Porter for being candid about the current status of testing for the Coronavirus locally and look forward to receiving a detailed update of the test these results from Dr. Porter?

IS IT TRUE that over the years the Evansville Board Of Public Works has earned the reputation of not only being very political but also being a rubber stamp for the Mayor holding office at that time?  …several months ago when a professionally refined lady came before this board to discuss her RFP she was publically demeaned and insulted by the Board Chairman? … after that episode, it is our opinion that the current Board Chairman may not have the professional temperament to continue to serve on this board?

IS IT TRUE we would like to thank a long-time supporter and friend Joe Wallace for his help with the City-County Observer during the time that our publisher was facing serious health problems?  …that Joe Wallace is a shining example of what true friendship is all about?

IS IT TRUE don’t be surprised to see that the Vanderburgh County Council will decide to use most of the allocations of COIT funds from 2018, 2019, and 2020 to build a new addition to the Vanderburgh County jail if a few new faces are elected to this board?
IS IT TRUE we are told that many people of the 5th Ward are extremely pleased with City Councilman Justin Elpers because he is extremely conservative?
IS IT TRUE we are told that many people are getting tired of the way that County Councilman Tom Shelter, Jr. are treating people?  …we are told that he have become extremely authoritative and impatient? …we are told that this kind of thing happens when a person has served in public office to long?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Who do you considerer the most effective spokesperson concerning given updates on the Coronavirus?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.
EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.




  1. Spending . . . Mr. Mayor, where in the hell is the spending plan the State Board of Accounts strongly urge you to implement . . .seemingly, instead we get a revenue plan i.e. eliminate or partially eliminate our homestead credit, increase our county option tax by 20% . . .our wheel tax increased and yet this is not enough . . . now, since Mr. Elpers is proclaimed to be the “Conservative” let him be the voice calling in the wilderness . . . of course, our inexperienced Council President selects Mr. Beane, a favorite of Mr. Winnecke as the Finance Chair, an alleged bankrupt with zero financial experience and according to Mr. Beane’s Campaign Finance report received nearly 70% of his donations from, oh, guess who . . .Mr. Winnecke . .guess Beane will have the Mayor on his Christmas card list . . . Remember politics is local and the swamp is as well!!!

  2. If you read the police reports on this website you will see there are very few arrests for marijuana possession. Most are written a citation unless they have outstanding warrants or possessing other drugs, meth etc. So in my opinion that is not the reason of jail overcrowding.
    How is the city going to cope with the casino being closed and not getting all the money from that source? Ole Russ will be juggling numbers into the wee hours. I’m sure everything will be accounted for.

  3. I wonder what is safer a small retailer that can clean between customers or Walmart that cleans every 5000 customers ?

  4. Also since we are entering a financial hardship shouldn’t the city suspend with the T.I.F. taxing areas so that all the money goes into the budget for the city. Once things even out then allow the TIF to exist.

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