Over The Years The City-County Observer Has Strived To Be A “Beacon Of Light” For Our Community


    Over the years the City-County Observer strived to be the “Community Watchdog” by sounding the alarm when our citizen’s rights were in danger of being violated by our elected and appointed officials. We have always encouraged our elected and appointed officials to consider the welfare of our citizens.  We must say that the majority do.

    We realize that there can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one which keeps its citizens informed about the accomplishments, failures, and triumphs of our community.

    The primary focus of this publication was built upon the foundation of providing our readers with accurate, non-partisan, and contemporary news in order to enhance their quality of life.

    Over the years we have strived to report and inform our readers about important issues that help shape their lives.

    Our mission is to provide our readers with vital information concerning political, social, educational, sporting, community, law enforcement articles for your reading pleasure.

    We take our mission very seriously.  We pledge to continue to not only continue to  be a “Community Watchdog” but also be a “Good Steward of The Public Trust.”

    We consider it to be an extreme honor and are humbled that our readers consider us to be a “Beacon Of Light.”  We are also humbled to be your community newspaper.

    Finally, we understand that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for the for a redress of grievances.

    Also, let us not forget that “When people Fear The Government There Is Tyranny But When The Government Fear The People  There Is Liberty”!




    1. It strikes me that the CCO is not a “news source,” instead a vehicle created to sell political ads and print the Press Releases of politicians who pay the CCO on retainer. “Buy ads, and we will say we like you. Don’t buy ads, and we will degrade and attack you.”

      Richard Moss has learned this well. It ain’t working for him well, but any squirrel who spends millions of dollars over the decades will eventually find a nut and get elected to something. Or so he hopes, I guess.

      Perhaps this won’t get posted, because it displays constructive criticism of the CCO, but maybe the writer of this column today actually means it when the writer claims to believe in free speech.

      • +100 CCO !!

    2. Your lighthouse looks like the Scripps Howard logo .
      They were 100% better than the USA Today junk.
      CCO hang in there !

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