Home Political News 2025 Legislature: What Bills Are Written by Representative Alex Burton

2025 Legislature: What Bills Are Written by Representative Alex Burton


House Bill 1349 IHCDA report requirement.
Authored by: Rep. Alex Burton.

Requires the Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) to include in its annual report certain information concerning the authority’s programs to promote housing stability.

House Bill 1673 Tracking of municipal utility costs.
Authored by: Rep. Alex Burton.

Requires the Indiana utility regulatory commission (commission) to include in the commission’s annual report and publish on the commission’s website: (1) the average amount paid by residents of each Indiana municipality for: (A) energy utility service; (B) water and wastewater utility service; and (C) gas distribution service; in the preceding year, disaggregated by municipality; and (2) the statistical change in each of these average amounts since the first year for which the commission reported the average amount.

House Bill 1674 Tracking of statewide utility costs.
Authored by: Rep. Alex Burton.

Requires the Indiana utility regulatory commission (commission) to include in the commission’s annual report and publish on the commission’s website: (1) the average amount paid by an Indiana resident for: (A) energy utility service; (B) water and wastewater utility service; and (C) gas distribution service; in the preceding year; and (2) the statistical change in each of these average amounts since the first year for which the commission reported the average amount.

House Bill 1675 Appropriation to community mental health centers.
Authored by: Rep. Alex Burton.

Appropriates $3,000,000 from the state general fund to the division of mental health and addiction to award grants to community mental health centers in low income areas to hire mental health professionals.

House Bill 1451 Evansville professional sports development area.
Authored by: Rep. Timothy O’Brien.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Wendy McNamara, Rep. Matt Hostettler, Rep. Alex Burton.

Increases the maximum amount of covered taxes that may be captured in the Evansville professional sports and convention development area from $10 per resident to $5,000,000.

House Resolution 1 Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Authored by: Rep. Vernon Smith.
Co-Authored by: Rep. Earl Harris, Rep. Carolyn Jackson, Rep. John Bartlett, Rep. Alex Burton, Rep. Ragen Hatcher, Rep. Renee Pack, Rep. Gregory Porter, Rep. Cherrish Pryor, Rep. Robin Shackleford, Rep. Vanessa Summers.

Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.