Wendy MacNamara Shares Why HB 1118 is Important to Her


The following is provided by State Representative Wendy MacNamara an is published without revision.

Protecting first responders’ use of mental health resources
Our first responders face difficult and dangerous situations every day, putting their lives on the line to keep us safe. Unfortunately, facing these traumatic situations can put them at risk for long-term mental health effects, including depression and PTSD.

To decompress and heal from these calls, many first responders use critical incident services management (CISM) debriefings after a traumatic event so they can manage the stress of the incident and not suffer any long-term mental health issues.

I authored House Bill 1118, which passed unanimously out of the House, to ensure any first responder using a CISM debriefing would not be compelled to disclose those conversations in a civil, criminal or administrative proceeding.

According to the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, there are more than 40 CISM teams in Indiana, made up of trained peer volunteers who arrive at the scene to help first responders or provide care in the following days. These sessions can be important in making sure our first responders are cared for and ready to respond to the next call.

Learn More
House Bill 1118 now moves to the Senate for further consideration. Click here to learn more about the bill and follow session.