• Yes, its definitely the right spot for some of our best and brightest to go to school. The students will be out of downtown before the sun sets every night. Winnie’s planned student housing will sit empty, sort of like the great phantom convention hotel.

  1. Well, we know where the crime is, we know where the failing schools are, we know we have a lack of jobs, now what can we do about it? That’s the problem and no one takes any action. So it just gets worse and worse. Previously failing schools still failing, drugs and daily shootings are still rampant, crime is everywhere, the city fails to bring in any new jobs…….. Who has the answers? Not the City Council – they have failed the people. Not the police chief he has failed the people. Not the Mayor he has failed the people. We are desperate for real leadership and none is on the horizon.

    • Not a fan of the police chief (apparently he’s neither qualified nor capable) but how can you say he has failed? Every day I read how EPD officers are making arrests for shootings, drugs and weapons charges and it seems that stopping street violence is the department’s first priority. EPD gets almost zero help from the inner city community and still manages to arrest a lot of the problem people involved in the crimes.

      Now about he jobs, schools, infrastructure, crooked politicians….preach on brother!

    • These shootings appear to have been done by young males and I’ll bet they were identified as CHINS years ago and nothing happened. We probably have young males today identified as CHINS and nothing is happening. So the next generation of shooters is in the incubation stage. CHINS is Children in Need of Services. It really makes little difference if services are received because the children stay in the same environment.

      • It really doesn’t seem to matter how many we arrest. There are more to follow in their shoes. The more the Cops do their job, the worse it gets. And i am a great supporter of the Police.

  2. Apparently we have a “no go zone” in Evansville. West of 42 and south of Walnut is a free fire zone.

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