What They’re Saying After Governor Pence Announces Intention to Nominate Eric Holcomb as Lieutenant Governor


Governor Mike Pence today announced his intention to nominate Eric Holcomb as the next lieutenant governor of Indiana, following current Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann’s announcement that she will resign to pursue the position of president at Ivy Tech Community College. Read what leaders around the state are saying about today’s announcement.




Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann


“It has been a special honor for me to serve alongside a great Governor and share in all that we have accomplished to benefit the people of Indiana. As I look forward to other opportunities for service, I am pleased that Eric Holcomb will become the next Lt. Governor.  Eric has a distinguished record of service to his nation and his State.  He understands State government from his work as Governor Daniels’ Deputy Chief of Staff and is ready to be a valuable partner with Governor Pence leading our State to even greater months and years ahead.”



Senate President Pro Tem David Long


“It’s been a pleasure working with Sue Ellspermann over the past several years. As Lieutenant Governor, she plays a constitutional role in presiding over session in the Indiana Senate, and she has always carried out this duty with great integrity and grace. She is an intelligent, capable and effective public servant and I wish her well in her new endeavors.


“Though I will miss working with Sue, the Governor has made an excellent choice in naming Eric Holcomb as his choice to assume the office of Lieutenant Governor. Eric is a highly competent and effective leader. He is a man of character, and I have a great amount of respect for him and his ability to get things done. I’m confident he will serve Hoosiers well.”



House Speaker Brian Bosma


“Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann is an extraordinary leader and public servant, who has dedicated herself to serving Hoosiers. I personally wish Sue the best in all of her future endeavors and thank her for her commitment to keeping Indiana on the right track.


“Gov. Mike Pence made a sound choice in selecting Eric Holcomb as his nominee for the next lieutenant governor. Eric is a consensus builder and he is well prepared to step into this role as we continue to move Indiana forward.”



Secretary of State Connie Lawson


“Eric Holcomb is a proven leader and consensus builder, making him a natural choice. I have known Eric for years and am confident that he will be a great fit to serve the state as Lieutenant Governor. The Lieutenant Governor has wide-ranging responsibilities and Holcomb is uniquely suited to excel in this position from the moment he takes office.


“I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann for her service and wish her the best in her future endeavors.  Sue has been an enormous asset to the State as Lt. Governor and will undoubtedly continue to be so.”



Former Lieutenant Governor Becky Skillman


“Eric Holcomb will bring extensive experience and enthusiasm to the office of Lieutenant Governor. He will be able to make a great contribution toward progress on day one. Governor Pence made a very wise choice.”



Senator Dan Coats


“Governor Pence’s selection of Eric Holcomb to serve as Indiana’s next lieutenant governor is a brilliant choice.


“Eric is a solid conservative, who brings a wealth of experience gained through his decade of service to Governor Daniels, his leadership of the Indiana Republican Party and as my state chief of staff. Eric is known and respected by Hoosiers throughout our state, and he is dedicated to working with Governor Pence to continue the progress Indiana has made over the last decade and to making our state a better place.”


Congresswoman Susan Brooks 


“Our state is fortunate to have had a long history of thoughtful and effective advocates who have served as Lieutenant Governor, and Sue Ellspermann has indeed fit that description during her tenure. On behalf of 5th District Hoosiers, I thank her for her tireless and outstanding service to our state and wish her only the best in her future endeavors.


“I have known Eric Holcomb for over a decade now and learned very early that he is dedicated to public service and improving the lives of all Hoosiers. I’ve always admired his love and passion for all corners of Indiana and everything that makes it great. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the state, having served both Governor Daniels and Senator Coats. I commend Governor Pence for this selection, and I look forward to working with Eric in his new role.”


Congressman Larry Bucshon


“Sue Ellspermann is a good friend and tremendous advocate for Southern Indiana. I am confident that Hoosiers will continue to benefit from her leadership and service, and I look forward to working with her in the years to come.


“As the governor said today, Eric Holcomb is uniquely qualified to hit the ground running on day one. Not to mention, his experience serving the constituents of Indiana’s 8th District under Congressman John Hostettler is a bonus. I look forward to working with Eric as he and Governor Pence continue Indiana’s record of success.”



Congressman Luke Messer


“Eric is my friend, and he’ll make a great Lieutenant Governor.  He’s an asset to our state and has demonstrated a tireless commitment to Indiana.  I look forward to working with him to advance Conservative principles that deliver results for our state.”



Congressman Todd Rokita


“Congratulations to Eric Holcomb on this nomination.  I worked with Eric fairly often when I was Secretary of State and served with Governor Daniels.  I look forward to working again with him on issues that impact Hoosiers and wish him well with his new responsibilities.”


Congresswoman Jackie Walorski


“No one has done a better job of serving the state like Lt. Governor Ellspermann and she leaves some big shoes to fill in her departure, but I am confident Eric Holcomb will fill those shoes. His tenure of public service to the State of Indiana has been nothing short of remarkable and I look forward to working with him.”


Congressman Todd Young


“Key to the notion of public service is putting the interest of those you serve ahead of your own. In her time in the state legislature, as Lt. Governor, and especially today, nobody has exemplified that idea better than my friend Sue Ellsepermann. Indiana has benefitted from her model of service and I know Sue will continue to play a leadership role in our state.


“I also want to congratulate Governor Mike Pence on the excellent choice of Eric Holcomb to serve as Lt. Governor. Eric has demonstrated through his service to Governor Mitch Daniels that he truly understands how to make Indiana a state that works. I have every confidence in the Pence/Holcomb team.”