FOOTNOTES: Our next IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

Todays READERS POLL question is: Who do you feel was the most effective President of Evansville City Council in recent years?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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    • I’ll take a guy who stutters sometimes but actually thinks about and filters what they say over a guy with no filter and no thinking any day.

        • Ah yes, you’ve found proof that Obama is in fact human. Is that video really the best you’ve got? If it is, I think that proves my point.

          There is a difference between misspeaking and misknowing.

          Obama obviously meant 47, as he mentioned 1 left to go, and that he couldn’t go to Alaska or Hawaii. 47+1+2 = 50, in case you were wondering.

          I’ll counter you’re link of Obama mis-speaking with a link of Trump misknowing.

          “First of all, you never have to default because you print the money, I hate to tell you, OK?” – Donald Trump

          Ask the people of Zimbabwe how effective of a strategy that is.

          • When you share reasonable observations with Joe Biden you are only casting pearls before swine. There are a few posters here that are so pathetically ignorant and hateful that responding to them is a waste of positive energy.

          • BREAKING NEWS!

            Hillary just said her number one priority when becoming President of the United States is to rejuvenate Mesker amphitheater.

            She said putting security cameras in the Oval Office for when she’s on the road with Bill left behind was her first concern but a gut wrenching letter from one of her “secret” supporters made her change her mind.

            That do make the cheese bindin doesn’t it Joe?….

          • LKB, your post is rife with the Okey Doke that Obama warned about. Now, Regulator’s post was funny, with the thoughtful agreement that Mesker Amphitheater should be restored.

    • Is the “Hokey Pokey” ok? You know,

      “You put your right hand in,
      You pull your right hand out,
      You put your right hand in,
      And you pull the employed people’s money out.

      You do the Hokey Pokey
      and you turn yourself around and flim-flam
      like a louse.
      That’s what it’s all about.”

  1. Just got back to CA after a short visit with relatives in the tri state. The Haney’s Corner Art’s District is looking good. Let’s hope those new businesses are profitable because without profits, the improvements will be temporary.

    Main Street has seen some changes but the number of empty storefronts does not appear to have changed. There have been about 30 “available” for more than 20 years now. After dark it is still deserted. The biggest visible change is the removal of the hideous awning from the old Strauss’s building.

    Otherwise, things look the same. The weather was nice and we enjoyed the visit.

      • No doubt. It appears that over the last week or so we have officially transitioned from ‘wet and chilly’ to ‘hot, muggy and awful’, the two traditional weather patterns associated with our little bend in the river…

      • Saturday and Sunday were muggy during my runs. I miss sweating so I enjoyed the humidity. Monday was gorgeous with low humidity and mid 80’s temps. The weather was better than expected.

    • Those Haynie’s Corner watering holes will remain prosperous, on indirectly spent public funding. It works like this: Certain City Councilors and other people who feed at the public trough get paid with the taxpayer’s money and then they drink up a chunk of the paycheck at the Haynie’s Corner haunts.

      • And one of the major investors in one of those Haynie’s Corner watering holes is also a major investor in the First Street area (owns several area houses and a business on Fourth Street) and was instrumental in getting the First Street area “period lighting” project green-lighted and implemented.
        I think it works something like this: you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
        comme si, comme ca

    • Anectdotally, I know a lot of people who would otherwise never dream of going to the center city (and maybe wouldn’t even know where Haynie’s Corner is…) who have become semi-regular visitors to the area thanks to Walton’s, Dapper Pig, Madeline’s, Sauced, and the several pubs and bars that have sprouted and matured there. On nice evenings, with bands playing, people out visiting, and the smell of ‘foodie’ foods in the air, it actually feels sort of like you live in a real city.

    • The downtown Main Street area will never return to its glory days until the Civic Center Complex is uprooted and downtown Main Street is reconnected to North Main (bicycle lanes or no bicycle lanes). The Jonathan Weinzapfel Memorial Toilet Bowl Furd Center isn’t going to do it, the new (downsized, quality level changed) downtown hotel isn’t going to do it, and the IU Med Center isn’t going to do it. And a 43rd time revised downtown/riverfront master plan isn’t going to do it. And converting a Main Street nightclub/bar (admittedly nothing more than a hangout for Jimtown rats and wanta’ be thugs) into a church isn’t going to do it.

  2. I guess when LKB us the “self-appointed” queen of the CCO, she can post as many derogatory comments about Trump (wife) and other CCO posters as she wants without being “taken to the woodshed” by the editor. Pathetic but pretty common from some (not all) liberal leaning posters.

    • left-wing socialist, not liberal. This country was founded by some pretty liberal thinking people. The left-wing socialists,are,attempting to destroy it.

  3. How can I concentrate on politics when I am sleep deprived by worry over infestations of ants and the emerald ash borer, both serious problems explored at length by the daily newspaper and its hard-hitting investigative staff, at least those writers not at sporting events. I am so concerned about ash trees that I can hardly breathe.

    • How true. Issues like this:

      which have a significant bearing on the character of a candidate running for POTUS, are purposely ignored, and the print space is filled up with mindless tripe instead.

    • I too am much troubled by those issues but I’m reassured to know that our city Arborist is on the job. The Emerald Ash Borer is not to be taken lightly, it can bore straight through to China, via Oz by way of Ireland, in less than an hour. Once at its destination it can bore unsuspecting ashes at will. All night long if necessary. Last trip it sired a new strain of Canary Ash Borers that can make an iPhone.

  4. “Break classification rules for the public’s benefit, and you could be exiled. Do it for personal benefit, and you could be President.” ( Edward Snowden )

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