IS IT TRUE we wonder if the City had any uninvited guests from Washington, D C lately?

IS IT TRUE we have received many complaints from people employed in the Real estate business about Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver wearing Tucker Realty badges and drinking from Tucker Realty cups during City Council meetings? …the Real estate professionals consider this to be an unacceptable behavior of elected officials to advertise their place of employment while doing the peoples business?  …we the City Council attorney will tell them to cease  this type of activity because it violates State laws?

IS IT TRUE  yesterday one of our must loyal posters JOE BIDEN made the following post that got our attention?   …JOE BIDEN posted; “Mayor Winnecke now has his handpicked Republican attorney leading the Democratic controlled City Council. The Mayor has proven a very shrewd and calculating politician. The Democrats underestimated his abilities as he divided and then crushed their local party.”

IS IT TRUE one would think after 8 years of  being a member of the Evansville City Council that newly elected City Council President Missy Mosby would know “Robert Rules of Order” by now?  …at last night City Council meeting it was obvious that Ms. Mosby is out of her element in how to conduct an orderly meeting by using “Robert Rules of Order” procedures?

IS IT TRUE after last nights City Council meeting 4th Ward City Councilwoman Connie Robinson told Council President Missy Mosby that she is resigning her appointed position as Chairman of the Public Works Committee?  …the reason why Mrs. Robinson did so is because she doesn’t have time to Chair this committee?

IS IT TRUE during the recent  City Council election we sit back and observed At Large City Councilwomen Michelle Mercer’s interaction with 4th Ward City Councilwomen Connie Robinson?  …during the last  two City Council meetings we have been quite puzzled about Ms. Mercer’s demeanor toward Mrs. Robinson?  …during the campaign Ms. Mercer attended every Church of Color in the 4th Ward and followed Connie Robinson around like a puppy dog to garner needed support to elect her to City Council?  …it looks like Mrs. Mercer’s commitment  to assist Connie with  4th Ward issues was just a myth?

IS IT TRUE we urge you to start observing the comments and actions of 3rd Ward City Council member Anne Hargis? …all we can say about her performance after two Council meetings is she is trying to hard to prove herself.

IS IT TRUE we would like to congratulate the City of Evansville and the County road crews for doing an outstanding job on clearing the snow and ice from our streets?

IS IT TRUE we are expecting the results of the State Board Of Accounts annual audit of the City of Evansville to be made public any day now?  …we can’t wait to see if past City Council President and Finance Chairmen John Friend CPA was correct that the City had around a $6 plus million dollar deficit at the end of the year?


  1. Hargis is just there to be a rubber stamp for Winnecke. She made that very clear during her campaign. Nobody should be surprised about that.

    • I’m not so sure that the newly elected council members along with Mosby and Weaver are not ALL “on the take” or “rubber stamps of approval” for Winnecke. This new council appears to be running a “rigged ship” as they continue to vote on issues that they have discussed in “back room” meetings without public discussion. Do we really want this kind of “bought-and-paid-for” dog-and-pony show running the city at our expense and without accountability? That’s two weeks in office, two council meetings, and two controversial issues decided upon before the council ever even walked into the room. This council, if they continue in this method, will be the cause of the brewing uprising in this city as they are not in it for the people, but for themselves.

      • Solo,
        They have already talked to the public, the ones that matter, if you were not contacted, I guess you don’t matter. I suggest you hang out with the in crowd.

        • Indeed George, I am just a lowly citizen to this council. I do not matter, nor does my opinion.

      • All I can say is I never voted for this crap. But people don’t count.
        Kiss your Homestead tax credit goodbye
        Get ready to pay a new income tax.
        Because we have no say, just shut up and pay.

  2. “Vanderburgh County Democratic Vice Chair Connie Robinson endorsed Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Evansville mayor. Robinson supported Winnecke over Democratic candidate for Mayor Rick Davis. Republican Mayor Winnecke defeated Democrat Rick Davis 11,664 to 10,009 to become only the third Republican to serve at the head of city government since 1955. Many others within the Democrat establishment assisted Winnecke, but the most notable pocket of cross over support was from the 4th ward where Lloyd obtained 46% from the 4th ward, a shockingly high number for a Republican. Winnecke’s success was due to the support and endorsement of Democrat City Councilwoman Connie Robinson.”

    • I voted for him for his first term too but now I have my many regrets, a risk voters must take before learning the candidate’s true work ethics and personal intentions. Perhaps Connie Robinson has her regrets now as well.

    • Mr. Becker, you are exactly correct about Ms. Robinson. Mayor Winnecke was always 2 chess moves ahead.

  3. It seems to me that the management of FC Tucker should stop Tweedledee and Tweedledum’s practice of advertising their employment. I would think Tucker management would want to keep a low profile, considering how often the agency profits from the City’s dealings. That sort of thing could lead to the appearance of a conflict of interest.

    • LKB and others…
      This hollering about “wearing your realtor jacket to council meetings” stuff is demeaning to the critics bothered by it. Perfect evidence of the resentment over the huge losses in the last election. Puny, small-minded blather from people bereft of ideas, and it shows every time the “she’s wearing his realtor jacket thing” gets brought up.
      It’s chatter from the back seat that the DRIVERS only notice with occasional glances in the rear view mirror.

      • If I gave the impression that I care if the entire City Council shows up buck naked and blind drunk, I misspoke. I just pointed out that I would think FC Tucker would have an ethical problem with the “free advertising” those two are giving them. It just seems like bad business practice on the part of the agency, as it is clear that those two will do things on CC that some potential clients would find offensive and cause them to take their business elsewhere.

    • Come on. Nobody is going to do anything about it. I think Winnecke could simply write his wife a 7 figure check and nobody would even notice.

      • Well Joadie, Hell must be freezing today because I totally agree with you comment
        But blame the voters who reelected him.

        btw fc tucker owns eville don’t ya know.

    • Building a taxpayer subsidized hotel (or hockey team) is demeaning. There are no boundaries with these rulers.

    • Tweedledee and Tweedledum does not sell many houses so I guess they need all they help they can get. I would not want them in my house.

    • Ya think? I have been alive a long time and never saw such a batch of grifters.

      I wouldn’t call them clever, they just pulled the lowest blows ever.

  4. Two thoughts this morning: First: The Evansville Common Council’s legal counsel is in no way a leadership position. He serves in an advisory capacity to the city council only. Second: The local democrats have done a fairly good job of “dividing” their party themselves, starting with their disgraceful treatment of Rick Davis.

    In no way is this an endorsement of this current administration that seem hell bent driving the city of Evansville into bankruptcy. Keep your eyes open for the formation of the corporation that will be formed to hold the debt for the new facilities to be built by the city/taxpayers to house the the various medical field training courses, including the IU courses and training. Also keep your eyes open for the entities identified as being responsible for servicing the bond debt that will be associated with this construction project.

    • Also, Is It True that a general contractor has already been selected for a “no bid” contract for the construction of these buildings. Where is the loophole in Indiana Code that would allow such a farce to take place?

    • What a smart, focused comment. Great.
      And RE: the Democrats, this is an internal, existential problem.
      There are two choices; continue to struggle with the local Dem leadership and fighting Dem players (and endure more humiliating – we want NOTHING to do with you – Bandana-style losses from the voters) or move on with truly new leadership and more pragmatic ambitions involving collaboration with the business/employer community (which currently does not trust you – that was clear in the last election too).

      • ‘Bandana-style losses from the voters’ ~~ Garden Troll Becker
        Huh? Means a lot coming from the quintessential loser, you.

        Great, you’ve gone on over the edge. Knew you’d been circling the drain for a couple of months, glad to see you’ve just about perfected your idiocy. You can meet up with your friends and lunch at the treatment plant, you lonely little freak.

        It’s clear you somehow forgot to include me in your 2 previous posts this morning and feeling unfulfilled had to play off of Press, a poster who generally comes with facts instead of personal attacks like you do, as an excuse to type my name. I hope you feel better. Now, go wash your hands, you filthy little creep. It is becoming abundantly clear that you know little about local politics or much else. You are simply an unclean little garden troll.

        • ….ah, and there it is. A perfect example of the problem with local Dems.
          I’m sorry you don’t like plain, clear English words B. Too much truth.
          But thanks for a clear and certain illustration of the Dem problem Bandana.

          • You’re very welcome, and thank you for a peek at what a Log Cabin Republican looks like in full bloom.

            I’d like to tell you that things’ll get better for you Shem/Quartz/Backfire/Weinz/Becker, et al, but we both know that’s not going to happen.

          • Seriously. The only insults Bandana knows are the gay insult thing?
            Every time you lose face, it’s the gay insult comeback.

            Bandana, we both know you’re future as a Dem in Evansville is over.
            But the enlightened Dem throws gay insults?
            There’s only one explanation for that discontinuity: You’re gay.
            (Which is cool, but self-demeaning. Self-hating gay…could it get any worse for you B?)

          • Oh boy, the little oddity is calling me gay now. Again. He wishes, I think he likes me. The other day after one of his characteristically impotent and bitter attacks my wife asked me what was wrong with him, why he insists on following me around with his foolish drivel. I told her he’s just lonely, she said she could see why.

            Project much Becker? Your shame is eating you up. You wouldn’t call me any of those things to my face. You are not only a Lonely Log Cabineer you are a stone coward, and a nasty one at that. Somebody should stuff you back in your closet you squalid little mutant. You’ve burned up a half dozen screen names here and been permanantly banned at the CP. You are a real piece of work. I don’t hold your sexual orientation against you, you should embrace it. You’re all you’ve got, you friendless little sap.

          • This is pure stupidity….B, I am happily married, a Father of a carload full of kids and Grandfather several times over. Big boring Catholic family.
            The point was “where does this compulsion of YOURS, when you lose face, to lash out w/ a GAY insult?” It’s a good question, cause you do it all the time as a knee jerk reaction.
            Maybe Indiana Enoch is right. This is all a reaction from you because of the latency.
            THE SUBJECT is about the future of the Dem Party in Evansville…and it is clear that w/out significant revolution and a new direction for the Dems, they can continue to expect 62% Bandana-style losses from the voters, over and over again.
            (…and I mean nothing, NOTHING, made me laugh louder than reading your first reply to me today. Fantastic. And….you should listen to LKB.)

          • Latent is one of the few words they were able to teach Enoch at the Learning Annex. He uses it often. He sees it as an all-purpose reply for when he is called out for his overt bigotry and other social flaws. He simply says: ‘your latent bigotry/racism/misogyny, etc’. , and thinks he’s played it back on his accuser (without a scintilla of evidence) and his problems have gone away. In the past I occasionally felt sorry for him but he always managed to dash that pretty quickly.

            You are smarter than he is and I would like to think you’re better than to follow me around here sniping at me like you do but you have just about disabused me of that notion. I really wish you’d stop but I don’t see that happening. I’ll either continue to deal with it in a truthful manner, as I have, or eventually ignore you. You don’t seem to require any urging to make gratuitous attacks but if you do Enoch will be there to help you out. He’s mad right now because he was banned from a couple of sites he was being obnoxious at a few weeks ago. I learned long ago that any sympathy for that guy and the poor hand he was dealt is misplaced.

          • Well Bandana, I will. That was an enjoyable post. You’re better w/ wit than anger.
            In fact, anger is purely a total loss in here….never works for the poster or his critic.

            I know for sure I am ONE thing Indiana Enoch is not.
            I am a LOT more Catholic. He’s ok w/ that, I think, though.

          • See Don? With all of his hiding behind numerous names and hurling his false accusations, latent guilt is the only explanation. Just like he dances about and shouts about others being banned when he has been banned ten fold more times. Feel sorry for him that he has learned so many words but seldom uses a truthful or kind ones. My FB Friends got a real hoot when I posted the hate he spewed about me on my page. Good people see his latent hate.

          • DB, I was raised catholic and although I am now a baptist. I still consider myself very much catholic and respect the faith. There are some catholic dogmas I do not agree with, (just like I don’t follow all of baptist dogmas) but the Catholic church taught me the gospel I now live by. I didn’t quit being a Catholic to become a Baptist.

            I am not mad about anything or at anyone. That’s more of his latent issues of projecting his anger on me because I banned one of his fake FB names after one of his latent attacks on one of LKB’s threads on gun control. How he managed to work his typical lies into a discussion about gun control is amazing. Poor Alinsky wanna-be..

            I developed a case of electile disfunction in the last election. I am tired of voting for the best of the worst, and while some may not agree with my views, I do not change them with whichever way the party wind blows. Some who supported the arena now gripe about the spending. My concern is always the constitution and rule of law. When my only choices are someone who will scheme and ignore the law, or one who would flee-bag to Illinois to escape our state constitution, then I will stay home with a case of electile disfunction. We need better choices from both parties.

            I must admit though, I was surprised at how big of smackdown Reiken took. There are democrats I would have come out to vote for. Can’t wait to see Banned-anna’s tune change again when democrats run Mosby or Weaver.

        • Mayor Winnecke continues his mastery of Democracts as they even in-fight on the CCO while the Mayor rolls over their opposition like a Panzer division against bb guns.

    • “The Evansville Common Council’s legal counsel is in no way a leadership position. He serves in an advisory capacity to the city council only. ”

      Respectfully disagree with you on this one, PAK. I’ve personally witnessed city boards that are de facto run by the ‘advising’ legal counsel, mostly because said legal counsel does a very good job scaring the board members into doing what counsel advises, regardless if the board really agrees with it or if it advances the will of people. Attorneys are a very effective group at both implicitly and explicitly bullying non-attorneys into doing their will by the threat of lawsuits. I would posit that if the City Council was leaning 100% towards voting a certain way, a shrewd attorney could definintely change the vote by stuffing enough fear down their throats and using legal gobbledygook to cloud the issue. Not a positive form of leadership, but fits the definition.

      Life would be much better if folks treated attorneys like the hired help they are, no more impressive or important than the person who mows a lawn, fixes a sink, or changes the oil in a car. If you can point to a decision made recently which was vociferously objected to by the Common Council’s legal counsel but which passed anyway, I would be interestd to hear it.

      • DeltaBravo

        I will grant you this: that the ease in which a council member can be manipulated is directly proportional to what they bring to the office with them. If they have moral and ethical values, and if they devote the needed amount of time to fully understanding what they are voting on, and if they are not afraid to ask questions when they do not understand the issue at hand, and if they are willing to expose something that is wrong even though they know there will be an attack made on their character for doing so, and if they understand that they work for and report to the taxpaying citizens of this community and not to the local chamber of commerce, then they should be able to perform their office in a manner that they will be proud of long after they have left that office.

        So I would say to the people on the council: you are there now, you have the job, no one can tell you how you should vote, you report to all of the people, do what is best for ALL of them, and not what is best for an elite few, and Evansville’s future will be in good hands.

  5. Your poll needs another choice of an answer. It should be “Do you give a crap about the Ice Men?”

  6. “…every Church of Color in the 4th Ward …”

    Phrases like this make my eyes nearly roll out of my head. What exactly is a ‘church of color’? Is it kind of like a ‘chocolate city’? Or maybe more like a ‘lily white enclave’?

    How about just “Michelle Mercer attended many church services in the 4th Ward along with Connie Robinson.” See how I did that? No race references required.

  7. I really don’t understand the purpose of this publication. It is not helping heal the wounds of the tattered , shattered local Democratic Party. Contrary, it is fueling it’s total demise…… just saying…….

    • HEY Dick….It could help.
      But, like many in here at the CCO, stage five has not been reached over the grief of an overwhelming 62% loss:
      1. Denial
      2. Bargaining
      3. Anger (read Bandana…it’s all right there)
      4. Depression
      5. Acceptance – which is accepting that the Dem Party is an abject failure, bears the full responsibility of continuing losses, and needs a full-on replacement and a new direction is in order.
      The CCO could lead on this, in my humble and sincere opinion.
      But it is not doing that, as you accurately observe.

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