We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 

IS IT TRUE that the Honorable Vanderburgh County Circuit Court Judge for Vanderburgh County David D. Kiely is running unopposed for re-election?  …we feel that he should be unopposed because he has done an outstanding job as the Circuit Court Judge for Vanderburgh County?  …we recommend that you give him a complimentary vote on election day?

IS IT TRUE that the following Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judges are also running for re-election as unopposed candidates?  …they are the Honorable-Margaret Lloyd (Chief Judge), Honorable-Brett Neimeier, Honorable Robert J. Tornatta, and the Honorable Wayne S. Trockman? …although they are running unopposed for re-election we urge you to give them a complimentary vote by pulling their lever because they are doing a great job for the citizens of this community?

IS IT TRUE that word at the Civic Center is that the State Board Of Accounts (SBOA) has informed members of the Winnecke Administration that a new State Law has been passed that gives Governmental entities six (6) months to find a remedy to correct the problems of overdrawn city accounts?  …we also been told that if a Governmental entity doesn’t find a remedy for correcting an overdrawn account funds problem that the elected officials of that governmental entity could be punished by impeachment?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how the City Of Evansville can balance the current city budget when account balances haven’t been balanced in 10 to 11 months?  …we also wonder how our city officials are going to create an accurate city budget for 2019 if the 2018 city budget is completely out of balance?

IS IT TRUE we are monitoring the State Board Of Account (SBOA) website because we expect that within one (1) week to a month they will be posting the results of the most recent audit they did on the City of Evansville?  …soon as they do we will post it on our site for the world to see?  …we have been told that this audit shall be an extremely interesting read?

IS IT TRUE the revelation that Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., CPA hasn’t paid the $369,000 in Victory Theater bills for 2017 has really got the attention of many people except for members of the Evansville City Council?  ..we wonder why City Council members haven’t directly comforted City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr, CPA on why he took $369,000 from the 2018 city budget to pay for the operating expenses of the Victory Theater for 2017?  …we wonder why City Council hasn’t publically questioned City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., CPA how he’s going to find the money to pay for the Victory Theater bills for 2018?

 IS IT  TRUE we hear that several new candidates vying for a seat on the Evansville City Council in the upcoming 2019 election wonder why the Victory Theater transaction hasn’t inspired members of the Evansville City Council to look into and see if any other questionable financial transactions that have been made by the City of Evansville during the 2018 City budget year?

IS IT TRUE the bottom line is that members of City Council are the stewards of the public trust and should start acting like it? …it’s time that the taxpayers of Evansville demand that a public dialogue begin between City Council members, City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr., CPA and Mayor Winnecke concerning the real financial status of the Evansville? …if they don’t we are told that members of the Evansville City Council and Mayor Winnecke can expect that this will be a major re-election issue in 2019?

IS IT TRUE the Redevelopment Commission and the Vanderburgh County Commissioners recently passed a new road and trails project ordinance that enhances the North Burkhardt Road TIF area?  …that some of the new roads and trail projects are located within the City limits of Evansville and the Evansville City Council must also approve these projects in order for this ordinance to pass?  …if approved the proposed $15 Million dollars project will allow both the City and County to widen roads to make them safer, install new handicap accessible sidewalks, create a better quality of life for the people living in that area, will provide more green space and create a new pathways to the Deaconess Sports Park and improve additional public transportation offerings to North Green River Road, Kansas Road, Oak Hill Road, Boonville New Harmony Road, Heckel Road areas?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council recently passed the above TIF enhancement ordinance on first reading and scheduled to vote on the final reading on Monday, October 8? ….we are told that a couple of Vanderburgh County Council members oppose the above TIP projects ordinance for unexplained reasons? …we look forward to hearing their reasons why? …this looks like a developing story?
IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor race is heating up?
Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that Judge Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation will clear him of any wrongdoing?
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Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy.  Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.


  1. Wonder why unlike Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, and South Bend, the public can NOT review the monthly financial statements online? If those statements are in deed online, please let us know the cite reference. Btw, we have only three months to go when the master of manipulation has to abandon the cash method of accounting and change to the accrual method. All those unpaid bills in his desk drawer and revenue advancements will have to be recorded.

  2. Time to dump “Pelosi Joe” Donnelley who already said he will vote AGAINST Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. “Pelosi Joe” is no different than his leaders Nancy Pelosi, Pocahontas and Chuck Schumer, trying to obstruct President Trump at every turn. Just say no to “Pelosi Joe” and elect Mike Braun to vote for conservative Judges that will follow the Constitution while on the US Supreme Court.

  3. More from “Pelosi Joe’s” Democrat party, if Judge Kavanaugh is appointed to the Supreme Court they will still try to take him out. Simply shameless.
    “Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., said the House Judiciary Committee would investigate Brett Kavanaugh if he’s confirmed to the Supreme Court and Democrats regain control of the House”

    ““We can’t have a justice on the Supreme Court for the next several decades who will be deciding … all kinds of things for the entire American people who has been credibly accused of sexual assaults,” Nadler said. “This has got to be thoroughly investigated.”

    “If he is on the Supreme Court and the Senate hasn’t investigated, then the House will have to.””

  4. More from the leadership of “Pelosi Joe’s” Democrat party that will opposed Judge Kavanaugh no matter what the FBI report shows:

    “Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti told MSNBC on Sunday Senior Leadership in the Democratic National Committee have encouraged him to run for president against Donald Trump.”

  5. Time to really take a look at all democrats to include locals. It’s apparent that democrats have turned against the common person, particularly Christians. If a person is known by the company they keep then local democrats should be lumped with Pelosi, Booker, Waters, Hoaxahonas, Schumer, Elison, dead Kennedys, Rahm, Durbin and a group of other cesspool dwellers. Do we really want our chief law enforcement officer to come from a party that opposes law enforcement and wants open borders. African American men watch what is happening to Kavanaugh and remember all the innocent Black men from Illinois sentenced to prison by democrat prosecutors, to a democrat in the criminal justice you represent Job Security. Are you Woke yet?

    • The way the Democrats are going after Kavanaugh, you’d think he drove drunk off a bridge with a young female intern in the car, and that he swam away to sleep it off while she drowned.

  6. MAGA TRUMP is without a doubt kicking ass……………msm is in disarray…………their party the anti America demon dems are showing themselves to be totally and without a doubt…… without a ounce of integrity……………………to be a dem on any level today is to condone anti American activity……………….nko is not shooting missiles over Japan……………Isis not beheading people everyday on msm…………..New Trade Deal…………………….the American economy is boooooooooooming all great news for working hard Americans not so much for the anti America demon dems…………God Bless Maga Trump…………………….

  7. The Democrat Senators on the Judiciary Committee whined like petulant children demanding an investigation by the FBI to “gather more facts.” Nevertheless, Senator Donnelly announces he will vote against Judge Kavanaugh just as the new FBI investigation starts. At least Senator Donnelly didn’t pretend he was waiting for “more facts” like the other Democrat Senators, all of whom will vote against Judge Kavanaugh. Donnelly and his fellow Democrat Senators will vote against Kavanaugh even if the accuser recanted all her allegations of an incident that she didn’t know where it took place, that all her supposed witnesses including her best friend denied, that she didn’t remember how she got there or how she got home, and she told no one for 30+ years.

  8. Mike Braun’s own company’s auto parts, made in America?

    HELL NO.


    If you ain’t for AMERICAN MADE, no way you are the Senator from Indiana Mike Braun.
    No way.

  9. donnelly is shooting sparklers while MAGA is dropping bombs…………………..little anti American joe blow is history in November……………without a doubt………………

  10. Behold the all tolerant all caring all feeling liberal left. Liberalism really is a mental disorder:
    “An anti-Trump professor at Georgetown University is taking heat for a tweet saying white Republican senators who were at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing Friday should be castrated and endure a miserable death.

    Dr. Carol Christine Fair, an associate professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown, said white Republican senators, specifically Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, who defended Kavanaugh in a fiery speech, “deserve miserable deaths.” Fair went on to say in her Saturday message that the living should “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.””

  11. Not much of a chance of a financial conservative person being elected in Vanderburgh country for the foreseeable future. There’s still a few drops of blood left for the big dogs and high snots to squeeze out of the tax base.. We had a chance with sewers before stadiums, Andrew Smith, we had another chance with Rick Davis and blew both chances. Winnecke is pure and simple a tax and spend liberal, he has effectively raised our property tax by at least 5% by decreasing our homestead exemption. If it doesn’t benefit the GLBTQ community or the artsy folks don’t expect much from Winnecke. It would be nice to have politicians that cared about the common folks instead of doing things to feather their nest after they leave office. Vectren and ONB seem to be the employer of choice to repay political favors.

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