Central Committee:
Wayne Parke, Chairman
Mary Jo Kaiser, Political Director
Dottie Thomas, Vice Chairman
Lon Walters, Secretary
Farley Smith, Treasurer
Kevin Harrison, Editor
News and Upcoming Events for December 17, 2019


Inauguration Ceremony – New Year’s Day 2020
Click for Event Flyer
Date: January 1, 2020
Time: Noon
600 Main St,, Evansville


December VCRP Breakfast CANCELLED
The VCRP will not hold a Breakfast Meeting for the month of December.
The next scheduled Breakfast will be Saturday January 18, 2020.


First day of declaration of candidacy for 2020 Primary Election is Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 is the first day a declaration of candidacy for major political party primary nomination (or election as a Republican Party precinct committeeman, or state convention delegate of either major party at the primary) may be filed. It is also the first day a major party primary candidate for President or Governor may file a petition of nomination with a county voter registration office for verification of petition signatures. Refer to the Indiana Secretary of State Election Division’s Candidate Information web page for candidate forms and additional information.

Candidates for precinct committeeman must be a Qualified Elector of the precinct and a Qualified Primary Republican (or obtain authorization from the County Chairman). Candidates for precinct committeeman must file a CAN-37 form with the county clerk between Wednesday January 8, 2020 and noon Friday, February 7, 2020.  Form CAN-37  can be found on the Secretary of State Election Division’s Candidate Information web page.

Republican State Convention Delegate Candidates must be a resident of the Election District and a Qualified Primary Republican. A declaration of candidacy for election as a state convention delegate (form CAN-37) must be filed with the county election board no earlier than January 8, 2020 and no later than noon February 7, 2020. All delegates will be assessed a $100 fee payable to the Indiana Republican State Committee to help defer State Convention costs.

Contact VCRP Political Director Mary Jo Kaiser at beamerjo59@gmail.com or 812-425-8207 for more information.


 County Commission / Rezoning Meeting- Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Room 301, Civic Center Complex
                1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 For more information visit

County Commissioners

 County Council Meeting-   Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020


   Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Room 301, Civic Center Complex
                1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 For more information visit

County Council

VCRP Central Committee Meeting – Wednesday, January 8, 2019
Time: 11:30 AM
Location: GOP Headquarters
815 John Street, Evansville
Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen

 Meet Your Legislators – Saturday, January 11, 2020
Date: Saturday, January 11, 2020
Time: 9:15 AM (doors open at 9:00 AM)
Location:Central Library– Browning Rooms
200 SE ML King BLVD, Evansville
Mark your calendars for a chance to talk to our state Legislators at the Evansville Central Library on the second Saturdays of January, February, and March of 2020!

EVSC Board of School Trustees Meeting-
  Date: January 13, 2020
             Time: 5:30 PM
 Location: Board Room, EVSC Administration Building
                  951 Walnut St., Evansville
For more information visit the Board of School Trustees web page.


Wesselman Woods names new executive director
(from 12/13/199 Newsletter)
We are fortunate to live in a community with a number of fun activities and wonderful outdoor experiences, including the Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve, which has some exciting news. Robin Johnston Deem will serve as Wesselman Woods’ next executive director.
    Johnston Deem is deeply involved in community initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles in southwest Indiana. She is well known and respected for her ability to build bridges across many different groups, and will be a true champion for Wesselman Woods.
   Working in partnership with the City of Evansville, Wesselman Nature Society provides environmental education and outdoor recreation experiences to connect people with nature, motivate them to lead sustainable lives, and take action to protect wildlife and wild places. Wesselman Woods is a great place to visit and experience the outdoors.
   Click here to get involved by volunteering, donating or visiting our community’s unique natural habitat.
Also see Indiana House Republicans 12/13/19 Post-  Sullivan: Connecting Indiana, investing in trails
From Indiana Senate Republican 12/13/19 Newsletters for:
Indiana Installs 17th Baby Box
     Recently, Indiana installed its 17th baby box under the Safe Haven Law. The Safe Haven Law, which was created in 2000, allows parents who feel they are unable to care for an infant less than 30 days old to leave the child with staff at a designated Safe Haven location with no questions asked. This enables a person to give up an unwanted infant safely and anonymously without fear of arrest or prosecution. As long as there are no signs of intentional abuse on the baby, no information is required of the person.
    During the 2018 legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly passed Senate Enrolled Act 340, which allows fire stations to use baby boxes. Once the baby is examined and, if needed, given medical treatment, the Indiana Department of Child Services will take the child into custody and place it with a caregiver.

    In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need a Safe Haven Law to protect newborns. Unfortunately, some parents are unable to give their babies the care they need, and I believe the Safe Haven Law is an important option to protect a young life if a desperate parent feels they have nowhere else to turn.

For more information on the Safe Haven Law, click here.

Senate Page Program Applications Open
     The Indiana Senate is now accepting applications for the 2020 Senate Page Program. Through the full-day program, students in grades six through 12 can tour Indiana’s Statehouse, listen to debates and help staff with age-appropriate tasks. Students also have the opportunity to meet with their state senator.
     The Senate Page Program will begin in January and run through early March. Positions fill quickly, so it is important to apply early. Pages are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during the legislative session. They begin their day at 8:30 a.m. and are dismissed at 3:30 p.m. Groups serve together on Wednesdays. Serving as a page is considered an excused absence from school.
     Moving a bill through the legislature can be a long and complicated process, and the Senate Page Program allows students to get an up-close look at what goes into accomplishing this task. I encourage all students in our area to consider paging with the Senate. For more information or to apply, click here.


 Dr. Bucshon’s Statement on House Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment  (from 12/10/19 Press Release)
  Congressman Larry Bucshon, M.D. (IN-08) released the following statement after Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment against President Trump:
House Democrats have been obsessed with impeaching President Trump since he was elected in 2016. Their blatant refusal to accept the will of the American people in that election undermines our democracy and effectively silences the voices of millions of Americans. Make no mistake, this sham impeachment process is nothing more than a partisan endeavor that has been engineered in an attempt to influence the outcome of the 2020 elections. These articles of impeachment were essentially written three years ago before the President ever took the oath of office, and House Democrats have merely been searching for what they believe is a narrative they could spin and twist into a justification for impeachment. The American people are the real victims of this shameful process – while House Democrats play politics, real work to improve the lives of Americans has taken a back seat to the impeachment agenda.

 Senator Mike Braun on Impeachment ( 12/10/19 Facebook Post)
Shortly after Trump was elected, even before he was inaugurated, the discussion of impeachment began. The only question was, what will the vehicle be. Now we know. Just like the Mueller Report, this entire process is ending with a thud.
  Watch Senator Mike Braun discuss Impeachment during network interviews below.



Last week President Trump saw the House move closer to ratifying one of his top policy priorities, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, made an initial trade agreement with China, signed an Executive Order combating the rise of Anti-Semitism on college campuses, and worked on increasing access to affordable, high quality child care. This on the heals of economic data showing a booming economy where his policies have resulted in the lowest unemployment level in 50 years.
 Last week the Democrats gave us impeachment.
 So who is really working in the best interests of the American people?
“The Agreement will create significant new opportunities for American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses by opening markets in Canada and Mexico and eliminating barriers to United States goods, services, and investment.”
 - President Donald J. Trump 
“We have agreed to a very large Phase One Deal with China. They have agreed to many structural changes and massive purchases of Agricultural Product, Energy, and Manufactured Goods, plus much more.””We have agreed to a very large Phase One Deal with China. They have agreed to many structural changes and massive purchases of Agricultural Product, Energy, and Manufactured Goods, plus much more.”    –President Donald J. Trump 

 President Donald J. Trump Is Committed to Supporting Working Families

“My administration will also continue to advocate for policies that support working families, including making child care more affordable and accessible.”   - President Donald J. Trump 
President Donald J. Trump is issuing an Executive Order to further the fight against the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States.”The vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.”   – President Donald J. Trump 

Christmas at the Whitehouse :

  Stay in touch with GOP members of Congress representing our area at these links:

Visit the Vanderburgh GOP 

page for daily updates.

  Mark Your calendar                CLICK on event for more information
December 17 (3:00 pm)
January 1, 2020 (Noon)
January 8, 2020
 First day to file a Declaration of Candidacy for 2020 Primary
January 8, 2020 (3:30 pm) County Council Meeting
January 11, 2020 (9:15 am)
January 13, 2020 (5:30 pm) EVSC Board of Trustees Meeting
January 18, 2020
 VCRP Monthly Breakfast
January 31, 2020 Congress of Counties

  Make sure you add vandygop@gmail.com to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox!

If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at

or (812) 425-8207.
for more info. Thank you.