IS IT TRUE the “Right of the People To Peaceably  Assemble And  Petition The Government For A Redress Of Grievances Is Guaranteed”? …this is the fundamental means by which meaningful change is achieved?

IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!   …When the Government fear the people we have Liberty!  …could this be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE we are excited  to announce the City County Observer has facilitated a time,  place and the organization to host the “Call To Assemble” gathering  in a soon to be announced Downtown location?

IS IT TRUE some of our elected officials feel that the practice of firms donating money to their campaigns and  awarding City contracts to them is an legally acceptable practice? …this is “INFLUENCE PEDDLING  which is totally unacceptable?

IS IT TRUE at Monday night City Council meeting the Mayor’s Chief of Staff stated he wasn’t concerned about the Developer of the Downtown Hotel receiving $20 million dollars of taxpayer money without them having  ownership on their investment? …we thought the Mayor’s Chief of Staff was an extreme “Right Wing Conservative Republican” who adheres to strong business principals?

IS IT TRUE at Monday night City Council meeting the Mayor’s Chief of Staff  also said he wasn’t concerned about the Developers of the IU Medical School receiving $57 million dollars of taxpayer money without  ownership on their investment?  …we thought the Mayor’s Chief of Staff was an extreme”Right Wing Conservative Republican” who adheres to strong business principals?

IS IT TRUE our elected officials should understand there are a lot of sub-standard housing in Evansville?   …many home owner’s can’t afford to pay the unexpected water line repair costs because of the new water meter program?…our elected  officials should also realize most people in Evansville are struggling to pay house payments, pay water and sewer bills, pay property taxes, buy clothes for their kids and put food on their table?  …its time our elected officials stop awarding their political buddies with “Pork Barrel” projects?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing the Mayor has put aside about $1 million dollars to help a soon to be named developer to fund a  Downtown housing project for IU Medical students?  …we wonder from what fund the Mayor got this money from to help subsidized this project?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why DMD Director Kelley Coures announced that the McCurdy developer has received the financial loan approval needed to begin the renovating of the vacant and dilapidated Historical  Hotel ?  …it may turn out that Mr. Coures announcement may not be accurate?… we wonder, was this just another “feel good” political announcement to enhance the Mayor’s re-election chances?

IS IT TRUE another “feel good” political announcements concerns the newly renovated exterior of the GREYHOUND BUS terminal? …the  building interior is only a shell and  will cost many hundreds of thousand of  dollars to make it ready for a new business to occupied it?

IS IT TRUE we wonder about the status of the vacant and dilapidated CVS building on North Main?  …if investors from the private sectors spent $535,000 for a vacant and dilapidated building in a questionable part of town they would have had a predetermined use for this property?

IS IT TRUE we wonder who the voters will hold accountable for the defaulted $200,000 loan advancement  given to Earthcare Energy Corp.?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s FEATURE articles because they are always an interesting read.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Schaefer is like any republican (hypocrite.) Rugged individualism for the peasants, socialism for the elite.

  2. If it’s true you consider the Mayor’s Chief Of Staff an extreme, right wing conservative, it’s also true you are totally clueless. If he were in the least conservative he wouldn’t be working for this mayor. This mayor is as much an “extreme right wing conservative” as is Gail Riecken, two peas in a pod.

  3. It is election season, and you can reasonably count on some small minority opinions shouted from the back.

    But the leadership being displayed by both Ms. Riecken and Winnecke in their Mayoral campaigns pressing to continue the progress in downtown Evansville is overwhelmingly popular with their voter constituencies.

    It is why both have made support for the continued developmental initiatives downtown central to their political campaigns.

    • I just checked Gail Riecken’s campaign web site and saw articles about transportation, questioning the city’s finances, suggestions for the city to reassess the configuration of the med. school, a call for more transparency in city government, something about Winnecke’s police chief and a piece about her proposed responsible bidders (construction) ordinance.

      I didn’t see anything about that fleabag hotel Winnecke is flogging being ‘central’ to her campaign (although I don’t doubt she still supports some version of it). Last I heard from her regarding the hotel she was soliciting the public’s input on the matter, something Winnecke is loathe to do.

      The weak, desperate attempts to create a false equivalency between Gail Riecken and Winnecke continue to fall flat. They show an inherent weakness in Winnecke and his campaign. He has zero accomplishments to point to. Blowing money on blighted, dying parts of town is not progress. At best it is stupidity, at worst palm-greasing. I’ll continue to give him the benefit of what little doubt remains and assume stupidity. You don’t get to be a conman’s mark by being smart.

  4. When asked, the attorney for the City said, “We only need $52,000,000 for the IU med” and when asked, why is the bond 57,000,000, he repied, “we need to allow for contingencies” and went on to said when asked if those contingencies did not materialize what will you do with the remaining funds and his reply, “we will have some projects that we can use those fund for,” Maybe we need to be annexed by D.C.

  5. It has been a long known fact that in Evansville and Vanderburgh County, what is known as a Republican locally votes Democratic on State and Federal elections and what is known as a Democrat locally votes Republican on State and Federal elections.

  6. IS IT TRUE we wonder why DMD Director Kelley Coures announced that the McCurdy developer has received the financial loan approval needed to begin the renovating of the vacant and dilapidated Historical Hotel ? …it may turn out that Mr. Coures announcement may not be accurate?… we wonder, was this just another “feel good” political announcement to enhance the Mayor’s re-election chances?

    It is true that the C&P has an article by John Martin that was updated at 10:01 am today, August 26, in which KC is quoted as saying that he is aware that the closing is “postponed” but he is not aware of the reason for the delay. The original article, with the same quote from KC, ran yesterday at 3:52 pm. It doesn’t sound like a “feel good” anything. It sounds like a bald-faced lie. Could it be that the Happy Elf is fearful of giving Santa bad news?

    • Is it true that Kunkel borrowed funds from the city of Evansville to pay for a delinquent obligation owed to the city of Evansville on the downtown condo project that houses the mayor of Evansville?

      Kunkel is stretched thinner than a gnat’s ass over a 55 gallon drum.

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