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Willard Library Announcements


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Our annual special event, Midnight Madness, is coming soon. Midnight Madness is a week long program in which the Special Collections Department holds various genealogy and history programs while also remaining open until midnight the entire week. This year Midnight Madness will run June 17-21, with an additional event on Saturday the 22nd. There is more detailed information in the attached flyer.

Our program listing is as follows:

9:30 a.m. Beginning Genealogy: Start Putting Leaves on Your Family Tree
11:30 a.m. Tour the Willard Websites: Exploring the Genealogy Databases
2:00 p.m. Courthouse Research: What Should (Could) Be There
7:00 p.m. Finding Vital Records in the Latter-day Saints Microfilm

9:30 a.m. Lost in Kentucky: Finding Hard-to-Find Records
11:30 a.m. Finding German Ancestors and Origins
1:00 p.m. Joining the DAR
2:00 p.m. Source Materials for Genealogists: Where to Look First
7:00 p.m. Civil War Women and Their Place in Society

9:30 a.m. Civil War Pension Files: Finding the Women
11:30 a.m. Reitz Home Tour & Luncheon
2:00 p.m. Early 20th Century Stones and Mausoleums
7:00 p.m. Newspaper Research From a New Perspective

9:30 a.m. Finding Family Information in Cemetery and Church Records
11:30 a.m. Indiana in the Civil War
2:00 p.m. Finding School Records: Locating, Accessing, Acquiring
7:00 p.m. Spice Up Your Genealogy with Tech Tools

9:30 a.m. Wayward Girls and Noble Hearts: A History of the Vanderburgh Christian Home
2:00 p.m. Printing Your Family History: Practical Advice

Saturday (Regular hours)
10:00 a.m. The 1925 Griffin Tornado