Weinzapfel for Congress idea being floated on Facebook


This post was removed by Editor by request of Alex Jarvis because he states that this was an issue 15 years ago and isn’t accurate today!


  1. I appreciate the Editor’s prompt removal of this post. I am an avid collector of political memorabilia and had posted a bumper sticker from over 15 years ago to my facebook after recently receiving it as a gift. By following this same logic based on my posts then I am also supporting Curt John for some sort of office and Bert Steinkuhl for Governor (1950’s).

    • Why did the chicken sh– editor remove the link to Jarvis’s facebook screenshot. Jarvis and Owen were clearly expressing a desire to see Weinzapfel run for Congress AGAIN. I bet old Weiny knew it too. Never ever vote for that SOB for anything ever again. He has messed this city up so bad we will all be dead before its fixed.

      • Think you might need a new screen name? How bout Nobama2016 because hes got four more years.

    • Alex, If you would like a “I Support Short” shirt for your collection I have quite a few left. It’s guaranteed to make any Democrat look more fashionable. 😉 Shaun Short

      • Shaun, I sure hope you run again. I hated to see you and Al facing off against each other, especially when we had 8 other slots that need new leadership badly. The campaign you two ran against each other was as clean and honorable as any campaign can get and both of you should be commended for that.

        I’m hoping that people like Leibunguth, Lon Walters, J.D Strouth, and Bill Kramer stay aggressive and keep fighting until they get into an office, but I’m also hoping residents like you and Jeremy Heath can lead a new generation into power because it’s now more than obvious the current gray hairs just don’t get it and just don’t care.

      • Shaun you know I would a love a shirt of yours. I still have a full gas can in my trunk for you in case you run out of gas again!

  2. CCO – shoot from the hip. One can tell this site is not journalism because a true journalist independently verifies its stories before printing. That prevents a lot of “egg on your face” moments such as this.

    • Hey dude, Jarvis and Owen really were saying things on FB that sounded like they were pushing a future run for Weinzapfel. Someone at the CCO chickened out and took the link down. Probably one of the editors is afraid of Alex Jarvis.

      • I’m no supporter of Weinzapfel, but the editor should know that there may be one or two things on the internet that are not fact, hence the need to independently verify whatever is seen on internet posts. The CCO is guilty of shabby reporting.

        • I gotta call bullshit on that. When Mark Owen (former head of Vanderburgh Co. Democrats) and Alex Jarvis (Democrat campaign manager) put on Facebook that they wish Weinzapfel were running again it is a serious trial balloon. If nearly anyone else did it I would agree with you. I say the CCO caught these suckers looking for some confirmation of support for Hizexhonor to run for something and called them out. Hell, running for something is all he knows how to do. He sure as hell can’t practice law or work for a bank.

          • Justin “Alex” Jarvis was a high power paid Central Committee toadie for Chairman Owen during their support of Lloyd Winnecke against Rick Davis.

  3. Alex Jarvis Mark Owen Jonathan Weinzapfel.
    The Original Truth Squad.

  4. Don’t any of you people have something better to do with your time?

    If I want socialist propaganda I’ll read the Courier-as if that’s going to happen.

    The CCO used to be a site where conservatives could voice their opinions. Now the CCO is a fraternity of left wing loons who have literally nothing to do all day long but post illiterate trash.

    Get a grip, people: If you post more than one comment on an article you have too little meaningful work to do. Get a life, for crying out loud. If nothing else is available volunteer at the Rescue Mission!

  5. I’m on your side Editor. It looks more like a “disingenuous tactic”, that leaves them the opening for a “Who Me” response. Ex-King John is still viewed as “The King” by his minons, and they still line up to do his bidding,–the FB crap is a subtle “toe in the water”, if you will. No I don’t believe the pious denial of their Goal for their King,–also known as, “Sugar Daddy”,– in some circles..

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