Home Education Welding students making bike rack for Veterans Center

Welding students making bike rack for Veterans Center


TODAY (12/11/18); finishing touches beginning at 9 a.m  Welding Lab

Ivy Tech Community College 3501 N. First Avenue. (Come to Room 140, first)

Background:  Ivy Tech’s Welding Department is known for doing service projects and thinking outside the box on projects where students can use the skills they are learning, but help others in the process. One very notable example was when our Robotics and Welding Departments banded together to help a student who is wheel chair bound, to be able to stand so that he can work on cars (his major was Automotive Technology). They took an electric wheelchair, and revamped it to rise to a standing position.

Now there is another unique collaboration. An Ivy Tech student in the Human Services program does her clinical work at the U.S. Veterans Center. She heard a discussion recently that many veterans do not have transportation to get to their jobs or to the VA Hospital or Veterans Center, and associated locations. Knowing that Evansville has so many newly created bike lanes, and walking/biking trails, she thought perhaps Ivy Tech’s welding students could build a bike rack for the Veterans Center, and possibly another organization would donate some bikes; or vets who had bikes would have a place to safely keep them while at the location. Officials agreed this would be a great idea.


She approached Welding Program Chair John Durbin with the idea, and he agreed the students could do it.  Today, the students are putting the finishing touches on the rack during finals week, and it will  be presented to the Veterans Center.