Whats on your mind today?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is:  Do you feel that that its time for individuals to mutually respect and love one another without regard to ideology?

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  1. Wall Street Journal – Publisher’s Editorial
    Today – June 16, 2011

    “Congress Steps Up on Russia”
    Whatever you think about Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia, the controversy has achieved one positive result. On Wednesday the Republican controlled US Senate voted 97-2 to strengthen sanctions on Vladimir Putin’s regime, a rare moment of bipartisan agreement these days.

    The Trump Administration objected to the proposal.

    But what did Mr. Trump expect? It’s not hard to fault the Republican controlled Congress for being skeptical. There are daily growing GOP Congress and law enforcement agency investigations of the Trump administration over obstruction and campaign “collusion” with Russia, and Mr. Trump has been oddly solicitous of Mr. Putin.
    This is what you call, a we don’t respect you, dissing Trump, move by the GOP Senate.
    The guy is getting weaker every day. His mindless, water buffalo herd of goons don’t care, of course.

    • The post above is an answer to your question today Mr. Editor. Obviously there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that is going to happen in this life.

      • I don’t mind hardball. And you? You play hardball everyday in here Pressanykey. And since Trump is failing, worse in a fraudulent way, and you’re losing face….and you’ve resorted to whining about it. It’s unbecoming. It would be much more admirable to see you acknowledge Trump’s problems and insist they can be overcome. But you won’t do that. You can’t stand the heat.

        It’s your bed. You made it. Otherwise….Stick to hardball.

    • Good luck on that one. These RINOs and democrats are like chocolate Easter Bunnies in the sun when compared to Putin. They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, stand up to Obama how will they stand up to Putin?

      I was interviewed by a reporter from London for the Economist last week concerning the aluminum market and ALCOA. Of course the topic of Trump came up and what I would like to see him do. I told her to that I would like to see Trump lower the shores for American companies to return but raise our shores against unfair trade like China, but warned her that she should not be fooled into thinking the republican legislature (that’s one of our three branches of government) wants to see Trump succeed.

      RINOS, you, are still angry that Trump won and will do everything they can to destroy him. Case in point, you are more worried about Russia and sanctions against them then against China which could actually have a positive affect for our economy.

      Our RINO legislators might fool you because you are the same breed, but I am not fooled. They are more concerned about securing there power than securing for us a productive economy, and they do not like that Trump threatens that power. You RINOS, like the democrats, thought it was your elitism that was going to rule the nation and you found out that you are not. There is no difference between the parties except whose turn it is at bat. That’s why a Hillary president was no problem for you and in fact favored by you and your fellow RINOs over Trump.

      The only true collusion in our government is with our “purple” legislatures.

      • That’s a good note Indiana Enoch. At least you stand there and make an argument.

        You know where you are heading here, right?

        You don’t like the Republicans, and you don’t like the Democrats…(at least you’re no longer insisting you’re a Republican for God’s sake)……so when Trump fails, and he WILL because he is fatally flawed – he is more concerned with being popular than governing….Indiana Enoch…you and Press and JoeBiden and Al Sharpie…..are all gonna go SOVEREIGN CITIZEN. F’ the United States….I’m forming a new country….your own sovereign citizen movement. Wander in the desert for 40 years…being your own version of a fabricated martyr.

        • I use to like democrats until they left me. Then I liked republicans and even helped one get elected until they turned purple. Can’t quit stretch to to a libertarian.

          What I am is a Christian and conservative. I don’t always get to vote for someone who fits my ideology perfectly, so I have to vote for whom my ideals will *fare best. *( Remembered to used the right word this time Banadna. see, you can teach me. )

          The only place I am going is John Galt.
          “I think, therefore I’ll think.”

  2. OneEvansville = blah blah Russians blah blah Putin blah blah Trump, repeat

    MAJOR CITY SCREW UP FIRST REPORTED BY THE CCO. The City didn’t make the idiotic N Main bike path project wide enough for 2 trucks to pass without hitting their mirrors. They now have to tear up the concrete and re-widen the road. How much is this mind numbing screw up going to cost the taxpayers?? Who is to blame? The City spent millions on a goofy and unneeded project and didn’t make the road wide enough????

    • Thanks Joe Biden for pointing this out. In fact the mainstream media does this all the time to us. They read IS IT TRUE and a couple days later they post a story on our IS IT TRUE statements.

      Fact is we could care less if they copy cat our breaking news as long as the word about Governmental mismanagement gets to the people.

      They better get really to copy cat next weeks IS IT TRUE because it will be interesting.

      Thanks for your support of the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER!


      • I always check the CCO before visiting the C&P site. If you want to stay informed on local news instead of USA Today tripe, the CCO is a must read. No butt kissing intended, it’s just a fact.

    • Eyewitless News reported the new North Main Street is 11-1/2″ wide.
      Damn, that’s a tight fit for a truck.

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