Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE AUGUST 7, 2015



IS IT TRUE that of our less political readers of color are expressing  disappointment in their Center City Clergy, 4th Ward City Councilwoman and candidates for City Council for not engaging with the Winnecke Administration in a constructive, open and candor dialogue concerning the EPD Swat Team mistaken raid on the home of a 68 year woman of color? …open and candied dialogue between Mayor Winnecke, Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken, Chief of Police, 4th Ward City Councilwoman, Center City Clergy and candidates for City Council that will help insure  this type of incident won’t be repeated?  …this meeting would be extremely beneficial to help improve future race relations in our city?  …this is a teaching moment for all to attend and learn?  …its time we put this incident behind us and move forward and become the great city we are destined  to be, let the healing begin?

IS IT TRUE we have posted the entire video of the Evansville Police Swat Team raid on Ms. Milan home for all to view? …please go to the right side of the CCO and scroll down to our video section and click on this video?  …once you view the entire video we know  you will agree that this incident wasn’t minor and isn’t one of the finest moments for our professionally  trained Swat Team law enforcement officers?  …we want to stress that we feel this incident doesn’t represent the outstanding work that our law enforcement officers do on a daily basis?   …we are offended to any references made that members of the EPD act like a bunch of “KEYSTONE COPS’ because thats far from the truth?

IS IT TRUE the Parks Board  has just completed another Master Plan for Evansville’s parks system?  …this  plan calls for the evaluation of public golf courses and a new approach to the Marketing effort of City Parks?

IS IT TRUE we are not surprised to hear this plan suggests  our playgrounds should start meeting the needs of our neighborhoods?  …we are not surprised this report recommended that we  should do something with Robert’s Park and  continue to develop  Pigeon Creek Greenway?   …this Master Plan  states the implementation of the proposals won’t be expensive?  …the Parks Master Plan  was written by Alta Engineering?  …we wonder if the owners of ALTA Engineering contributed to the “Winnecke for Mayor” campaign?

IS IT TRUE we are looking forward to State Representative and Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken’s response to the new City Parks Masterplan since she was a past  Director of the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department?

IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke announced after 3 1/2 years in office  he finally has figured out ways to fight “Community Blight”?  …we can’t wait to hear what other major City Departmental changes that he will announce next week?  … we want to remind you that it’s re-election time for Mayor Winnecke?

IS IT TRUE At-Large City Councilman Dr. Dan Adams is leaning towards announcing his support for the $15 million dollar “Pork Barrel”  North Main project because he feels he will pick up needed votes to get himself re-elected to City Council?  …we say “bull’ to this idea?   …the working poor of that area couldn’t care less about additional parking or a bike trail on North Main?  …Dr. Adams should spent his time and focus on seeing that IU Medical School project goes on without a hitch because that will get him votes?


  1. The N. Main St. project is not needed and not wanted. If the City has money to spend, use that money to reopen Mesker Amphitheater.

    • Winky will not put any money into meskers amphitheater cause they want it dead in the water ,they are boundly determined if any entertainment comes to Evansville it will be held at the downtown
      He does not care what the tax paying peasants want ,only the elite matter to him

      • Bing-O! One big expense in redoing the Amphitheater is installing “corporate boxes”. Maybe it would be a good idea to skip those and make it a place for members of the community to come together. Those who don’t want to sit in the crowd probably wouldn’t enjoy the concerts anyway.

    • what is/was the seating capacity of the mesker amphitheater? never been there, but i adore outdoor music sheds.

      • When it was built, the Mesker Amphitheater was the second largest outdoor theater in the United States. The Hollywood Bowl held the number one spot.

        It is to this city’s everlasting shame that they have not maintained Mesker Amphitheater, especially since the Mesker family left an endowment for just that purpose.

        Before they built Roberts Stadium, the younger crowd could only see and hear their favorite acts at the old National Guard Armory on the edge of the UE campus, or at Mesker Amphitheater.

        • ‘Roberts Stadium, The Victory Theater, Mesker Amphitheatre and the C.K. Newsome Center will soon see new facility maintenance management as part of a cost-cutting measure.

          Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel’s office said Friday the city expects to save more than $300,000 annually in personnel costs with an agreement to shift maintenance management of the city-owned facilities from city personnel and management firm SMG Inc. to the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Building Authority.”


          “EVANSVILLE – Where some may see the Mesker Amphitheatre as a shuttered relic of Evansville’s past, Amos Morris, director of Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden, sees opportunity for revenue and smiles.

          The venue, which borders the Mesker Park Zoo, was shut down this year due to potential code violations. Evansville-Vanderburgh Building Authority Manager Dave Rector said renovations could cost about $100,000.

          “But as you see in this year’s budget, that money wasn’t set aside,” Rector said. “It (the amphitheatre) definitely could be brought back.””


          • Mr. Vice-President, I for one have had enough of your postings that demonstrate accurately and with evidence just how hypocritical our progressive Democratic posters are. Please refrain from mentioning Jonathan Weinzapfel and his loyal administrators and henchwomen such as Representative Riecken.

            J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
            Maximum co-coordinator
            Organizing for Idiocy
            Evansville Cell

          • “The support required to attract national level shows to the facility has clearly exceeded the venue’s infrastructure unless it undergoes a serious renovation,” states the report prepared by Jones & Phillips Associates of Lafayette, Ind., and Jack R. Kinkel and Son Architects of Evansville.

            “The city prioritizes certain things, and everything else is pushed to the back burner,” Lindsey said. “Mesker wasn’t a priority during the Weinzapfel administration. I don’t know what we’re going to do with it. We don’t have a maintenance attitude in this city. We build things, we walk away from it and then we act surprised when it’s beyond repair.”
            What does the Consultant nonsense of “national level shows” even mean? Repair Mesker so we can have concerts and movies again. The beauty of an amphitheater is that it is not fancy, just practical. Newsflash, its concrete on a hill in front of a stage with no roof. Mesker doesn’t need million dollar luxury boxes and million dollar message boards. The City’s long time neglect of Mesker Amphitheater is a crying shame and deprives the taxpayers from a historic and legendary outdoor venue.

          • Let it go, Biden. It will cost millions to make Mesker usable, not $100,000. The stage alone will be over a million. I’m all for spending the money to bring it back, but quit with the story that it will only cost a hundred grand. Winnie doesn’t care, because it isn’t downtown. Gail has shown an interest in bringing Mesker back, though.

  2. Maybe Santa Lloyd needs the pork to serve to Hafer since that organization has been awarded the design work worth (7) SEVEN FIGURES. Look like Evansville is FOR-SALE. Send your donations to Santa’s Workshop in Room 302 a/k/a Winnecke’s “Man Cave”. I hear that Hafer and Associates has the Robert’s Dog Park design work as well. Wonder if Ed Hafer has donated to the Mayors re-election campaign? Looks like a “Pay and You’ll Stay” deal too me. Boy,this town never changes!!!

    • The Evansville Regional Business Committee, of which Ed Hafer was/is? secretary, has already expended at least $49,000. on the IU Med School project as of their 2013 Form 990 filing, the 2014 filing is not yet available online.

      It would not surprise me if those funds went for legal work in order to craft the coming Evansville Redevelopment resolutions that will bind the wallets of local taxpayers irrevocably to this bricks and mortar project, and secure yet another multimillion dollar project for the usual suspects.

    • He is the headliner on the Milan raid support petition put up by the Phoenix.

      Not saying that’s necessarily bad, a polititian has to do what he has to do. I am saying the petition was put up to support the raid and those responsible for its conduct, not simply ‘Chief Bolin and all our police officers’, as is averred by the petitionmeister. The comments are rife with defenses, both plausible and ridiculous, for the raid on Mrs. Milan’s home.

      • Wow! Well he didn’t lose my vote over supporting his son’s boss. I decided not to vote for him when he said he wanted to see “dirt fly” on the tacky motel site.

  3. NEWS FLASH..the Milan Case has gone viral. Its has reached the United Kingdom, reported both in print and video. Reached the New York Times, both print and video. Boston Herald, both print and video. And the grand pappy of them all,the Associated Press. of course various electronic media outfits as well. The bloggers on those news agencies have BLASTED the 60’s approach to race relations that Evansville has portrayed. Of course Evansville can’t demonstrate responsive action at the top.The big QUESTION: Do you feel that this kind of publicity has increased the chances of economic development or decreased the chances of economic development? Wonder how things economically are going for Ferguson, MO?

    • Wonder how those news agencies will report that Bolin mislead Federal Judge Lawrence when he testified under oath to the Judge that he was NOT at the location of the Grenade Bombing (Bombing is not my words, but the words of the Appeal Court) but counter testimony revealed that he was in deed there . . . WHAT IS THIS CALLED? Would you classify this as Perjury?

      • Hey Dances

        Don’t forget to mention that Bolin failed to disclose to the Judge that issued the search warrant that the area had an unsecured network. This information most certainly would have required Chief Bolin to present to the Judge additional information regarding increased levels of investigation. of course I hear that Chief Bolin had his personal media representative TV Channel 25 outside the Judge’s chambers to report breaking news. So little time and so many to give the Chief Billy Bolin SWAT Team treatment to.

      • Hey Benedict

        If your information is true this would be more than grounds to remove and replace Chief Bolin!!! According to Chief Bolin history with the rank and file, if one of the EPD officers made false testimony under oath the officer would have been terminated. Remember the officer demonstrating defensive tactic to a youth and was accused of touching private parts. That individual is no longer a EPD police officer. Appears that we have double standards?

    • UPDATE:

      Rumor has it that the Milan SWAT Team video is now being shown in Russia, China, Cuba, Mexico, Iran, ISIS network, North Korea and Iraq.

  4. This post was taken down because the remarks were insulting and mean spirited.

    We find Phillip Davis to very open and honest in his political views. In fact Mr. Davis has always been fair and open with the CCO.


  5. Question Please

    IS IT TRUE that our Chief of Police Bolin has only a GED diploma?

  6. Race has nothing to do with the Milan case. The occupants of the house should be justly compensated, regardless of their “color”.
    Since I missed the appeals court case I’m confused as to why EPD thought they shouldn’t be held financially liable for their “mistake”.

    • Obviously you have NOT read the Seventh Circuit findings. Within the body of the text Judge Posner clearly states that “the SWAP team members were white and the victims were black” and further states, ” that race relations in Evansville must be low” Now, do you think those statements regard race? If you do not then wondering if you may be one of those 27 currently or past members of some fringe group voting that this incident is minor. Of course the world news organization have had a field day. Some of head lines have been “Grandmother and grandchild civil rights violated.”

      • And OBVIOUSLY you didn’t read my comment, sideup, where I clearly stated I didn’t read the appeals court ruling. And you ignored my question. Why did EPD think they should not be held financially liable for their “mistake”? For the record I think they should be.
        Now, you’re saying that, had the occupants of the house been white, EPD would not have conducted the raid?

        • The answer to your question is in the court documents. Why don’t people read the actual, relevant public records before giving their opinion? Doesn’t take that long and then you would be informed and not just “handled” with propaganda.

          • O.K. letsgetalong, I’ll try to get along by simply reminding you that asking a question does not constitute “giving your opinion”.

          • And I’m saying do your own reading. Why don’t you inform yourself instead of trusting other people’s interpretations?

    • Dear Common

      A simple question: is it a coincident or not that the city has seven civil rights lawsuits pending which every plaintiff is a person COLOR?

  7. Mr. Editor,

    At this time I noticed that 27 votes on your polling indicate that the Milan Raid was minor! Please make it more clear that before they cast their vote they view the SWAT video and read the Seventh Circuit findings. If they have not changed their minds this would make you wonder they might be a current or past member of some fringe group?

    • Sure. How about just making it so stupid people can’t vote in the poll or in elections? That would really solve a lot of our problems. 9% of people who live in Evansville have a college degree. Now, go scream into a pillow, because nothing is going to change here.

    • I have watched the raid video and read the court documents and possess a college degree, and I voted that it was minor. The question’s wording implies that the SWAT team, and solely the SWAT team was responsible for a horrid decision. The facts are that the SWAT team was sent in on poor information by a Police Chief that overreacted to a situation. I’m not going to condemn the SWAT team when its clear from the court documents that Bolin was responsible for this mess. It was a minor mistake by the SWAT team, and a huge mistake by Bolin. The question should reflect the true culprit of this mess. If he’s not the true culprit, then why the testimony by Bolin that is dubious at best, perjury at worst?

  8. According to the Court records, Bolin was quailed out by one of the police officers. Some felt that they were going to be the patsy. If true, what a standup guy. And, if he in deed testified under oath and lied about his not being there that would be a material omission to the case and worthy of charges to be filed by the USA for perjury. Of course, Winnecke would NEVER omit that his pick for the most important position on his Dept Head list is the Police Chief.

  9. Here is my understanding from various research: a SWAT team is given a residence to enter for either a search warrant or an arrest warrant or both. The swat team is given this assignment because it’s too dangerous for regular police. The Swat team makes their decision on how and when to enter this residence based upon the info they receive from whomever..detective bureau, admin staff, and yes, even the chief. I don’t believe the swat team does much of their intelligence gathering and i don’t believe they conduct any investigations. They basically do what theyre told. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Or differing info?

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