Weekly for Communities
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Reopening plans paused

Governor Holcomb announced that Indiana’s reopening would be paused until at least July 31. What does that mean for your organization?

  • Cultural, entertainment, and tourism sites may operate at 50% capacity. This includes museums, zoos, aquariums, and like facilities
  • Movie theaters, bowling alleys, and similar facilities may operate at 50% capacity, adhering to social distancing guidelines
  • Venues may operate at a 50% capacity with adherence to social distancing guidelines
  • Social gatherings of up to 250 people may take place following the CDC social distancing guidelines.
  • Face coverings are highly recommended
  • Fairs, festivals and other similar outdoor events may open and conventions may resume.

Click here to read more about Stage 4.5.

IAH Logos

Don’t forget to submit your content idea!

At the 2019 Indiana Arts Homecoming, Kris Johnson, Debbie Fetzer, Jennifer Harbaugh, and Scotty Zwicker presented “The Culture and Practice of Teaching the Arts to Deaf Students,” introducing concepts related to how Deaf people express and incorporate their cultural identity into their art and performances, as well as highlighting practical issues related to their unique educational and communication needs.

You can present a session, too! We’re looking for artists, educators, and more to submit session proposals and ideas for the virtual 2020 Indiana Arts Homecoming.

Submit an idea.

Arts and Accessibility for All

An ADA 30th Anniversary Celebration Webinar

July 29, 2020 | 3:00 p.m. eastern

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is turning 30 this month! But how exactly does the ADA benefit communities, and the Hoosiers that live in them, when it comes to the arts? And how are arts programs, big and small, creating inclusive, welcoming environments? Join us for a webinar with special guests who will give first-hand experience about accommodations they’re making to ensure more inclusive arts experiences for all.


Important opportunities and resources:

What your peers have been up to

During the month of July, Indiana’s Poet Laureate Matthew Graham is curating a collection of poetry surrounding the themes of protest and pandemic. Featured is Chantel Massey’s “Black Sheep (mule of the world)” and can be read on Indiana Humanities’ website.

Indianapolis Movement Arts Collective announced their reopening plans with this creative video.

The Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership and Arts United of Greater Fort Wayne have announced several artists that will participate in the Make It Your Own Mural Festival, including Tobias Studios and Key Detail.

The Indiana Arts Commission is committed, internally and externally, to inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA). It’s a long journey, and our staff is here to learn with you. If you’re thinking of contacting me to talk about IDEA, please do.

Best wishes,

Stephanie Haines
Arts Education and Accessibility Manager
Indiana Arts Commission


(317) 450-9973
