IS IT TRUE Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and his re-election challengers will meet in a televised debate Oct. 22 sponsored by multiple media organizations?  …its legend only two media representatives has contributed to Winnecke’s  re-election campaign?  …it looks like employees of the elite mainstream  media appointed to the televised debate have strong connections with Mayor Winnecke that could pose a conflict of interest question?   …we feel that not only people donating money to the Mayors re-election campaign but any individuals that directly worked with the Mayor for a long period of time while he was in broadcasting should recuse themselves from the debate?   …  Steve Schaefer, Mayor Winnecke’s Chief of Staff, said the Winnecke campaign was open to any media representative being a panelist?  …we accept Mr. Schaefer’s invitation?  …we find Mr. Schaefer’s invitation good news for the City County Observer because we like to recommend  Joe Wallace  to represent us in the upcoming TV debate as our media representative?  …we can dam well predict that Mr. Wallace would  ask pointed and in your face questions that shall rock all candidates participating in this debate?  … we expect people representing the elite main stream media in this debate will not?  …were not staying up waiting to receive a phone call inviting us to send a representative to  media elites “dog and pony” show because they considered us an insignificant fledgling blog?   …all we can day is who cares what they think?

IS IT TRUE we would still like to know why Russell Lloyd Jr thought it important to produce comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFR) and publish them when he was Mayor of Evansville (2000-2004), but has not thought it important for the city in his time as City Controller from 2012 to the present?   …we think an explanation is in order from City Controller Russ Lloyd  Jr concerning this issue?

IS IT TRUE we want to commend the Editorial staff at the Evansville Courier and Press for finally speaking out  on  the status of EVSC and the Local Teamsters 215 Union contract negotiations?  …for over 6 months we have been encouraging the appointed EVSC Superintendent of Schools and our elected School Board members to set down with the Teamsters to discuss in earnest the employee contract issues between them?  ..the Courier and Press Editorial is spot on when that said that the School Board should hold an open vote to either vote this employment contract up or down, not in executive /private discussion?  …we think it a sad commentary that 6 of 7 elected School Board members deferred all questions about this issue to be addressed by Board President  Mike Duckworth is not only unacceptable but laughable?  …we won’t be able to sleep until Monday waiting to hear what the ‘KING OF LOCAL POLITICAL PATRONAGE”  Mike Duckworth has to tell about the status of the contract negotiations between EVSC and the local Teamsters 215?

IS IT TRUE we have 20 days till the election?  …the City has finally fixed the road in front of Tropicana?  …we wish  that  the  City of Evansville  has an  election every year because it really would get some stuff done in this city?

IS IT TRUE that our current “Readers Poll” ask; Do think Council should give city employees a 1% rise that would increase the 2016 City Budget by $600,000?

FOOTNOTE:  The City-County Observer is excited to announce that our annual CCO “OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD” luncheon for 2015.will be held on October 26, 2015 at Tropicana-Evansville Walnut rooms A and B.? …this years winners of the “Outstanding Community Services Awards” are: Vanderburgh County Commissioner Joe Kifer, well respected local attorney Joe Harrison, Jr, Indiana State Auditor Suzanne Crouch and former Vanderburgh County Sheriff and 8th District Congressmen Brad Ellsworth, Dr. Dan Adams, Dr Steven Becker MD, Tracy Zeller-President of Tracy Zeller Jewelry Holly Dunn-National Motivation Speaker on Domestic Violence, Cheryl Musgrave who currently sits on the Vanderburgh County Board of Zoning Appeals and also is a Commissioner on the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and Betty Hermann?

Registration begins at 11:30 am, the event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015? Deadline for registration is October 20, 2015? The last five (5) events were sellouts. The program will begin at noon on October 26, 2015. Reservations for this event may be made by calling Mollie Darke Schreiber at 812-760-4233 of via email at


  1. Just curious if anyone has seen the oh so classy picture of councilman Weaver floating around on the Internet. Always great to see a public official sitting around in a lounge chair smiling in his birthday suit holding a beer with his hand over his junk. Stay classy Evansville.

    Based on his history I wouldn’t be the least bit surprise if there aren’t more flattering pictures floating around out there of this guy.

  2. Maybe Joe Wallace can assume the seat on the panel vacated by the conflicted Winnecke donor Randy Moore. I would like to see that happen, I can’t think of anyone around here better equipped to represent the people of Evansville in the mayoral debate. Comforting the Afflicted and Afflicting the Comforted. The first part optional.

  3. Former broadcast co-workers of Winnecke should “rescued” themselves from the debate?
    I second you suggestion of Joe Wallace as questioner. But I’m not sure you will approve of some questions he may ask Riecken.

    • The malapropism-prone editor meant “recuse”. Sometimes reading CCO is a real challenge. I think Joe would be wonderful as a questioner in the debate, but I would guess he’d have to knock down the door to the studio and get past the EPD swat team in order to take a seat on the panel.

      • I thank you all for your kind recommendation that I be a panelist. If I were in town I would certainly agree to do so provided the powers that be were brave enough to weather the storm my questions may create. I will be with you in spirit on the 22nd, but my body and mind will be in Los Angeles assisting with the planning process to take California to its 50% renewable energy goal by 2030.

        • In the meantime, Vectren and their cohorts will be planning for their renewable energy goal: To prevent more than 0.5% of Indiana’s energy from coming from renewable sources in 2030.

          • You hit that right Laura. They have a line a mile long about clean energy and affordable energy but you just have to laugh. So very sad for this area.

      • elkaybee

        Thanks for the heads up on the posting mistake. Its been corrected.

        Also thanks for your input and reading the CCO.


        • “dam well predict”. I don’t think that “dam” will hold water. Damn.

      • Maybe John Blair can give him pointers on how to interface with the EPD SWAT team.

  4. Is it true that in the coming October 22nd mayoral candidate debate Mayor Winnecke has left himself wide open with his television ads touting his accomplishment of lowering crime in Evansville.

    No doubt the other candidates will be using the figures on page 5 of this report:

    to show that the mayor is disconnected from reality on this issue and is misleading the public.

    That will also call into question whether the mayor is similarly disconnected from reality where the city’s finances are concerned, and if he is intentionally placing ads and misleading the voters about that vital issue.

  5. The main thing that I think the Mayor has occomplished in this town is to get a few people to go out on Saturday’s and pick up some litter. That’s really about it. Oh and give away millions of our tax dollars to BRIBE developers to build him a motel across the street from the Civic Center. I’m not sure what else to call it. I mean we don’t retain any equity in that new motel. The Developer takes 20 million of our money to build HIS motel and we are left with zero equity in the Motel? And we are not even guaranteed any tax money if the motel fails and they leave town after a couple of years.

    Who goes to Evansville, IN and choses to stay in a motel downtown anyway? Only someone having to do business with the City for a day or two. Did we just spend 20 million dollars to help put up in a motel a few business or government officials that come to town to speak to the Mayor or other city employees for an hour or so. How can that really be justified with a straight face.

    And how much more tax money was spent revitalizing the old Bus Station so that another Greasy hamburger Joint can be put downtown. What happened to the other two greasy hamburger joints that were down there in the 1960. This mayor spend our tax money like it’s water flowing over Hover Dam.

  6. New property assessments hit the mail boxes today. The assessment on my “structure” (house) went up 6.146%.
    I have made no improvements since the last assessment other than replacing the shingles on the roof due to wear.

    • But Press. I thought (per city controller) tax caps currently in place prevented such increases: hence the current budget crunch.

  7. lol I’ve also have seen that disgusting picture that was sent to me by someone. I not sure were it came from but it’s disgusting and vulgar. If I find out this is being sent out unsolicited by him to women I’ll make a point of posting up it up for the world to see and I guarantee you it will go viral. The sad part is that he is on the City Council and the FOP just endorsed him for re-election.

    • I haven’t seen the picture, but the subject of it is one of the worst human beings ever elected to public office in this City.

    • Yes, that smallish piece of crap is an insult to the entire representation of manhood in your community. His less than sober behavior is disgusting as his breath or unwanted touch. I read this blog because I’m just in waiting to see that weaver crud on the arrested list, him or that drunken broom Hilda bag Mosby, as well.


    • you gotta remember he’s had 2 marriages during one city council term, and was escorted from an Evansville establishment for assaulting his ex wife

  8. Thank you for posting about the Courier and Press Editorial regarding the Teamsters and EVSC. I have been waiting for David Smith and his cronies to send the C & P an answer telling them that everything they said is wrong. That is his mo – if you don’t agree with him, he will tell you why you are wrong.

    It is time to give these people a contract. I am ashamed of the school board members. This has been going on far too long. I hope that everyone who votes will remember this the next time we have school board elections.

    • Again, I don’t hate them. I’m just not a ball washing cheerleader like you. Plenty of Germans LOVED the gestapo. It’s called Stockholm Syndrome.

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