Weekend Readers Forum



FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday?

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: : Has Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and City Council been a “Good Steward of the Public Trust” ?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed


  1. C+P now has their web site firewall in place you must describe to read any stories there, the obits seem to still be accessible tho. That’s all they got anyway, no real loss.

    • If you click on a story, and hit stop as soon as the text loads, it’ll stop loading before the firewall pops up blocking the story.

  2. With respects to Crash LaRue who won’t like this, but who I am happy to see post at the CCO today:
    1. It seems clear that Hillary Clinton is well-positioned to beat either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz and be the next President of the United States of America.
    2. Beat John Kasich? Probably not.
    3. But the GOP nominee is gonna be Trump or Cruz. (It has become clear Cruz is an anti-Semite, btw.)
    All of this is very bad news for the Republican Party, and anyone who dislikes Democrats.
    With Trump or Cruz as the GOP Nominee, there are gonna be three types of Republican voters in the Fall election:
    a. Those that vote for Trump/Cruz for President.
    b. Many of the GOP/Chamber of Commerce types that cross the aisle and vote for Hillary Clinton.
    c. Those that are so disgusted, they stay home and don’t vote.
    GOP Senators running for re-election (24 of them) NEED those missing voters to win. NEED them bad.
    And to repeat…..that means:
    1. The Democrats will win the White House again.
    2. The Democrats will control the United States Senate.
    3. The Supreme Court of the United States will have a liberal majority, and everyone reading this will be dead before the SCOTUS is ever conservative again.
    (Thanks Tea Party. You guys sure love the Democrats…..)

    • It is hardly surprising that the hordes of gamma and delta males among our progressive operatives burn to vote for Hillary. With her long record of criminality, lying, and incompetence stretching back decades, how could it be otherwise? Our testosterone-deprived drones of low intelligence long to abase themselves before a female tyrant and her consort, as well as her cheating husband. What concerns those of us in the progressive leadership with functioning minds is how our gamma and delta males crowed that the election of President Obama meant that the Republican Party would be shut out of controlling Congress for the next 30-40 years. Unfortunately, our dictatorship lasted all of two years, largely because of the Tea Party types. Thank Marx, the Republican Party nominated, if not a gamma or delta, one of their own tame Chamber of Commerce beta males in 2012. I would caution our progressive gamma and delta males to await their instructions from us, rather than embarrass themselves again, as the quite hapless progressive epsilon male Becker did in 2010 and 2014.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

      • Hmmm.
        Anybody else here think “V” isn’t dead after all? That he’s alive and well somewhere deep in J.Coddington’s brain?
        (…btw, any impression you have Obama has not been effective and dominant over the GOP – I could cull at least that from your aspirated particulate matter – well, you are wrong, V.)

  3. You have to be a US Citizen to vote in Presidential elections. By voting year in the last >>>> Presidential elections,
    this is the national percentage of eligible voters (Eligible: 18 and older and a US Citizen) that is HISPANIC:
    1992: 8.3% Hispanic
    1996: 11.2% Hispanic
    2000: 13.2% Hispanic
    2004: 16.1% Hispanic
    2008: 19.5% Hispanic
    2012: 23.7% Hispanic of the total US Population

    • Don, in 2015 Governor Jerry Brown made it legal for all people in California (whether legal or not ) whom possess a valid drivers license a right to vote in any election ,,,,state or federal
      In other words illegal aliens with valid drivers license might elect the next US president

      • Sorry Eviltaxpayer. Not true. False. A lie (repeated, but still not true).
        CA’s motor/voter law registers you to vote, but NOT in Federal elections if you are not a US citizen.
        Only a US citizen in all circumstances is eligible to vote in Federal elections. Period.
        Even in California.
        (Another Obama Kenya story….a lie.)

        “Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they COULD be allowed to vote in elections IF THE Secretary of State’s office FAILS TO VERIFY their eligibility.”
        Bears and dogs could vote IF THE SofState fails to verify their eligibility too!!
        Your post is wrong ET.

        • …..now it appears you do agree…..however…..that HISPANIC US Citizens WILL HELP ELECT the next POTUS…..by ever increasing numbers in the next election. Sucks for the GOP which has said it will steal their international banking transfer funds (Trump) and calls them rapists.
          Yeah….great way to win votes of US Citizens!!

          • Don I repeat illegal aliens are able to vote if they possess a valid California drivers license

          • I know. You repeat it. Just like the Obama/Kenya thing.
            It’s a lie. Repeating it won’t make it true.
            Licensed or not, CA or not, it doesn’t matter.
            Only US Citizens are eligible to vote in Federal elections.
            Eviltaxpayer, these people exploit you because you will give them money if they repeat what you want to hear. They make a commission when you give them money…all the time….repeating what you want to hear….you are being exploited. It’s sick ET.

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