2025 Legislature: What Bills Written And Co-Sponsored by Representative Tim O’Brien


Here are the 2025 bills written And Co-Sponsored by Rep, Tim O.Brien.

House Bill 1451Evansville professional sports development area.
Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Wendy McNamara, Rep. Matt Hostettler, Rep. Alex Burton.

Increases the maximum amount of covered taxes that may be captured in the Evansville professional sports and convention development area from $10 per resident to $5,000,000.

House Bill 1453 Pediatric cancer research and treatment grant.
Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Ryan Lauer, Rep. Robb Greene.

Establishes the pediatric cancer research and treatment grant program (grant program) to be administered by the Indiana department of health (state department). Establishes the pediatric cancer research and treatment fund. Sets forth requirements for an entity to receive a grant. Requires the state department to develop criteria, policies, procedures, and a plan concerning awarding of the grants. Prioritizes use of the funds to be on innovative research and treatments with the potential of resulting in novel therapies for pediatric cancer. Requires the state department to submit an annual report to the governor and legislative council concerning the grant program and publish the report on the state department’s website. View less

House Bill 1452 Audits of township governments.
Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Doug Miller.

Requires the state board of accounts to conduct examinations of townships not less than once every two years (rather than not less than once every four years under current law).

House Bill 1454 Emergency ambulance services.
Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien.

Co-Authored by: Rep. Brad Barrett, Rep. Doug Miller, Rep. Steve Bartels.

Specifies that emergency medical services, including emergency ambulance services, are essential services in Indiana. Specifies that the provision of emergency medical services is an essential purpose of political subdivisions. Requires the county commissioners of each county to: (1) identify areas that are unserved by emergency ambulance services; and (2) provide emergency ambulance services to the areas by establishing a county emergency ambulance service, contracting with a public, private, or nonprofit provider of emergency ambulance services, or by any other available means.

House Bill 1489 Indiana-Ireland Trade Commission.
Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Beau Baird, Rep. Timothy Wesco, Rep. Edward DeLaney.

Establishes the Indiana-Ireland trade commission (commission) to advance bilateral trade and investment between Indiana and Ireland and other related matters. Specifies the membership of the commission. Requires the commission to provide an annual report of its activities. Provides for the expiration of the commission.

House Bill 1005 Housing and building matters.
Authored by: Rep. Doug Miller.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Dave Hall, Rep. Timothy O’Brien.

Requires (rather than allows) a city, town, or county (unit) that requires a building permit for construction of a Class 2 structure to allow the inspection to be provided by qualified individuals in addition to the unit’s inspectors. Creates deadlines and a process for a unit to approve any of the following if required by the unit: (1) A building permit. (2) A plan review. (3) An inspection. Requires the state to give political subdivisions that enact certain land use policies first priority in receiving loans from the residential housing infrastructure assistance revolving fund (fund). Appropriates $25,000,000 from the state general fund to the fund for the biennium beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2027, to provide loans for housing infrastructure benefiting political subdivisions.

House Bill 1111 Indiana National Guard.
Authored by: Rep. Steve Bartels.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien, Rep. Ethan Lawson, Rep. Chuck Moseley.

Increases, from $8,800 to $20,000, the amount that shall be paid by the state if a member of the Indiana National Guard dies in the active service of the state. Provides that a spouse or dependent of a member of the Indiana National Guard is eligible for a state employee death benefit if the member dies while serving on state active duty. Provides that the adjutant general may procure a medical insurance plan for members of the Indiana National Guard who are ordered to state active duty. Adds awards and decorations that may be awarded by the Indiana National Guard. Provides that members of the Indiana National Guard, while serving on state active duty, shall be considered state employees for purposes of receiving worker’s compensation. Provides that a scholarship applicant of the National Guard tuition supplement program may use the scholarship for a credential-certifying program, licensing program, trade certification program, or apprenticeship program for an in-demand occupation as identified by the adjutant general and the department of workforce development, in consultation with the commission for higher education. Provides that if a scholarship applicant of the National Guard tuition supplement program receives a twenty-first century scholars program scholarship, the scholarship applicant may use a National Guard tuition supplement program scholarship awarded to pay for room and board for two years. Makes technical corrections. View less

House Bill 1113 Fire protection districts.
Authored by: Rep. Alex Zimmerman.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien, Rep. Steve Bartels.

Expands the purposes for which a fire protection district may be established.

House Bill 1132 Stadium and convention building authority.
Authored by: Rep. Doug Miller.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien, Rep. Steve Bartels.

Provides that the Indiana finance authority is required to provide staff support for the Indiana stadium and convention building authority board. (Current law provides that the Indiana stadium and convention building authority is required to provide staff support.)

House Bill 1136 School corporation reorganization.

Authored by: Rep. Jake Teshka. Co-Authored by: Rep. Jeffrey Thompson,
Rep. Timothy O’Brien.

Provides that, if more than 50% of students who have legal settlement in a school corporation were enrolled in a school that is not operated by the school corporation on the 2024 fall average daily membership count date, the school corporation must be dissolved and all public schools of the school corporation must be transitioned to operating as charter schools. Establishes a new governing board, requirements, and procedures regarding the dissolution and reorganization of the applicable school corporations.

House Bill 1346 Maintenance of U.
Authored by: Rep. Matt Hostettler.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Cindy Ledbetter, Rep. Wendy McNamara, Rep. Timothy O’Brien,

41 right-of-way. Appropriates $500,000 from the state general fund to the Indiana department of transportation (department) to be used by the department for the purpose of providing roadside mowing on U.S. 41 from the Vanderburgh County – Gibson County line to the Knox County – Sullivan County line.

House Bill 1347 Real estate matters.
Authored by: Rep. Edward Clere.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien, Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser.

Requires a broker company to deposit funds belonging to others into a trust account that the broker company maintains. Requires that residential real estate sales disclosure forms include disclosures by an owner that a property is located within a locally designated historic district or is listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Requires that residential real estate sales disclosure forms include disclosures by an owner of any restrictive covenants or other deed restrictions. Makes a technical correction.

House Bill 1450 False or fraudulent deeds and affidavits.
Authored by: Rep. Peggy Mayfield.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien, Rep. Edward Clere.

Provides that it is a deceptive act enforceable by the attorney general for a person to: (1) convey or attempt to convey; or (2) conspire to convey or attempt to convey; title to real property by recording a false or fraudulent deed or affidavit.