Winnecke Releases “Listening to You” Plan


Lloyd Winnecke

Winnecke Listening_to_You


  1. Good grief…

    Didn’t the last 8 years show us how these “listening” tours, simply give certain [progressive] segments of the population opportunities to gang up at meetings to GET, what they think they deserve to GET?

    Lloyd, don’t we have ELECTIONS to give leaders MANDATES, not bi-annual “community meetings”?

  2. It took Mr. Winnecke many, many words to say two things: I will listen to the people, and I will simplify red tape. Well, he didn’t simplify his statement to us and hasn’t in all the other papers I have read by him. Both candidates say they will listen to the people. Guess this latest paper from Mr. W. is just another bunch of words. Perhaps I should expect that from a PR guy.

  3. Hello, Mr Winnecke
    Since you pledge to listen:
    I have an open call to you that hasn’t been answered.

    “Lloyd, do you believe it is your responsibility, as a public servant, to inform your constituency about significant increases in their Property Taxes, or don’t you?”

    “Hello? … Lloyd? … Hello?” …

  4. Recycled pabulum lifted directly from Jonathan Weinzapfel’s playbook.

    This really insults the intelligence of most voters, imo.

    • Vonkayel, gotta disagree here. Mr. Winnecke is a sincere and very nice man who means well. He intends well for others and I personally like him. Sure, he’s the happy beneficiary of the County Democratic civil war of their disloyal party insiders against their registered voters primary winning candidate. He knows that. If he wins, he knows that’s why. I think he would do a good job as Mayor. He’s a local guy and doesn’t want to be Governor or Senator. He knows this would only be a 1 term job as the Democrats will unify.

    • Not just a tank…an INFRARED tank.

      Maybe we can order a fleet of tanks and hold a demolition derby at the new Ford Center.

      Or we could just erect a wall around the entire SE Side and turn it into an Escape from New York scenario.

    • Cardinals,

      Good one. Everyone’s heard of a “THINK TANK”, you have now coined the phrase “LISTENING TANK”.

  5. I heard this guy is keeping company with a woman named Carol McClinton. When will someone expose this scandal??!??!@!!??

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