Winnecke Opponent Opts out of Mayoral Challenge in Favor of At-Large City Council Seat


Economics of Campaign Changes Heath’s Perspective of Office of Mayor

Jeremy Heath after making it known that he had intention to file today to run for the Republican nomination for Mayor of Evansville against County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke has changed his mind and has filed to seek one of the three at-large positions on the Evansville City Council. Mr. Heath has filed as a Republican and expects to receive the blessing and support of the Republican Party but has not had any conversation with party Chairman Wayne Parke yet.

Mr. Heath is 25 years old and works at Good Samaritan as a Certified Nursing Assistant, is married with one child and another child on the way. When asked why he developed an interest in running for local office, Mr. Heath responded that, “he is tired of the lack of transparency in local government and that his first idea to run for Mayor of Evansville was inspired by his disappointment with the old guard and the candidates from both parties who seem to be a part of it”. Mr. Heath stated furthermore that he is not a member of the Tea Party but is sympathetic with some of their positions.

On some local issues Mr. Heath expresses a desire to save Roberts Stadium and hopes that the people of Evansville will reach a decision on the best idea for its use and supports consolidation but was not impressed with the Consolidation Committee’s process with respect to law enforcement. Mr. Heath is a resident of the 1st Ward.


  1. I have to ask, as a Tea Party sympathizer has Mr. Heath voted before? If so, did he vote Republican in the last primary for which he pulled a ballot, or will he have to obtain a permission slip from the county chairman to run this time around?

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