Youth First and the EVSC’s Hangers Are National Finalists


Youth First and the EVSC’s Hangers are two of 200 finalists nationwide. The top 40 vote-getters by Aug. 27 will each receive $25,000.

Youth First is dedicating our project to the expansion of social work services to 12 currently unserved EVSC schools. Kids need our help now more than ever to strengthen the mental health and well-being of young people.

Please share this opportunity to vote through your communication channels and help both causes! 

Every email address is allowed 10 votes a day. Here’s the link to Youth First’s voting page, followed by Hangers.

State Farm Neighborhood Assist® 2021

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there

We would love for both Vanderburgh County finalists to bring home the gold with your help!