WFIE 14 Breaks Mainstream Media Silence on Earthcare


In an interview with 14 WFIE Gage president Debbie Dewey stated that “personal information isn’t something their team takes into account when bringing a business to town. I’ve been involved with new ventures and growth ventures for a lot of my career, those are not the things we use for evaluating success-probability of a project.”

When contacted by 14 Ken Haney the Chairman of Earthcare is quoted as saying “Everyone has personal things, we can bring up dirt on anybody and pull up inaccurate and stupid information, but until you know the true facts and the outcome of any of that information you shouldn’t smear people’s names.”

Dewey also claims that Friday was the first time that she had seen anything in writing regarding bankruptcies, arrests, shell companies, and failed business ventures. Two credible sources have told the CCO that there was a meeting last week in the office of Mayor Winnecke attended by Dewey where all of this same information was made available to Dewey and Mayor Winnecke in writing and the people including Councilwoman Riley who presented it were summarily dismissed.

Link to 14 story.


  1. The plot thickens.

    C’mon Mayor Winnecke. You know the company is going to get their money.

    You’ve already promised it to Rev. Brooks!

  2. That “is” why Rev. Brooks backed you in the last election right Mayor Winnecke? Follow the money people!

    • You got it X. That is also why there is a whisper campaign with its roots in the 4th Ward spreading the word that Stephanie Riley is a former hooker, porn star, and of course the usual excuse of racism.

      • Yep, when you are cornered by logic with no defense for your actions pull the race card. Does anyone think that the cast of characters pushing the council to okay this deal would be for it if the owners of Earthcare were anything but African Americans? Reverse racism is racism.

      • I’m confused.

        I was under the impression that the 4th Ward PREFERRED their political operatives to be former hookers.

        • This is the most accurate statement I’ve seen on here in months.
          It’s so funny, yet so sad because it’s true.

          • The fourth ward is also home to many conservatives and conservative Republicans who are in a great big hurry to depose Her Royal Highness Queen Connie the Mean as soon as possible, as well as her hand-picked successor, who is no doubt one of her relatives.

  3. Ms. Dewey is clearly in waaaaaaayyyy over her head. I’m gobsmacked by this statement:

    “personal information isn’t something their team takes into account when bringing a business to town…those are not the things we use for evaluating success-probability of a project”

    Really, Ms Dewey? Then you are literally the ONLY person I have ever known who deals with startups and growth enterprises who DOESN’T take such information into accout. In every venture deal I’ve been involved in, a significant portion of the due diligence phase is devoted to the personal histores of the principals.

    Wow–it’s amateur hour at GAGE, the Mayor’s office, and the City Council. And as usual, Evansville comes off looking ridiculously provincial and unsophisticated.

  4. Personal information of a loan applicant isn”t important when it comes to vetting a $4.8 dollar loan. What bank is Debbie Dewey dealing with because my cousin just got out of prison and wants to puchase a new home.

  5. Now my 3th Ward City Councilwoman is a racist. Wow-what does that make the 4th Ward City Councilwomen? Oh, just saw my outstanding 3th Ward City Councilwomen having lunch with her long time friend of color. Oh, that kind of charge of an elected official being a racist worked in 2010 but not in 2012!

    Get a life and a new line!

  6. “GAGE officials say personal information isn’t something their team takes into account when bringing a business to town.” Debbie–That has to be one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard made by someone who is responsible for loaning 3 people $4.8 million of taxpayer money. You need to resign for for gross incompetence.

    • Dewey needs to be gone and her entire executive committee replaced. This statement indicates complete ignorance of the due diligence process. Dewey may not think that personal track record means anything but everyone else in the investment world disagrees with her.

      • Dewey must not have learned much from Jack Welch whom she claims personally recruited her to GE. You will never hear Jack Welch say that character does not matter. That is a Dewey mantra.

        • Dewey was probably one of the 10% that weren’t GE material that Jack used to weed out every year. A person who made a statement like that at GE would be gone and gone she is.

          • When I worked for the Residential Financing division of General Electric Credit (now known a GE Capital) we thoroughly vetted not only the borrowers, but also the mobile home dealers.

            Dewey is obviously lying through her teeth.

          • When I worked for the Residential Financing division of General Electric Credit (now known a GE Capital) we thoroughly vetted not only the borrowers, but also the mobile home dealers.

            Dewey is obviously lying through her teeth.

  7. Connie Robinson political days are numbered. Good people of this community are tired of the “Queen of Political Patronage” shaking down the taxpayers for her self financial gains! Henceforth, the taxpayers of this community shall be watching ever political deal the “Queen of Political Patronage” makes! I know she won’t stand up to test of being held accountable by the taxpayers of Evansville.

  8. This story reads like a fable.
    A morality play.
    It’s such a micro example with such macro cautions.

    The people really need to be heard here.
    They’re right.

  9. the C&P now has an article, what a great group of followers. Thanks CCO for being a leader

  10. Finally a highly respected main media source gave the CCO credit for breaking this story.

    Thanks to WFIE_channel 14 for doing a creditable job in telling the entire story about the $4.8 million dollar Earthcare loan from the city of Evansville.

    I know what TV station I shall be watching from hereon.

  11. Debbie Dewey stated that “personal information isn’t something their team takes into account when bringing a business to town”. (WFIE)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The City of Evansville and GAGE must be the only institutions in Indiana that are not interested in the personal information of people to whom they are going to make a $4.8 Million unsecured loan of public funds.



  12. I bet the Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican party is hopping mad about the public remarks of “Media Oueen” of GAGE (Debbie Dewey)concerning the vetting of Earthcare.

    Wonder how much of a bonus and salary increase Ms. Dewey received for 2012? I hear that that the elected officials serving on Gage Executive
    Committee agreed to give her a “monster” raise and bonus for 2012? Thanks are in order to Tom Shelter, Jr.’ Marsha Abell and of course her big buddy–the Mayor!

    • The chairman of the Republican Party needs to take that village idiot that helped get elected Mayor to the woodshed over the way he is embarrassing Evansville.

      • Please.

        Winnecke owes more to the chairman of the Democratic party than to Wayne Parke.

        It’s the Democrats who got him elected, and he himself is much more a “machine Democrat” than a Republican…not that there is much difference between the two in Evansville.

  13. Why don’t Channel 14 TV become a media partner with the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER?

  14. At first I thought the problem was people who had no understanding of mechanical devices. Now I see that the problem is that Evansville is ran like a banana republic.

    • It is very offensive to Banana Republics to be lumped together with Robinson, Weaver and Mosby.

  15. Robinson, Weaver, and Mosby equal Haiti’s Duvalier, Panama’s Noriega, and Evita Peron.

    • Oh yeah! Connie needs a new nickname for her role this charade. I proposed “Mama Doc” in honor of Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier.

      Papa Doc used VooDoo and violence to keep the people of Haiti in poverty while living like a king.

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