FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday?

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Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today for the Republican primary for the 8th Congressional seat who would you vote for?

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  1. Did anyone notice that the new “law” punishing Indiana women was conveniently signed right before a holiday weekend when people will be distracted? As I said on another post, I hope this brings a huge financial hurt to Indiana due to extensive court costs from all the suits that will come down the line. And Indiana will again be held up as a very backward state which cannot seem to get past 1950. Do the men in Indiana not understand that they do not speak for or rule women? I can say nothing more than “WOW!” Sounds like a fitting legacy for a really bad governor/representative. Between the abortion/fetal burying or cremation bill and the lack of “getting” the whole LGBT issue in Indiana, Pence will go down with one bad reputation.

    • Are you referring to the abortion ban for reasons of birth defects/disabilities? Do they not think women can just turn around and say they just don’t want the baby then? How stupid can these guys be? Also, way to be “fiscally conservative” wasting our money on this crap. Fire Pence.

      • It is UNBELIEVABLE Indiana lawmakers would insert themselves into the private, intimate, personal decisions of Parents navigating birth defects/disabilities during pregnancy. UNBELIEVABLE. The height of interference in private lives.

        • That’s what Indiana’s rainy day fund is for, to waste in front of the Supreme Court.

          Mourdock, Billy Boy Bolin and now Reverend Pence are proving that….

        • In other words, who the hell do they think they are!?!?! Thanks for the comment Don Becker.

      • Speaking of being “fiscally conservative,” Mitch Daniels was one of the first to embrace the State created Common Core standards and as soon as Obama agreed with what the States had adopted, because of pressure from his Tea Freaks, Reverend Pence changed a couple words in it and low and behold, this is what it led to;

        “Other states already are feeling the standards-switch pinch. Researchers at the Fordham Institute and the Oklahoma Business & Education Coalition predict the price for Oklahoma’s new standards could top $125 million because of the costs of new textbooks, professional development and a new assessment. Meanwhile, the Oklahoma Department of Education estimates the state’s move away from Common Core would cost the state only $1.24 million.

        The nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency predicts that the price of preparing teachers for new standards in Indiana could top $125 million. The Louisiana Department of Education predicts a cost of $25 million for overhauling the standards in that state.”

        If you can find out the exact waste of moola from any Indiana newspapers or publications you’re a better man than I am.

        Speaking of being a better man than I am, maybe Joe Biden will find it out for us….

  2. And a cheery Easter to you. I believe what you are labeling as hate is disbelief, indignation, and disgust at the unbelievable sexist and cruel behavior of the state government thinking that individuals and their rights can be trampled in such a blatant manner. As a woman, I can tell you beyond any doubt that this WILL be changed in the future and that a huge hurt will be put on the state for having tried it. No one and I mean NO ONE will tell me how to manage my life or my body, and likewise no one will come between me and my health care professionals. Women have come too far for this garbage. Even my grandmother born in 1883 must be throwing the brakes on her model A and racing to organize a protest. Or perhaps she will just bring a large iron skillet and start swinging. Women in my family did not take sh*t off anyone. And no one should have to put up with this garbage.

    • And garbage is exactly what it is Martha.

      I’ll be giving you my phone number come June to see if you and your husband can come out and spend an evening around animals that are as different as Americans, Asians, South Americans, liberals, conservatives, big animals and small animals, but all get along because they are (smart enough) to know the art of survival is compromise.

      You’re gonna love it.


  3. Here is my rant.
    Dopers!!!! I’m not talking about the occasional marijuana smokers. I’m talking about Dopers. You know the people in their 20’s (some older) that are still either living at home with mommy and daddy or livng with other Dopers in a one bedroom apartment. Dopers still sponging off their parents. Either not working or working some b.s. job for 20 hours or less a week. Getting food stamps or some type of assistance. Shoplifting everyday (never food items) rolling papers,cigarettes, or energy drinks. They have no dreams or plans for their lives. Just living day to day. The parents think it is a phase the Dopers are going through but they are the ones giving them money. Then the Dopers parents start noticing small items like jewelry and prescription medications are missing. They confront the Dopers about The missing items and The Dopers admit stealing or become offend that they would be accused of stealing. The parents are also raising the Dopers children because it is too much of a burden on the Dopers. When the Dopers get arrested the parents call down or come to court saying the Dopers are good kids and need a break or sometimes ask that the court send the Dopers to drug rehab. When drug rehab does not work or the Dopers keep falling drug rehab the parents blame everyone except the Dopers. I don’t have too much faith that the Dopers will ever change..every once in awhile you hear a story about a doper has their life back on track. What is the answer I don’t know. I’m just ranting.

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