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  1. According to political genius JoeBiden, a small unscientific poll in Mayberry oops I mean Evansville, IN is an unflappable prediction of the election for US President. Might as well start making plans for the inauguration President Trump! Genius pollster JoeBiden is ready to call this thing! A poll participated in by at least 5 dozen people, how can you question this research?

      • C’mon Press. You gotta do better than that.
        A link w/ the word “liar?” TWICE?
        What is this, second grade? I mean, we all know Trump’s voters are dim, but c’mon…..

    • That’s a national poll in July. There’s this little thing called the electoral college you may have heard of.

    • Maybe you need to take a look at the big picture, PAK.


      In reality, I expect Trump to out-poll Hillary over the next week, but I doubt he will go above 45% in those polls. Once the conventions are over, you’ll see Hillary settling in around 48% and Trump around his 44% ceiling, with about 8% going to the third parties. Hillary will take most of the states with larger amounts of electoral votes and swing states. You and Biden surround yourselves with other narrow-minded racists and haters, so you tend to believe that most people share your views. They don’t. Most of us will hold our noses and vote for Hillary. Your party blew its chance to move back in at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. when the reality-show star played you.

      • Well now. That is about as accurate, direct, pungent and unforgivingly honest as you are gonna get PRESS.
        Right LKB.
        Yeah! What she said!

  2. What sort of American citizen would want to put these two liars back in the white House? It is beyond comprehension.

    • Honesty is your criteria? And you think Trump has been honest and free of lies? Where’s his tax return?

      • It’s a good point. Trump can’t afford to release his tax returns. Too much bad news, and it will contradict his claims of truth about being so rich he can fund his own campaign. (He lied about that, BTW)

        But let’s be clear. Pressanykey’s sudden claims that “honesty” is important in his choice of candidate….is a pure lie. And you pointed that out very well Half Sense.

  3. Notice Trump’s comments on the coup attempt in Turkey during the Pence thing?:
    “It looks like their resolving the difficulty, but we wish them well,” he said. “A lot of anguish last night but hopefully it will all work out.”
    Wow!……he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He has no idea. Leader of America “candidate” says, “Hopefully it will all work out.” Stunning. But clear that Trump has no idea, NO idea, about anything related to US foreign policy.

    This kind of continued Trump embarrassment will happen a lot more frequently as this goes on through November. Lots of hype now, but soon, people will begin to ask “What would you do? What should be done?” And Trump doesn’t know. He can’t handle that conversation. George W Bush will look brilliant compared to Trump. It will kill Trump’s chances of gaining majority confidence of voters, especially in the debates.

    • I will bet his SOS pick will be head and shoulders above Obama’s last couple of picks. You know, everyone who has dealings with the Clintons comes away tarnished. In the above video of Hillary lying, she says she knew she didn’t send any classified emails “because she knew the laws concerning classified emails”. So when that was exposed to be a lie, poor old James Comey had to fall on his sword in order to save her ass, and contradict Hillary’s own words by telling the public through the Oversight Committee hearing that she didn’t understand the laws concerning classified emails. Who are we to believe?

      She is circling the drain, and Trump has not even started on her yet. Wait until after the convention, when the gloves come off, she is the owner of a very target rich environment.

      Why has she not come up with a running mate yet? Is it because no one with a political brain in their head will go anywhere near her? Anyone want to hazard a guess as to who the poor bast…, ops….I mean unfortunate sacrificial lamb might be?

        • Press:
          Your posts are bordering on utter stupidity Pressanykey.
          It’s like you are desperately inventing some aspirational, pretend narrative.
          Like you’re an air-headed cheerleader or something.
          …..kind of like you’re afraid to talk about Trump’s press conference with Pence today.

          (And THAT chemistry between Trump and Pence was DEAD. NO chemistry. None.
          Like Trump can’t wait for the date to end so he can get away. All candidates announce VP choices on the eve of their Convention….something you pretend not to know Press, by the way……and there were forced smiles w/ Trump, reluctant introduction of Pence, forced handshake pictures…and a clearly un-proud Trump insecurely waiting after nearly an hour to introduce Pence.
          Press….no amount of air-headed cheerleading from you today…..will make people not notice that Trump/Pence, the T-P duo, is a bad pairing.

      • agree Press crooked doormat hillarys poll numbers have sunk faster than that other liberal icon drunk teddy kennedys car in the dark waters of Chappaquiddick………………….

  4. God Bless Mr.Trump………..Law and Order……..2016 and Beyond…………………………

    • Right. He needs all the help he can get Al. You are right to invoke intercession from the Divine.

    • May I ask how you felt about the shenanigans the Bundy clan pulled earlier this year?

  5. Oh…….THIS…..is not what Pressanykey wants the WALL STREET JOURNAL (owned by Fox News Owner, Rupert Murdoch) to be saying this time of year:

    WSJ HEADLINE TODAY: U.S. Data Point to a Stronger Economy
    “Confident consumers and a stabilizing factory sector put the wind at the U.S. economy’s back as it entered the second half of the year. A slew of reports Friday pointed to a healthy gain in retail sales, a pickup in industrial production and firming inflation last month. Overall growth appears solid, and continued strength in household spending stands to propel the economy in the coming months.
    Said Gus Faucher, deputy chief economist at PNC Financial Services Group. “The fundamentals continue to look good.”

    Start quoting old stats that say the WSJ is wrong today, Press. Wind it up.

    • Summer is upon us. All the construction work that could not be done during the bad weather months is in full swing at the moment. One would think such an astute businessman as yourself would have been aware of seasonal changes in the economy. But what in the hell does this have to do with Hillary? Absolutely NOTHING?
      Trying to lead the conversation away from lying Hillary?

      And BTW, it isn’t your grandfather’s Wall Street Journal anymore, as this graph shows:


      • PRESSANYKEY….these results are from the first half of the year.
        Jesus Christ.
        There are no results for the 2nd half of the year.
        Because WE ARE IN THE 2nd HALF OF THE YEAR!

        You’re making crap up Pressanykey.
        (“Let’s just make crap up. Just say anything. They’re dumb-asses. They’ll believe anything.” That conversation. Press….they are talking about YOU.)

      • I actually followed this latest, tedious LINK Pressanykey just posted.
        (I am one of the 1 in 50 who does that, actually follows PAK’s ignorant links.)

        PRESSANYKEY………What in the hell are you doing w/ your time that you follow stupid, insipid, white-supremacist web sites like this? ARE YOU NUTS?

  6. the economy is without a doubt under commie barry a disgrace…………47,000,000 Americans living…… in poverty…………and more to come if the liberal policies continue…………….Mr.Trump……..Jobs……….Law and Order………2016 and Beyond………..http://www.usdebtclock.org/

    • Right. Al Sharpie is saying the WSJ is wrong.
      Who do you want to believe on the economy?
      The Wall Street Journal, or some toothless, ignorant savage redneck who says what he thinks over a chunk of chaw in his cheek?

      • If he won’t believe ultra conservative zionist owned WSJ, then what will he believe? I guess info wars or brietbart.

  7. Could this be Hillary’s pick for Veep?

    Elisabeth Warren:

    [Warren voted as a Republican for many years, saying, “I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets”. According to Warren, she began to vote Democratic in 1995 because she no longer believed that to be true, but she states that she has voted for both parties because she believed that neither party should dominate.] Wiki

    • Some how I could not imagine Hillary and Warren working together. It is nice that we do not have to worry about it.

      • blah….blah…reading you has become BORING.
        You REALLY need new material Press. For God’s sake.

    • (Anything from Breitbart or Mother Jones is just public relations/advertising agency copy. They are not “news” sites. Might as well go to GE.com to get your news….just post a link to http://www.mtdew.com, JoeBiden.)

      • ….I mean, seriously Joe. Are so bad off you have to go to an advertising site to waste time?

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