Mickey’s Kingdom Receives Big Donation From Evansville Rotary Club


Mickey’s Kingdom Receives Big Donation From Evansville Rotary Club

A big donation is helping build the future Mickey’s kingdom. The Rotary Club of Evansville celebrated 100 years of service in 2013.

In 2013, they donated $100,000 to the City of Evansville. With some help from Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, that money is now going towards Mickey’s Kingdom. Rotary Club members say they are excited to be able to contribute to this $2 million project.

Jeffery Burger, Rotary Club of Evansville, says, “It feels great, and what we are even more excited about is to be able to move our Civic Award Recognition wall from the museum, over to Mickey’s Kingdom because so many people are going to see all these great leaders over the past 100 years who have supported giving back to this community. Who has helped this community and they are all going to be recognized there so we are very excited about it.”

The Rotary Club of Evansville is one of the top four donors of this project.

Mickey’s Kingdom is expected to open in October.

Folks can donate by buying a brick.
