Winsett Named Editor-in-Chief Of Professional Journal


Rebecca P. Winsett PhD, RN has been selected as the new Editor-in-Chief of the nursing and health professional journal Progress in Transplantation.

This inter-professional journal is specific to clinicians working in donor procurement and management, pre- and post-transplant hospital care, and the long-term care of abdominal and thoracic donors and recipients. End stage renal, liver, heart, pancreatic, and bowel disease and subsequent organ transplantation is a highly specialized area of medicine in which state-of-the-art technology, research, and innovative techniques are used to address serious and complex medical problems. The journal accepts original research and clinical practice issues from nurses, pharmacists, social workers, psychology, psychiatry, nutritionists, and donor, pre- and post- transplant coordinators.

Dr. Winsett has been involved in transplant nursing since 1976 and has over 100 publications in transplantation. NATCO, The Organization for Transplant Professionals has sponsored the journal since its inception in 1991. She began her new role April 11, 2016.  Dr. Winsett will continue her employment part-time with St. Mary’s as well.