We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE the Franklin Street Events Association spent two years arguing about parking issues?  …it’s obvious that the West Franklin Street parking issue stopped commercial development on Franklin Street for nearly a year? …that the City wasted a bunch of our tax dollars on a study that several Zoning Board members chose to ignore?  …the Zoning Board didn’t vet remonstrators and spent more time/energy/effort/money setting up a neighborhood parking protection ordinance for neighbors to sign up so they could alleviate the parking problem in front of their houses (that didn’t actually exist)?  …when all said and done not one person that lives in the adjoining neighborhoods signed up for parking passes?  …all we can say is “are you kidding us”?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the readers of the City County Observer are rolling on the floor laughing about the assertion that the new parking lot that is slated for the vacant lot behind DiLegge’s restaurant on North Main will provide avid bikers an opportunity to park there and enjoy a ride on North Main?…to anyone who has ever ridden a bike for recreational purposes the idea of driving to North Main Street that borders less than safe neighborhoods in Evansville, so they can peddle back and forth on the short bike path in that area, is simply absurd?

IS IT TRUE it’s possible that the beneficiaries of the new 72 car parking lot are the owners of DiLegge’s restaurant, a strip club, and a cell phone business? …we wonder who sold this property to the city and for how much?  …we would like how much will this 72 car parking lot will cost the taxpayers to develop and did DMD put this project out to public bid?  …many of our readers are wondering if any of the entities that are directly benefiting from this project ever donated to Mayor Winnecke political campaigns?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Thunderbolts professional hockey team that plays in the Ford Center have clinched a spot in the playoffs of the Southern Professional Hockey League and the City-County Observer sends out our congratulations to the team and owners (City of Evansville)? …in spite of clinching a spot in the playoffs the attendance for the Thunderbolts is ranked 10th out of the 10 team league?…So far this year the average attendance at home games in Ford Center is only 2,267 people that don’t even fill the lower section of the stadium?…the highest official attendance has been 5,215 and the lowest has been 1,278 with only 4 games drawing over 3,000 people?…these figures do not necessarily mean paid attendance either as there are always a multitude of free passes being offered to interested parties?…the Thunderbolts have won slightly less than half of their games and rank 6th out of 10 when wins and losses are registered?…while performance is better than last year it will take a whole lot more than average of 2,267 butts in the seats for this City of Evansville subsidized hockey team experiment to become financially sustainable?

IS IT TRUE that the University of Evansville Aces are making a push to increase season ticket sales now that hometown basketball hero Walter McCarty has been hired as the new coach?…the first goal of bringing in 1,000 new season ticket holders is getting close to being achieved as the daily count is up to 801 and counting?…this push for ticket sales has already added nearly a third more packages to the coffers and may end up doubling attendance next year?…in the long run, it is still winning games over good teams that will determine the attendance of the games and we continue to wish Coach McCarty the best in drawing crowds, scheduling good home opponents and beating them?…it is not enough to take a colossal beating from a Duke or North Carolina team at home to keep fans engaged?…UE needs to beat the big teams and be competitive with all of them to avoid seeing all of these new season ticket holders go back to the couch to watch ESPN?

IS IT TRUE the race between Steve Hammer, Vernon Stevens and Mike Duckworth is really becoming very interesting to watch? …that so far Steve Hammer is leading the fundraising effort by a comfortable margin with Mr. Duckworth in second place?   ..it looks like we have a real political barnburner on our hands? …we want to congratulate all the gentlemen involved in running for this seat because they have been very respectful towards each other?

IS IT TRUE we are expecting a news release sometime today from the Evansville Convention and Vistors Bureau announcing the appointment of their Executive Director?  …we don’t know very much about this individual except they hail from a city up North?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville has narrowed its search to re-locate the Lloyd swimming pool down to two sites?  …we are told that the proposed Roberts Park development will be selected as the site to re-locate the new Lloyd swimming pool?

IS IT TRUE we suggest that you planned to read next Mondays “IS IT TRUE” because it will be a real eye-opener?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that DMD should have spent our hard earned tax dollars on a 72 car paved parking lot on North Main Street?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “Statehouse Files, Channel 44 News, Daily Devotions, Law enforcement, Readers Poll, Birthdays, Hot Jobs, and Local Sports.

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If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us CityCountyObserver@live.com





  1. Remember when the City paid Mr. Dunn $600,000+ for a small parking lot next to the McCurdy about 10 years ago? Now, this debacle of unknown expense for a parking lot off N Main Street for “cyclists” to bring their bikes to the N Main Street shopping cart path. Dumb and dumber.

  2. Just wondering, has the City collected any of the $1,500,000+ owed by the McCurdy for the water/sewer bill? Is the City water shut off to the McCurdy??

  3. Are there any discussions on what will become of Lloyd pool after they “relocate”? As a neighbor, I do not want this building to sit vacant and fall into disrepair. It will become a magnet for vandelism and crime and potentially dangerous for all the children that frequent the adjoining park and ball fields.

  4. Let’s see? Was it Torroni’s that purchased the old Integra Bank for parking and then here comes Coures and buys it of course for more than Torroni’s paid as rumored and now can still use for parking?

  5. A bit late but there was questions about the water bill at the McCurdy. Check out Kunkels politcial donations to the mayors coffers going back a few years. Nice 5 figure amount. Otters didnt do too bad either, if one wants to talk N main Bike path. the list is interesting CCO

  6. Lots of interesting topics today. Franklin St is successful and the city wants a piece of the pie. The parking fiasco was all about city sticking their finger of said pie. The sheer stupidity of N Main St just continues. Why a lot for cars when the only successful businesses on Main already have lots. The buildings falling down have no need for parking!!! The Dunderbolts, really, what is the cost of them playing at the Fraud Center. Their attendance will not pay for the cost of making ice!!! Now, I see that the new pool us headed to Roberts Park. Well,we can save money on water as the pool will have it’s own natural spring. Could have used the stadium for the pool as it was already filling with water. We have to be the laughing stock of the Midwest.

    • @Thin Blue Line:

      Excellent observation re: the pool going to Roberts Park.

      An aquatic center was an obvious possibility for the old stadium, City in a big rush to tear it down. It didn’t matter, Fraud Center still losing big money every year on its operations, even with no competition.

      Hopefully, the new pool with be named the Natural Spring Pool, and not Lloyd Pool (ugh).

    • Go Figure

      Thanks for the information.

      Also thanks for reading the City-County Observer.


  7. Seems to me the taxpayers of Evansville don’t give a damn about wasted money on boondoggle projects or “Coures Folly” North Main project would never have been built.

  8. Here’s a thought on relocation of Lloyd pool. Put it downtown. In the middle of the “swamp”. That’s where the mayor seems to want everything else. Just declare another magical, mythical, TIF zone and away you go.

  9. For the first time since 1800, London has surpassed New York City in the number of murders. Weapon of choice: knife.
    Oh yeah, dems. It’s almost impossible to legally own a gun in London.

      • Some who think they know everything, LS, persist in showing the world they know nothing.

  10. “IS IT TRUE the Franklin Street Events Association spent two years arguing about parking issues?”
    Well, it worked for English. Two years he didn’t have to worry about losing business to K.C. if he opened his bar in the old Bud’s Harley-Davidson shop.
    Now he has to worry about the crowd hanging at Franklin Street Tavern across the street on weekends.

  11. Interesting fact from the BBC. The number of murders in 2018 in jolly old London, England are nearly as many as our New York City. For gun supporters who will be armed or the liberal left who want our guns, of the 44 murders the Metropolitan Police have investigated, 31 are stabbings. Now, we all know England has strict gun laws, even fellow officers work the streets unarmed in most cases, but 31 stabbings show that If you are going to commit murder, the weapon does not matter.

  12. The GOP Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, and all other actual Republicans, on Trump:

    “Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.
    He’s playing members of the American public for suckers. He plays TV in the White House.”

    • It’s my fault, I voted for Trump. I love how each day he puts another gallon of crazy in a liberal’s tank. When all is said and done he is my president and yours and may win again if he runs. The only hope I see for the democrats beating him is if they can convince Maxine Waters to run. If all goes as planned by November he’ll have accomplished all he set out to do and he can spend the next 2 years calling out the fake news.

  13. Wow, a page full of whining and hardly a solution in sight. Many of you seem to have terminal curmudgeons syndrome. It doesn’t seem to matter who is the Mayor or on City Council (that is, which party) you all think they are incompetent.
    I had a good laugh at how many of you are still clinging, grasping by the fingernails onto the “Roberts Stadium” “controversy”. It’s over kids. Besides, Roberts was a terrible place to attend events: lousy parking, nasty building and getting “out” after the event was a nightmare.
    I’ve lived in the area since 1978 and have watched the slow but steady revitalization of the city and like it or not, the city of Evansville is clawing its way back to vitality. My question to the curmudgeons is this: What exactly do you WANT to see happen?

    • …this is 100% true, accurately stated and damningly on target.

      The Coulter guy is a mindless, hungry dog. Waiting to be told to bark.

      • The “mindless Coulter guy” doesn’t bark, Linda. He bites. Keep your mace handy.

    • Speaking only for myself, Lenny, I’d like to see you and those who support massive spending DOWNTOWN, pay off the bonds instead of my children, grandchildren, etc. etc..
      I’ve been here longer than 1978 and from the time High Street was bulldozed (in the late 60’s I think) in the name of Urban Renewal at least $1,000,000,000 has been spent downtown with no end in sight. All to the detriment of the rest of the city.

    • How much would it have cost Evansville city taxpayers, Lenny ,if IU Medical School had been built at USI where it should have been?

  14. The Evansville Thunderbolts couldn’t win a game if Jesus Christ himself was the referee and God himself rigged the game!

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