Winnecke Releases Jobs Plan


Lloyd Winnecke

5 Point Plan Gets Back to the Basics

Lloyd Winnecke, Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville released a jobs plan today that essentially returns to the fundamentals of economic development that Gage and the Coalition for Economic Development were founded in in 2007.

In his plan Winnecke refers to leveraging the technology transfer agreement that was signed between Gage and the Crane Navsea back in 2008 and to returning to getting to know local businesses that was also established by Gage under the name EnGage in 2007. The plan also calls for returning to the basics of promoting entrepreneurship that was the fundamental tenant in establishing Innovation Pointe.

The entire plan is available on the link below.



  1. 1.) Promising to visit every Evansville business, monthly? (I doubt this could physically be done, unless you play favorites…)

    For business that might not have time or inclination for these meetings, this might seem a bit, Gambino style…

    If they don’t meet and impress, are they out of the loop for the government handouts?

    2.) Did you just address every citizen as an asset, in an inventory listing?

    3.) Did you just talk about cutting red tape, only to follow it up with more red tape, sold as “entrepreneurship”. (I assume this “fee” will be paid to some, new government agency?)

    4.) Let me get this straight, under a Winnecke administration… It is a Government responsibility/stragegy to “create jobs”? And you’ll give us voters the ability to hold you accountable? (I.E., you’ll allow future elections? Uh, I guess this is a good thing…) The city must “develop an environment that fosters the creation of new, local business…”.

    So, how do we know what you think of as “Angels”, aren’t in reality, “Sharks”?

    After all, wasn’t it Federalist 51:
    “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.”

    Given the plethera of examples of our local government failing to control itself[!!]… It might be seen as irresponsible, not addressing that at all. Yet your “Jobs program”, doesn’t seem to mention any limits, of governmental participation?

    Should we infer that with your monthly visits, you’ll be bringing the Opus One?

  2. 1) where will the EnGage/Innovation Pointe v. Winnecke suit (theft of intellectual property) be heard ?

    2) My former army buddy, Lou Tenant, called and said the last sentence should read ” fundamental tenet in establishing Innovation Pointe”.

    • No lawsuit coming on this. It was a good plan then and it is a good plan now. It is public domain and available for the good of Evansville. As the author of the GAGE plan I am just pleased to see that something may come from it. Lloyd was on the board at the time and was supportive of all of the things that we wanted to make happen.

  3. My question to this plan is that if Mr. Winnecke was on the GAGE board and was fully aware of these things, then why are these things not done already? Were the resources not available? Was he kept from implementing these plans by more powerful board members?

    Mr. Winnecke has been in positions of political power for some time now. What is there to show for it other than a smoking ban.

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