Dr. Dan Adams

Gee, Missy,

I was being polite to you thinking you would appreciate a heads up so STOP chewing my butt as my day is long enough with Tina’s MOM dying yesterday! Talk with your uncle Donnie and  Brent Schmidt.the actual people who live and are effected by this every day there.

It is my understanding that this project has been reviewed and passed by the Safety Board, so the City Garage who has plowed Weaver hill on the north side without a problem, as was predicted by Portland ME’s snow plow king, should be aware of it.  Police details have been shown to NEVER work in these problems.  Actually, the only people involved in this type of evaluation (by law) are those who live within 150 yards of the site.  I am not aware that NAs who don’t live there have a say.  The people who DO live there are VERY worried every day because of the deep close culvert.  I would think you a would very much in favor of this move,  as it will slow people down at a very dangerous road section in your Ward. I am just trying to do my job as these problems come up and notified you when I found out about it last night, as is my policy.  So go verbally attack someone else, ’cause I have beaucoup other stuff to do today.

Dan Adams

At-Large City Council member

In a message dated 10/15/2015 5:21:47 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Good morning!

Since this is my Ward, and no one has talked with me about this speed hump, I would like more information before you proceed with this installation. Has anyone talked with the City garage about this for they use Fickas a lot during the snow for one of the salt stations is there? Who are the residents that are asking for this speed hump for I regularly attend the Fickas and several other neighborhood associations in my Ward and this has never been brought up? Also, I regularly drive Fickas and have not seen any wrecks are issues on this road. We have had some police details on Fickas and, to my knowledge, they really didn’t catch many speeders. Before anything is done, I would ask that these questions be answered and let me talk with my constituents & the city garage for this is the first I am hearing of this and I am out and about in my Second Ward more than anyone.

Thank you.

Missy Mosby
2nd Ward City Council
Sent from my iPhone

EDITOR FOOTNOTE:  We would like to point out that Council President and At-Large City Councilman Dr. Dan Adams and Missy Mosby both represents all the people living in the 2nd Council Ward.  Dr Adams is elected At-Large and he also represents the citizens of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 1st Wards of the city.





  1. Sounds like “her constituents” would rather talk to Doc.. Don’t blame them one bit…

  2. She’s not fit for public office. It’s embarrassing to tell anyone where I’m from.

  3. she ought to remember that she only won the primary by 15 votes, and if Gail Reicken had done the smart thing and endorsed Steve Davis, she would have lost. Gail would have had a staunch ally in the second ward instead of a Winneke toady.

    • I believe far more than 15 votes that were meant for Steve went to Missy. It’s odd that her parents just “happened” to show up at some elderly absentee voters’ homes at the same time their ballots did. That primary was Evansville politics at their lowest.

  4. The residents of the 2nd Ward should be encouraged to continue to take their concerns to Dr. Adams. If you have doubts and need to again take the measure of your representative on the council, just read her published email. Embarrassing. A very limited legacy politician scrambling to stay relevant.

    The writing is on the wall for Mosby. Her very thin primary win shows the level of her support in the 2nd Ward. In fairness to her, she is doing double duty as Boss-O-Da-2nd and one of the many public faces of the secretive Winnecke administration. With the heavy responsibilities of fronting for a failed mayor, getting ‘out and about’ in her ward and attacking other councilors it leaves her little time to ruminate on a ‘speed hump’. Maybe Weaver can give her some help there.

    As noted, Mosby is a Winnecke toady. She’ll still likely be there Nov. 4 but Winnecke doesn’t have to be. Evansville has an opportunity to make Nov. 3rd a corrective election and should take it.

    • The one thing we can be sure of is that Mosby will “toady-up” for the occupant of that corner office on the 3rd floor of the Civic Center, no matter who it is.

      • Her latest actions reek of rank territorialism. Fortunately the people of the 2nd Ward have somewhere else to turn with their issues. The speed hump, an issue The Mosby should be familiar with, really shouldn’t cause such an exchange. It’s either needed or it isn’t. She seems to think it is necessary for her to sign off on public safety efforts before they can proceed (in ‘her’ ward). She is insecure and sounds pissed that she wasn’t consulted first. Maybe the residents of her ward have found they get a better listen elsewhere. Maybe she needs to get ‘out and about’ a little more.

        Before voting on November 3rd, take stock of the caliber of people Winnecke surrounds himself with.

        • You’re right about the “territorial” thing. I recently moved into the Second Ward and I’m just hoping she doesn’t come over and try to pee in my yard.

          • I would salt a load of pellet if I saw that rump in my yard, trying to make a territorial

  5. Looks like Both Council representatives are going above and beyond to serve their constituents. Direct communication and not a bunch of pansy ass, suck up crap. Just telling it like it is. May they both keep up the good work.

  6. The 2nd ward should be ashamed of the actions of their so called “representative”.

    She bullies council members left and right about personal issues, yet complains if ANYONE says ANYTHING negative about HER.

    Someone should remind her of the old schoolyard phrase “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it”.

    And this constant talk about “her constituents” gets old real fast. I think the only constituents she talks to in her Ward are her 97 dogs.

    Time for some new representation.

    • we had that chance and just missed it, now it’s time to run for the hills. Henderson and Owensboro are looking better every day

    • EagleGuy,
      Dan did not have to let her know. He could have just referred her to check with the road crews or the police dept. He did pass on the information that she then acts like she has a deciding vote in which it sounds like she doesn’t. And btw, your message makes no sense unless you have left our a letter.

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