Home Breaking News Zion United Church of Christ to Be Fiscal Sponsor for Tri State...

Zion United Church of Christ to Be Fiscal Sponsor for Tri State Alliance


Clarification of Financial Partnership Arrangement

Zion United Church of Christ has had a long-standing, close relationship with the Tri State Alliance (TSA) because we share a commitment to serving the needs of the LGBTQ community. Our commitment to that community has not changed and it is our desire to ensure that those services continue. We are particularly interested in making sure that beneficiaries of the AIDS Holiday project are not adversely impacted by the current difficulties facing TSA. Pastor Coons said, “Our primary concern and goal is that ministry and services remain unhindered during this time.”

One way that we can do that is to provide financial oversight of TSA funds via “fiscal sponsorship” (while they go through the process of restoring their 501(c)3 status). As the fiscal sponsor, Zion will receive donations designated for TSA, maintain custody and control of those funds, and will keep documentation of receipts and disbursements. This will fulfill Zion’s obligation (under its 501(c)3) to guarantee that the money is used for a tax-exempt purpose and that donor intent is honored.

Zion United Church of Christ has policies and practices in place to safeguard accountability with respect to donations intended to benefit TSA. Contributions may be sent to either TSA (in which case they will be forwarded to us) or Zion UCC. Checks should be made out to Zion UCC (designated for TSA) and will be stewarded in accordance with the donor’s intent and with fiscal responsibility.

Unity Fellowship is the name of the recently merged congregations of Zion United Church of Christ and Journey Fellowship, still operating under the name, Zion UCC, until recognized by the IRS under its new name.

Zion United Church of Christ will not function as a “pass-through” organization for TSA.