Wendy McNamara Supporting Teachers


Lawmakers are supporting a Career Pathways and Mentorship Program thatschools can begin using to foster career development for their teaching faculty. Under House Bill 1005, which I co-authored, schools would begin tailoring new teacher mentorship programs best suited for their needs. This proposal would also lay the foundation to recognize and reward educators who take on extra roles and leadership positions.

To ensure Indiana is effectively measuring whether students are mastering the lessons and skills taught in classrooms, we are also working on a comprehensive review of the ISTEP+ testing program. If passed into law, House Bill 1395would establish a panel of education experts and stakeholders to study testing alternatives and make recommendations for a replacement test as we phase out ISTEP+ before July 1, 2017. Their findings would be submitted to the State Board of Education for review.

After being amended and approved by the Senate, these proposals will now return to the House to be reexamined.

If you have questions or input as we continue moving Indiana forward, please contact me at (317) 232-9816 or h76@iga.in.gov.