Zoeller honors two southern Indiana victim, advocates with Hoosier Hearts Hero awards


Two southern Indiana victim advocates are the first to receive the Hoosier Hearts Hero Award for Distinguished Advocacy presented by Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller.

“The Hoosier Hearts Hero Award is designed to honor advocates who play vital roles, often behind the scenes, helping local shelters give voices to those in need,” Zoeller said. “Without the support and encouragement of advocates many victims may not speak out about crimes committed against them. National Crime Victims’ Rights Week gives us an opportunity to spotlight their efforts to serve others.”

For more than 30 years, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week has promoted the awareness of victims’ rights and services and honored countless crime victims and survivors. Many educational events, vigils and memorials will be held across the state and will run through Saturday.

This is the first year for the Hoosier Heart awards and both recipients work for the Hoosier Hills Prisoners And Community Together (PACT). Kathy Kuss, associate director of the not-for-profit, said the organization’s mission is to provide and promote opportunities for community involvement in restorative justice.

Heather Woloshen will receive the Career Advocate Hoosier Heart Hero Award for her 11-year long commitment to helping victims of domestic violence and advocacy for sexual assault victims and their families. Kuss said she nominated Woloshen because of her outstanding dedication and enthusiasm for helping others.

“Heather’s commitment to, and concern for, victims and survivors of domestic violence has made her a standout as an advocate,” said Kathy Kuss, associate director of Hoosier Hills PACT. “Heather has made it her mission to ensure that victims’ rights and dignity are protected, and that their safety and that of their children remains paramount. Shortly after I began working with Heather I learned that due to financial difficulties for DVIN shortly before PACT was approached for assistance, Heather had worked for eight weeks unpaid rather than allow the office to close. As a single mother this was a great sacrifice, but Heather explained that she simply could not abandon her clients for that time. I am extremely pleased that her dedication and commitment to victims and survivors is being recognized with a Hoosier Heart Hero Award.”

Bill Rothrock will receive the Volunteer Advocate Hoosier Heart Hero Award for donating 480 hours of his time to the shelter program since 2000. Connie Benson, director of the shelter, nominated Rothrock for helping with tasks ranging from electrical and plumbing work to gardening and picking up Christmas gifts for children.

“No matter when we call on Bill, he is there to help,” Benson said. “He arrives with his toolbox, ladder or whatever he needs to get the job done. No job is too large or too small. Little does Bill realize the tiny eyes that are watching him as he is replacing a light bulb or when he is repairing a leg on the kitchen table. Those eyes are those of our small and silent victims. Those are the eyes of the children who have witnessed the abuse of a family member and have come to the shelter to remain safe. Many of the children have never had a positive male role model in their life. Bill helps to provide that positive influence and he doesn’t even realize it. We need more Bill’s in this world to make a difference in the lives of victims.”

Nominations for the awards were due by Jan. 31 and included an overview of the nominee’s service and explained how the individual exemplifies the 2012 Crime Victims’ Rights Week theme, “Extending the Vision: Reaching Every Victim.”

The Hoosier Hills PACT service area includes Washington, Orange, Harrison, Crawford, Scott and Lawrence counties.