Where Do the Billionaires Live?


Wealth Report Reports Shifting Wealth Away from the West

A study released by the Knight Frank and Citi Privat Bank Partnership has place the 10 countries with the most billionaires as follows:

1. United States 396
2. China 72
3. Russia 58
4. India 47
5. Germany 43
6. United Kingdom 42
7. Hong Kong 29
8. Switzerland 27
9. Japan 23
10. Canada 22

Some other fun facts that they published about American cities are as follows:

Economic Activity: New York City 1st, Los Angeles 10th
Political Power: Washington DC 1st, New York City 2nd
Quality of Life: New York City 9th, Los Angeles 10th, (Paris was 1st)
Knowledge and Influence: New York City 1st, Chicago 6th, Los Angeles 7th

Top Cities for Entrepreneurs: New Your City #4, San Francisco #9, Palo Alto #10, Dallas #19

Here is a link to the entire study. If you want to follow the money this is a good read.
