We hope this political cartoon will bring home the point its time the City focus on getting our drinking and bathing water from other sources than the polluted and toxic Ohio River.

This cartoon shows what we are dumping into the muddy and toxic Ohio River.  Can you imagine what upstream Metropolitan cities are dumping into the Ohio River that we are eventually using for our personal and commercial uses.?

We commend members of the Evansville Water And Sewer Utilities Board for beginning to look for reasonable and affordable options in order for us to get safe and sustainable water.

It’s obvious its time for political leaders to look for affordable ways to find a clean and safe way to retrieve drinking water other than from the toxic and muddy Ohio River.

It’s time for our elected officials to put the “FUN AND GAMES CAPITAL” projects on the back burner and focus on ways to provide us with clean, affordable and toxic free water.


  1. Just my opinion but I think shoving direly needed sewer improvements aside and spending literally millions of taxpayer dollars downtown on, at best, dubious unneeded projects should be recognized as dereliction of duty; or possibly criminal.

  2. Digging wells for our water is the most stupid and expensive waste of tax dollars I have heard since the last administration giveaways. Someone is going to make a lot of money off that one.

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